Chapter 46: All That Matters

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Chapter 46: All That Matters

"Justin are you sure you don't want to go out with us? It's gonna be fun bro," Chaz said fixing his shirt in his reflection on the window.

I sighed, "Yeah I think I'll hang out here, watch the celebration on the TV. Have fun guys."

Ryan and Chaz are going hang out in Times Square for a little bit then hit some clubs for drinks but I didn't feel up to it. It's New Years Eve and Sarah won't get to actually spend it with me. Normally couples celebrate together going into a new year together and kissing at midnight but sadly not this time. I guess that's why I want to be here with her. If we can't spend it together, actually together, then this is as good as it's gonna get.

She's squeezed my hand before when I was talking to her so my hope and faith in her has gained. I have a feeling she knows I'm here with her and that thought puts a smile on my face. My family all went back home figuring that when Sarah does wake up and feels better we can go see them. My mom stayed and her, Mark, and Miranda decided to go get dinner at a fancy restaurant so I'll be alone this New Years Eve but that's okay. I have Sarah.

Time passed and I got bored watching the New Years Celebration so I chose to talk to Sarah. I do this quite often hoping that when I talk to her she'll somehow know and squeeze my hand again or do anything really. I tell her random things, lame things, funny things, fan things, and sometimes just sing to her hoping that something I say will reach her.

"Chaz's is still upset that he lost at bowling and wants a rematch with Ryan and I. He says he bets he can at least beat you so we all have to go bowling to prove him wrong. He really sucks at bowling, I'm pretty sure your better." I chuckled. I fixed my position in the chair beside her bed and held her hand then continued to watch Ryan Seacrest on TV.

"Ryan sure loves hosting things. Wait isn't that all he does? Hmm," I chuckled. "Ya see? I'm an idiot. But of course who am I to tell you something you already know." I laughed thinking I'm kinda funny but realized I was just lame.

I sighed, "Ya know I wouldn't even mind if you called me an idiot, or dumb, or stupid right now. Just wake up. Please?" I felt a tear slip out and I moved to wipe it away. I didn't want to cry anymore.

That doens't mean I won't but I don't want to.

"Okay what about my jokes? I have no one here to laugh at them. Everyone else doens't laugh, you laugh at anything, so wake up and laugh at my jokes babe."

I lifted my feet up onto another chair and turned the TV up a little. It went to commercial so I pulled out my phone. I went to Instagram and posted a picture of my feet, edge of the bed Sarah's, and the TV on the wall.

justinbieber; happy new years eve. love you all.

I got comments back asking if that's how I was spending my New Years but I didn't reply. I mean I never really do on Instagram but the picture tells them. I went on Twitter and scrolled through the comments about Sarah and almost all of them were telling her to get better. I smiled. I love my fans.

@justinbieber; I can't wait to show Sarah all these get well soon tweets :) #getwellSarah

I put my phone up and focused on the TV again. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis were performing so I jammed out to the song and laid my head back. It was close to midnight now. Once Miley came on I knew she was the last act so it was almost time to count down. I sat up and watched her and smiled at her performance. I haven't talked to Miley in awhile but I hope she's doing good. She told me to tell Sarah she seen some of her performances and loves her voice. I'll have to tell her.

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