Chapter 45: To Sarah

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Chapter 45: To Sarah


I didn't even turn to face the caller. I continued to stare at Sarah's sleeping face and wonder how she could still look so peaceful and beautiful.

I haven't left her bed once willingly. I was physically forced by Kenny and brought to a hotel they were staying at to sleep, take a shower, and eat. Two of those things however weren't necessarily done. I tried to sleep and eat but I couldn't. I couldn't knowing that Sarah was in this hell hole motionless.

I blame myself for this. For all of it.

Everyone keeps telling me it's not my fault but I can't believe them. If I would have paid more attention to how she felt, compared to her being so forceful to me when kissing me then she wouldn't be here. I should've realized that her being forceful was trying to help her forget and to forget everything.

But no, I'm too stupid to see.

"Justin sweetie?" I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and finally realized who it was.

I turned slowly and met the eyes of my mom.

"Mom," I whispered out in an exhale. I stood shakily and wrapped my arms around her while she did the same and wept into her shoulder.

She didn't mind and rubbed my back shushing me calmly. I don't know how long it was that we hugged but I knew it was for a long time. I finally stood back and wiped my face with my arm. I wasn't normally one to cry in front of people but I had a reason too and besides my mom's an exception. Whenever I'm down to the point of tears she knows it's a big deal and understands me in a way I feel comfortable to cry like this with her.

I've noticed about a month or so back when I had major issues with the media, I had cried like I would have to my mom with Sarah. She understood me and didn't judge me just like my mom doesn't.

That thought made me want to cry again.

I let out a small whimper and sat back down in the chair beside the bed resting my head on the it. I heard movement and a chair was placed beside mine and my mom's fingers ran through my hair.

"Oh baby it's gonna be alright. It looks small right now but you gotta give it time. Give her time to heal. Then, when she's ready, she'll come back to you. She wouldn't leave you here."

Her words comforted me a little because I knew that myself. We all knew Sarah was strong, the strongest person I know for all the things she's been through to be able to get through this. But each day, each week goes on and I feel myself losing hope.

I sigh and sit up keeping my eyes looking down at my hands.

"It's been three weeks mom. That's not a long time I know since the doctor said it could be months but Christmas is this week and she won't be able to be here with us. We had things planned out because she wanted to enjoy being home again. She's worked so hard! We we're suppose to come home from tour and be able to relax with family. She was suppose to meet you, dad, Jazzy, Jax, grandma, grandpa, everybody!"

"Honey! She still can. It doens't have to be Christmas for her to meet us. Once she wakes up and feels better she can meet us. You and I both know Scooter will you time off. He's upset about this too you know. Everyone is Justin, but we stay strong and keep hope that this beautiful, young girl will wake up soon and feel better knowing she won't be in danger anymore! Justin, baby, you just got to have hope and know that God knows what he's doing. He knows what strong love you two have and He's not gonna tear her from you."

I nod and wipe the tears that fell. I look up and look at Sarah. Her mouth is covered with the oxygen mask helping her breathe and the heart rate machine beside her is the only thing telling me she's alive. That she's not gone.

We sat there for awhile, my mom holding my hand rubbing it while my feet rested on her legs. We started talking about how tour went and how good Sarah was in the concerts and how fans really took a liking to her.

"There's a trend on twitter saying get well Sarah, did you know that?" My mom said smiling.

I shook my head. "Really?"

"Mhm there's tons of tweets telling her to get well soon, or if she's okay, things like that. You're beliebers sure are something,"

I smiled, "Yeah they are. You think I should let out a tweet telling them thanks and letting them know how she's doin'?"

My mom nods smiling back so I take my phone from my pocket and open the Twitter app.

"@justinbieber; to everyone asking about Sarah, she's.. okay. still asleep but we aren't losing hope. keep those tweets coming so i can show her when she wakes how much my beliebers are truly amazing. much love.

I show my mom the tweet and she smiles nodding. I send it out and put my phone back in my pocket.

