Chapter 42: Distraction

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Chapter 42: Distraction

I stood taking everything my uncle had just told me.

"His son?" I whispered.

"We didn't know for sure, we still don't know for sure... but it makes sense." He said quietly.

We all stood there trying to put together all the pieces or collect our thoughts.

"I have to go," I mumble shakily.

"No." I hear from the three voices around me.

I look down and shake my head scoffing. "I wasn't asking for permission." I start walking towards the door when I'm grabbed in the arm.

"Sarah it's dangerous please don't," Justin whispers trying to hold me.

"You wanted to go talk to him just a couple minutes ago!" I yelled at him.

"Yeah before I realized his father was a psycho and it could all be a trap! I thought that Kyle could tell you what happened and you would be alright and be able to let go! But now I don't want you anywhere near him!"

I stood staring at him. "Nothing's changed. I still want to know... And if that causes something to happen then so be it. Besides you even said he knew the danger I was in so he could help!"

"Sarah I'm not going to risk losing you too. Kyle's mixed in with all of this and it could be a trap, that he's just helping his dad," my uncle stepped in.

I shook my head but then nodded, "Fine."

I decided in that time what I really wanted to do.

"I'm gonna go lay down," I said to no one in particular. I walked to the stairs and slowly dragged myself up them. I took some time to look at the pictures I haven't seen in a month or so. I smiled at them because I know that it was a time where we were happy and as my uncle put it full of love.

Once I got to my room I realized nothings changed. I'm back to square one wondering what happened. However this time I have a way to know but then I'm in danger. That's not shocking either though. I'm always in danger at some point. I laid on my bed and counted to twenty. I'm gonna find out what happened one way or another.

I opened my balcony window and noticed the drop was quite high. I bit my lip and wondered how I was going to pull this off. Maybe if I-

"Sarah?" Justin's voice came through from the other side of my door.

I closed the door to the balcony quietly and walked to the door. I was directly in front of it but I didn't move to open it. "What?"

I heard him breath and put his hand on the door. Flashbacks from the night my aunt was killed flooded my mind as this was how Justin tried to get me to open the door last time so he could come in. I shook my head trying to get the memories to go away.

I opened the door quickly and I think I stopped Justin as he was about to speak. He stood there unsure what to do so I chuckled lightly.

"You can come in," I said letting him pass.

"You okay?" He whispered. I could tell he didn't know how to approach me not knowing if I'd go off on him for saying something or even touching me.

I grabbed his hand and brought him to the bed. I laid down bringing him with me. We didn't say anything just laid there as I messed with his hand.

"I'm fine Justin," I said after awhile. I felt him let out a breath he was holding and saw him smile.

"Good. I didn't want to lose you over this,"

I brought my arm up and rested my head on it so I could see him better. I scrunched my eyebrows. "Lose me? You wouldn't have lost me, I need you more than you think." I smiled and he grabbed my leg throwing me over him so I was on top of him. I kissed his soft pink lips lightly enjoying his warmth now.

We kissed for a little longer before I rested my head on his chest, his hand rubbing my back.

He started to hum lightly a song I couldn't catch. His chest rose and fell normally but also bigger when he needed a breath to continue to hum. I was comfortable like this just in this moment but something was on my mind the entire time I was laying there.

The window and Kyle.

I need to know what happened that night and Kyle's the only one who knows and will tell me. I love Justin so I tried to block trying to go see Kyle because it wasn't right to him. Justin paused noticing my change in emotion.

"What's the matter?" He asked rubbing my back some more.

I shook my head and looked at him. I needed a distraction or I wouldn't last the night. I kissed him to his surprise by the force I put into it. I began to kiss his neck but that wasn't enough either.

"W-what are you doing?" He asked letting out a moan.

I shook my head again because I didn't even know. I brought him up to a sitting position on the bed as I sat on his lap, my legs wrapped around him. I pulled off his shirt and laid him back down and continued my kissing.

As much time as we spent together on tour we never got to do... things. The very first night wasn't the only time but the other times we never got to get far without someone wanting to talk to us or we were so exhausted from preforming.

Now we're on vacation.

"Sarah your uncle..."

"Doesn't matter." I said quietly.

He was uncertain for awhile before going along with me and began kissing me back on my lips and my neck. He pulled away my shirt and I got his pants. I felt my phone in the pocket once I got them off and everything I needed a distraction from came back. I laid his pants to the side slowing down on what we were doing, distracted by knowing my phones in there.

"What?" Justin questioned nervously as I was probably staring hard to the side. I looked back at him and got even more forceful than before.

I licked the bottom of his lip with my tongue which he granted access. Our tongues mingled for awhile before everything was off. I need to get everything out of my head except Justin. Only Justin.

