Chapter 35: My Life Changes Forever

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The next day was crazy. I told Justin I had finally decided I was ready to come on tour with him and be able to live my dream away from home. I stayed up all that night deciding and figured, I should go for it and see where it takes me. Besides I missed Justin terribly. Of course he was ecstatic. His screams along with the other guys broke my ear drums when I called to tell them the news.

"Scooter is thrilled. He said he has tons of things planned for you and everything will go great!" I could hear Justin's excitement over the phone as I packed some of my suitcases. I called into work and told them I was resigning because I am going away and won't be able to work with them.

I also texted Marcus. I figured he's been nothing but nice to me and even though he was the reason Justin and I had an argument it wasn't his fault. I let him know that I was going on tour with Justin and going to try out my way into the career as well. He wished me luck and we said our farewells on the phone. We were not close at all but the thought that my normal routine was going to be gone scared me.

Justin told me all the things that would change such as privacy, hate, and rumors but I also knew of the satisfactions of this. I stayed focus on those.

"I just can't believe this. You're coming on tour with me and will be with me. I just am so excited. I miss you like crazy Sarah."

I smiled, "I miss you too but don't worry we will see each other tomorrow."

Tomorrow. The day my life changes forever.


"I'm going to miss you sweetheart."

My flight was boarding and I really had to go but I had so much trouble letting go of my uncle.

"Please stay safe, stay strong, and stay you. If you need anything I'm only a phone call away."

I nodded into his chest keeping his words locked in my head.

"You need to go darlin'." He whispered.

I squeezed tighter before stepping back, tears blurring my vision.

"I love you. Be careful." I said. I worried for him. He had said not to but I do. I worried for his health, his life and his loneliness. I wanted him to be happy and safe from whatever was hurting my family.

"I will. Love you too kid." He pecked my forehead before pulling away.

I grabbed my bags and nodded turning around walking to the doors. I will miss New York and my family, but I'm ready to start this new adventure with my other family as well.

The lady checked my ticket before I got onto the plane placing my bag in the upper compartment. I texted Justin then put my phone up since I was on the plane and would see him soon. I waited as patiently as I could as I was excited to see Justin. Just a couple of hours...


I slept most of the time on the plane and the other part writing songs. It calmed me greatly when I started to panic that I wasn't good enough but I pushed that aside and focused on my music.

When the plane officially landed since I was on the outside seat I grabbed my bag and rushed off. I was in a new country and was extremely confused when I got into the baggage claim. Justin's tour was in London for two more days so this is where I was meeting him at and get to spend my first trip away from home at. I found my luggage quite easily and grabbed them checking my phone for any texts/calls from Justin while I walked towards the pick up section of the airport. I was nervous yet excited to see him. My heart was pounding with the joy of being able to have him next to me again without a computer screen.

I checked the time which said 12:07 just seven minutes after my plane was scheduled to land. I decided I'd text Justin letting him know I've landed and was waiting at whatever letter it said when I heard my name being called. I turned towards the voice and immediately the world stopped.

As cheesy and overused airport meeting with your boyfriend I didn't care. I ran to him and was met with him strong arms. I breathed in his scent as he squeezed me close our breaths staggering out of excitement. I looked up at his eyes which sadly were covered with his glasses but I still could feel them looking into mine. Once our lips meet I knew I made the right decision. We passionately kissed for awhile before pulling apart but staying in each others arms.

I saw his bodyguards grab my suitcases and walk away leaving two other bodyguards and Kenny. I smiled up at Justin loving this moment together. He pecked my lips once more before grabbing my waist and keeping me as close as possible.

We walked kinda quickly out the airport more than likely to avoid anyone spotting Justin or noticing me with some guy who most likely would be Justin and causing an outbreak. A black Range Rover was waiting out the doors and was opened when we got to it. Justin motioned for me to get in so I hopped in getting help from Justin by lifting my waist and sitting in the leather seats. Justin got in as well and sat beside me kissing my temple.


