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Daniella smiled as she spotted Lando and Carlos talking. Lando noticed and waved his hand to ask her to join them. Daniella could barely control her laughter as she walked towards them as Lando's outfit and the blue winter beanie made him look snugly.

Lando pointed at Carlos and was about to say something to Daniella but she beat him to it.

"Why do you look like a kid who got lost on the way to school?" she let out a laugh.

Carols burst out laughing as he patted Lando's shoulder, giving him a 'I told you so' look.

"Not you too," Lando groaned as he glared at Daniella.

"I said the same thing," Carlos said.

"You two are mean," Lando pouted. "And why do you look like you are about to walk on a fashion runway?" he asked Daniella as he pointed out her outfit. "You are a formula one driver Dani, not a model."

Daniella raised her eyebrows and looked down at her outfit. Lando looked annoyed but he didn't miss Carlos checking out Daniella.

"These are just my normal clothes Lando," Daniella replied. "But I do look good today," she shot him a smile, making him roll his eyes.

"She does look good, mate," Carlos said. "And you look like a school kid."

Daniella shot Carlos a satisfied smile for taking her side.

"Of course, you would agree with her," Lando complained.


After another day of test driving the car and going through the data with the team, Daniella was ready to head back to the hotel. Since she was not as tired as she was the previous day she agreed to go for dinner with Daniel and Lando when they asked her.

"Can you tell me why there is a rumor going around that you and Carlos are dating?" Myra asked as she scrolled through her phone. The rumor was fresh but it is her job to take care of these fake assumptions and protect Daniella's social image.

"What?" Daniella let out a laugh. "You are kidding," she went over to look at Myra's phone.

There was a new photo of her and Carlos which was taken earlier when both were making fun of Lando. Of course, Lando was cropped out of the photo and Carlos was smiling and looking at Daniella while she was pointing at something.

"We are just talking here," Daniella explained. "And Lando was there too but he got cropped out. How can someone even think that we are dating from just one photo?" she looked confused.

"Apparently there are other evidence too," Myra said as she swiped the phone screening, showing Daniella photos of her and Carlos from the previous season.

"Honestly Myra, stop worrying about this," Daniella said to her PR manager.

"Have you seen the comments under your recent insta post?" Myra looked at her.

"No. Why?"

"Have a look and tell me why I am worried."

Daniella frowned as she pulled out her phone and opened instagram. Her eyes slightly went wide as she scrolled through the comments. Half of them were just congratulating her on her new relationship, some were denying the rumors and some were hate comments for dating a driver.

"People are weird," she muttered as she put down her phone. "Only someone with no brain would think that I am dating another driver. And why is it always me with the dating rumors, Daniel and Max hang out all the time and there are no dating rumors about them."

"They have sparked more dating rumors than you," Myra replied. "Anyway, you need to subtly let them know that you are single, otherwise it is only a matter of time till the situation escalates. And try to...not to be seen with Carlos for a couple of days."

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