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"I am an F1 driver, not a gardener, dad" Daniella complained to her dad.

"Yeah, I know," David replied. "But luckily for you, someone who drives around circles for a living is more than qualified to water the plants... so get to work," He gestured to his daughter to join him.

Daniella groaned and shot her father a quick glare before starting to water the plants in the yard.

David watched his daughter for a couple of seconds before deciding to ask the question he has been wanting to ask since she came home three days ago.

"So... Are you going to tell me why exactly you are here?"

"What do you mean?" Daniella asked back, busy watering the plants.

"It's not like you to come home suddenly," David pointed out. "Usually you plan and inform us at least a week or so before coming home but this time...this time you only informed us when your flight landed."

Daniella paused for a few seconds to gather her thoughts before resuming her work.

"I was just missing you guys so," She sheepishly tried to lie.

"See, I would believe you if I didn't know you so well," David sighed. "Sometimes I hate how well I know my daughters," He mumbled to himself.

Daniella tried not to look her father in the eye.

"So what is going on with you?"

"Nothing, I already told you," She lied again.

"Problem with your new team?" David guessed.

"No," Daniella shook her head. "The team is great and everyone there is amazing."

"Is it a boy problem?"

"Haha no," Daniella tried to keep a neutral facial expression.

"Is it a girl problem?"


David thought of ten different reasons and Daniella shook her head at every one of those while trying to avoid looking at her dad and continue watering the plants.

"Okay, it has to be about someone."

"Now you are just trying to exhaust me," Daniella huffed.

"I will stop as soon as you tell me why you are here when your actual plan was to stay in Miami a few more days," David smugly said to his daughter.

Daniella sighed and looked at her father, showing her vulnerability in her eyes.

"There is a guy..." She let out a shaky breath. "But umm... things got complicated, totally out of our control and I felt like I couldn't go through with it, not after everything that happened last year."

"So you left?" David softly asked.

Daniella nodded.

"It feels selfish and wrong but... I just don't have the strength to face all of that," She explained.

David gave a sad smile before pulling Daniella into a comforting hug.


Collins cautiously opened the door and snuck in her head to see if her sister was awake, but it was hard to tell since Daniella's back was turned towards her. She was relieved to find the lights were still on.

"Are you awake?" She whispered.

Daniella turned around to see her younger sister at the door, looking like a thief trying to snuck in.

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