I screamed, my heart jumping out of my mouth as Chaz and Ryan jumped up behind me. While everyone was having a laughing fit telling me I should've seen my face, I started to smile. These people are who I'm going to have to deal with for awhile and I honestly couldn't be happier.

"Hey guys," I smiled to them when they finally shut up.

"We missed you cutie!" They ruffled my hair and kissed the sides of my cheeks.

Justin cleared his throat, "Back of boys she's mine."

They quickly sat down in their seats while Justin just laughed and pulled me closer to him.

"I love you beautiful."

I looked at him, "I love you too handsome."

He winked at me while we heard gagging from the backseat.

"Mr. Bieber we have reached the hotel. There are less girls, would you like to be dropped off here or the back?"

"Here will be fine we have enough security," Justin said quietly.

The driver nodded and quickly got out. There was a tap at our door signally they were ready and Justin grabbed my hand tighter while Chaz and Ryan were standing as much as they could since we were in a car. Justin nodded at them and it began.

Chaz and Ryan jumped out the moment the door was opened then Justin and I right behind them. Four security guards were around us all together while Kenny was directly behind Justin. It was chaos. The girls and paparazo's screams and hands flying everywhere was crazy. Justin tightened his grip around my waist as he ducked his head a little since the lights were blinding.

"Is Sarah coming on your tour now too?" One of the paparazzi yelled.

"She's just gonna distract you!"

"Yeah! Why Justin?!"

Justin shook his head getting angry. I rubbed my hand on his side calming him down.

"Please don't tell me she's gonna be singing! She sucks!" A couple people with the cameras laughed and continued laughing.

"Why don't-"

"Stop. I don't care." I said sternly. He looked at me with his eyebrows together.

We reached the doors and was finally away from the madness. I could see Justin's chest rising and falling very quickly so I looked away giving him space as he released his tight grip on me. I followed Chaz and Ryan as they started walking with some bodyguards as Kenny and others were with Justin behind us.

"Don't worry about it. They're wrong because you're great okay?" Ryan said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I nodded and continued walking. We went into the elevator and the groups changed. Justin stepped on with us three and Kenny plus 2 more security guards with my luggage while the others stayed off. I scooted into the corner playing with the string on my sleeve and waited for us to make it to the correct floor. Since we were only the 12th floor it wasn't too long and we got off. I followed Justin this time as we were sharing a room and he would know where it was. I grabbed my luggage from one of the bodyguards smiling adding in a 'thank you' and waited for Justin to open the door.

Once he did he sighed as he opened it stepping in. I was right behind him and closed the door setting my bags to the side.

He ran his hand through his hair still not looking at me. "This wasn't how I planned our first day together..."

"I know. It's okay. I might as well get used to it right?" I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Please don't be upset anymore."

I could feel him take a deep breath before he turned to face me wrapping his arms around me as I put mine on his neck.

"I just wish they wouldn't do this to you too. You're absolutely great they just don't see it yet..."

I chuckled, "Well Mr. Popstar, let's just show em."

He smiled and leaned in slowly, kissing my lips.

"Haters are just confused admirers."


Hiiii. Sorry this more than likely sucks and is probably short I wanted to get this to you guys and I couldn't put anything else in this chapter. It's a filler so don't worry. I also wanted to get this out because it's my birthday tomorrow!

Yes the 12th of November is my birthday so I wanted to get this to y'all. :)

Anyways thanks again to those who are commenting and voting you have no idea how much it makes me happy. Keep doing that and the next chapter will be dedicated to you!

Speaking of dedication this chapter goes out to a really sweet girl who commented on the last chapter! Thank you AliceLovesBiebs for your comment and I hope you enjoyed this kinda dull chapter... Haha sorry! The next one will be better! (I hope.)

We reached 4K reads!!! Can you believe it? THANK YOU my lovelies. <3

So comment and vote for a dedication and a follow! xx

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