After awhile of talking some more about tour and Sarah my mom finally coaxes me out of that room. I follow her to the waiting room and spot them like a sore thumb.

"Ryan! Chaz!" I yell and run up to them almost tackling them.

"Hey man," Ryan says smiling.

We release out of the hug and I notice them taking in my appearance. I wipe my face a little and watch them sigh.

"Don't worry about it bro, you don't have to hide it from us. We had our time crying in the plane ride over here," Chaz said smiling a little.

I nod and realize that these are my best buds they've seen me at my worst before too. I smile at them and hug them again.

"Thanks for coming guys. I think I really need the company."

We get out of the group hug again and are all but shoved out the door by my mom telling me that she'll stay with Sarah's uncle and aunt while we go do something fun. I almost decline but she pulls me aside.

"Justin one day to yourself not crunched up in that room doesn't make you a bad boyfriend. I'm sure she'd tell you the same thing and kick you out herself. Go have fun with your friends for a little bit and I'll call you if anything happens alright?"

"Thanks mom." We hug and I pull my hood and glasses up as some paps were at the doors. Luckily this is a top hospital so it has some gates at the front to avoid letting all of them come. These are just ones that got lucky to come this close but will soon be confronted by the cops.

We push passed them and hop into a black range rover waiting for us. I get comfortable as we start to drive somewhere. I don't even know where.

"So I know we're suppose to have fun and all but can you tell us some stuff about.. Sarah so we can know? We didn't really get to hear all of what's going on.." Chaz asked quietly. I bit my lip and nodded.

I told them everything about the texts, and talking to Kyle, the story of her mom and Kyle's insane father, her leaving to meet up with him and everything I knew from what happened with them there leading up to Sarah being in the hospital.

"Woah." Ryan said spacing out taking everything in.

I nodded and looked out the window. Retelling the story made me want to go back to her even more.

"So is Kyle's dad, Thomas, dead?" Chaz asked speaking up as we all just say in silence.

"Yeah Chaz he has to be right? I mean if Kyle shot him and he fell into the pond he's either dead or cops have him. Either way he's not messing with Sarah or her family anymore. Bright side to all of his.." Ryan said his eyes on me.

"Yeah I guess," I mumbled.

We sat in silence again listening to the car drive and the flashing of cars beside us.

"She'll be okay Justin don't worry," Chaz said patting my knee. I nodded smiling a little hoping he's right. "Alright well then everybody ready for me to beat your asses in bowling?"

He smirked and Ryan shook his head. "Chaz out of all the times us three have went bowling you've won like what one time!"

I busted out laughing at this. I don't know why because it wasn't that funny but I couldn't stop laughing. Ryan joined my laughter after he stopped looking at me strange while Chaz glared at us pouting playfully.

"Whatever today's the day I beat both of you! Or at least Justin," Chaz said smirking.

"Whatever Somers. Game on,"


To Mom:

we're coming back to the hospital now. anything new?

I sent the text as we sat in the car driving down the road and put my phone in my pocket.

"I have to admit today was so much fun," I said smiling at my two goofs of friends. Ryan won most of the times we played but I won a couple too. Chaz on the other hand won once. He really is not the best bowler.

"Yeah I know we should do that more often!" Ryan said.

"No. Screw you both,"

I laughed, "C'mon Chaz don't be a sore loser."

"Justin the boy a break he can't stop at being a loser it's his specialty!"

Ryan and I laughed while Chaz flipped us off and went on his phone. I knew he was actually fine because when we were still laughing I saw him glimpse our way and smile. I smiled and sat in a comfortable silence.

"Can we stop at McDonald's," I asked after awhile.

"Someone finally ready to get food in their body?" Chaz asked sitting up and stretching.

"Yeah man I'm starving, you guys wore me out," they laughed at cracked jokes about me needing to work out more then saying we should all go to the gym tomorrow. I agreed to that and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and checked the text.