Focus on Justin I told myself. Focus on Justin...


I looked over to Justin who is fast asleep beside me, his arm wrapped around me. I realized my uncle knows I'm older and knew not to disturb us. Thank god he didn't.

I didn't mean to get like that but I wanted the thoughts to go away. Now it's 1:02 and I can't sleep. Justin really helped me and made me feel special but now he's asleep and I feel alone again. I don't know what to think!

Should I meet up with Kyle and find out what happened that night or forget it all? Well so far forgetting isn't helping because the door downstairs or even the window if needed are screaming for me to go and find Kyle and make him tell me.

I sighed and slowly squirmed out of Justin's hold. I sat on the side of the bed holding a small part of the blanket up to me. I looked around the room for anything to cover me up a little but coming up short I just quickly ran over to find my shirt I wore before. I put that on then found my bra and quickly took my shirt off then put the bra and the shirt again.

I looked around in the dark again for my underwear and found them under the bed with my jeans. I slipped both of them on and sighed. Now for Justin's jeans. It didn't take long till I found them and I reached out for them. I checked the pockets and found my phone. The battery is at 23% which isn't too low so I should be good.

I brushed my hair with my fingers and took a breath. I looked over to Justin and my heart raced. I slowly walked over to his sleeping body and bent down to give him a kiss on the head.

"I'll be back. Don't worry." I whispered.

I went back to the door and opened it slowly. The house creaks are terribly loud if you get them in the wrong spot but since I've lived here my entire life I know the spots well. When I was about to take a step into the hall I about tripped on our luggage outside the door.

I stood wide eyed and looked both ways down the hall. Uncle Mark must've brought them up, I'm just concerned when? I chuckled to myself shaking my head. He's going to make it really embarrassing when he talks to us.

I smiled slightly and moved them into the room. I began my way through the hall carefully passing the rooms. I got to the stairs and went down them avoiding the creaking parts.

Once I got downstairs I grabbed my jacket and put on my shoes. I grabbed my keys to my car that hasn't moved from its spot since I left. I got outside and immediately wished I was back in bed with Justin. It's freezing!

I began to shiver as I made my way to my car which must be just as cold or colder. I unlocked it and started it putting on the heat because I was right it's freezing in here as well.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and took a deep breath. I looked at the recent calls and called the first number back.

I pulled out of the driveway and made my way down towards the city waiting for someone to answer. I was stopped at a stop sign when it stopped ringing.

"Oh Sarah finally!" Kyle exclaimed relived.

"Yeah it's me. Look I just want to hurry and meet you, you talk and leave that's it understand?"

"Of course of course! Um meet me at the secret place I live near there that should be good right?" I heard him moving around and branches breaking.

"Are you outside?" I asked.

He breathed out and spoke "Yeah I'm staying real close so I'm walking there,"

I bit my lip, "Alright meet you there. You better not be playing games Kyle."

I hung up after that and let out a breath. Here goes nothing...


"I was afraid you weren't gonna show or Justin wasn't gonna tell you I called."

I stood directly in front of Kyle at the place we found near the school so many years ago. I bit my lip nervous over the fact that so many things could go wrong.

"It's so strange to be back here huh? I mean look at you, you're definitely not 15 anymore," he chuckled eyeing me.

"Stop it Kyle. Tell me what you wanted to tell me and stop being a ass."

"Feisty eh? But no seriously I'm sorry I didn't come here to be like this I'm just nervous alright?" He ran his hand through his hair and bit his lip.

"Why are you nervous?" I asked skeptical.

He shook his head, "Doesn't matter does it? You want to know other things not that right?"

I looked at him and he sighed.

"Okay so I guess you wanna know what happened that night... Look, I never got to apologize to you directly for leaving you. We were young but even that we cared for each other and leaving you especially when that happened... I'm sorry."

He looked actually sincere which confuses me. "If you didn't want to leave then why did you?"

"Can't you put pieces together already?"

I looked at him confused. "What pieces?"

His eyebrows folded together. "The fact that my dad killed your dad and your mom!" He screamed.

I breathed out closing my eyes. This is what I needed him to tell me the whole truth... I just didn't realize how much if would hurt.

"Sarah? Look I'm sorry that was insensitive for me to say it like that... I just I don't even want to tell it because of how bad I felt and how much it hurts me to see you upset,"

I opened my eyes and he was right in front of me holding my check. I turned my face and walked over to a rock that was big enough to sit on. I wiped my check for a few tears that might have slipped and looked at him.

"Tell me the story."


Filterish chapter... sorry bout that but thanks SO much for the comments and votes! Means the world! <3

Dedicated to teddiecool for her comment on the last chapter and a shoutout to MrzBi3ber for her comment as well. Thanks guys!

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