Chapter 36: Rehearsal

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Chapter 36: Rehearsal

"Okay so let's start going over some things," Scooter started.

A couple of minutes when Justin and I got into the hotel Scooter came to say hello. Now it's on to business.

"So, I hear you have your own songs and that's great. We'll have you singing the one you sang in the video at the studio and a couple more of your own then we'll move you to covers. If you want to try and Justin can go old," he chuckled, "You both can sing Overboard together."

I looked at Justin who was smiling as he rubbed his thumb over my hand. "Perfect," he said.

"Good. Sound okay Sarah?" Scooter asked his eyebrow arching.

I nodded quickly and smiled.

"Alright so Justin has a concert tomorrow night and since you haven't even learned anything about the basics of doing this I'm going to have you guys go over to the arena now and work on this stuff together. There's also a studio so if you need to have the band go over you're music use that as well."

I nodded getting up, stretching a little.

"Justin, work on your songs as well especially Overboard since you haven't done that in awhile especially with someone. Show her the ropes and everything she'll need for her first performance."

Justin nodded. My breath hitched. This is it. Rehearsal for my first performance.

"Hey don't be nervous you'll do fine." Justin turned me so I'd be looking at him. He brought his hands to my face and rubbed his thumbs on my cheeks.

"I don't want to mess up in front of so many people.." I whispered.

"You won't. Besides we will rehearse and help you through everything. Don't worry babe."

Justin said he was going to go to the restroom so I sat down and pulled out my phone. Notifications from Twitter were through the roof so I decided to check.

"Ew. Who's that Sarah think she is? GET AWAY."

"Aw they're singing together! #Jarah <3"

"No. Just no. #NOJARAH"

"She can't even sing! I mean did you HEAR the video on YouTube?!"

I quickly put my phone back. How can this happen so soon? I at least thought I'd get one day.

"Ready babe?" Justin's voice brought me back.

"Yeah. Let's go."


I practiced all day learning some choreography since Justin insisted that I dance with his backup dancers because according to him "I was absolutely great!"

I'm not so sure.

Those tweets really stung. I knew it'd be bad but really? They haven't even heard me sing other than that one song and don't even know me. How could they hate already.

"Sarah?" Justin stopped the music as it started and I looked up confused.

"You okay?" He mouthed.

I nodded quickly motioning for him to play the music again. He sighed but complied and the pounding of the music flooded my ears. I immediately danced the same as the other dances in sync exactly the way they taught me.

What felt like seconds later but in reality was minutes, the music ended and I smiled breathing hard. I heard clapping of everyone surrounding me and I smiled blushing a little.

"That was great of course babe, c'mon let's take a break." Justin said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I still have to practice all of my songs, and work on the dances and work with the band. I need to rehearse."

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