From Mom:

Yes actually! Mark was sitting beside her when you left and he said he felt her hand move! That's a good sign! :)

I smiled widely. It may not be much but to me it feels like the world. She's able to actually move her body parts now so maybe she'll be able to wake herself up. I continued to smile as I sent a text back replying how relieved I am and why she didn't tell me sooner.

And since I'm an awesome son I told her I'm bringing McDonald's for everyone.

"Why you so smiley?" Chaz said waving a hand in front of my face.

"What? Oh! Sarah moved her hand! Her uncle was sitting with her and he felt it move!"

They cheered agreeing with me that she could wake up soon. I told the driver once we got to McDonald's to just order a bunch of hamburgers and some fries for everyone since it was us three and my mom, Mark and Miranda.

"Today's just turning out great. I get my best buds, a fun afternoon, McDonalds, and Sarah's showing signs of movement!"

The guys laughed as I was just bubbling with energy and smiling. I felt back to normal. Not sad and lonely. Sure I still had that pain in my chest that Sarah was still in a bad shape but I reminded myself not to lose hope.

Maybe everything will be okay again.

Few Days Later...

"Merry Christmas!" Everyone screamed and smiled. It's finally Christmas and the whole family came to see us in New York instead of us in Canada. I didn't want to leave Sarah by herself here in case she woke up and my mom didn't want me to be alone Christmas so here everyone is.

We decided not to have opening the gifts and being with family at the hospital because it'd be kinda weird and just feel wrong. Mark didn't mind us going to their house but I was unsure so we settled just enjoying Christmas at the hotel so everyone could stay in their own room with family on the hall with us.

I smiled as I looked around and saw Jax and Jazzy running around playing with their new toys, my dad talking to Mark and Miranda helping my mom set the table to eat. My grandma and grandpa were taking to Erin while the rest of the family laughed along.

It felt wrong to enjoy the time with everyone without Sarah being here since her aunt and uncle were here but I knew she'd want us to enjoy it.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge and cracked it open moving my way through everyone tying to find Chaz and Ryan. They had their Christmas with their families before they flew out here when they heard the news so it was okay for them to be here.

"Drinking already Justin?" Chaz asked laughing.

"Yep but sorry kids can't have alcohol so you can't have non," I chuckled taking a sip.

Ryan laughed while Chaz muttered some nonsense about how he was gonna seek revenge on me one day. I laughed and sat down beside them taking another sip.


I looked at saw Jazzy running towards me with her new toy. I scooped her up and sat her in my lap jumping her up and down on my knee.

"Hey Jaz how you like your toy?"

"It's so much fun! Santa's awesome!"

I laughed and talked with her catching up since I hadn't seen her in awhile. Soon Jaxo came over and took a spot on my other knee and I asked him what been going on with him. Jaz stayed and played with her you on my knee while Jax talked and came in to say something every once and awhile.

"Hey Justin?" Jazzy asked.


"Does Sarah get to come over?"

I felt Chaz turn his head as he heard the conversation.

"No not today. I hoping soon so you can meet her."

"I thought you said she was gonna see us today?"

"Yeah that's what you said," Jax commented.

I sighed, "She couldn't come today. But soon you'll meet her. I hope you like her."

Jazzy giggled while Jax just smiled, "Of course we'll like her! She makes bubba happy!"

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah she does. I'm glad you guys will. I love you goobers."

I tickled them both and they laughed and screamed trying to get free. Eventually they did and ran away laughing.

Everyone of course heard them and laughed too until my mom told everyone dinner was ready.

We all stood up and made our way to the table.

"Merry Christmas everyone, and tonight we say an extra little prayer for our strong fighter in hospital tonight."

"To Sarah," we all said quietly and I took a sip of my beer. A tear slid down my cheek but was quickly wiped away.


5 more chapters to go... :( love you guys so much. 8.7 reads how does this happen?? <3 

+the epilogue c:

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