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It was one of those rare days when Daniella didn't have anything work-related scheduled. The previous night before going to sleep she thought about sleeping till late and having a relaxing day but it changed when Lando contacted her and asked her to spend the day with him, or at least a few hours. Daniella wanted to decline his request but his persistent begging made her agree at last.

But the plan to sleep till late was still on the agenda but it didn't happen. Daniella lazily and reluctantly opened her eyes when she extended her arm and couldn't feel Max next to her. His side of the bed was empty and he was not in the room either, but he didn't leave her house as his watch and phone were still at the bedside table.

Daniella got out of her bed and put on a robe before leaving the bedroom, searching for her boyfriend. For a moment there she was worried that he was in the kitchen, she know he is a disaster in there and didn't want to spend time taking care of his mess and cleaning the kitchen, but was relieved when she saw that the kitchen was empty.

Max was working out on the balcony with a nice morning view of the ocean. It's one of his favorite places in Daniella's house.

He halted when he heard the glass door slide, and immediately knew who it was. He turned around to find Daniella leaning against the wall, her eyes still looking sleepy as she was not completely awake, but a soft smile was on her face.

"I thought you were going to wake up late today," Max chuckled as he walked up to her and kissed her forehead.

"So did I," Daniella yawned. "But nothing ever goes as planned," she said in a dramatic way.

Max let out a laugh as he lightly put his arm around Daniella, both walked closer to the railing and leaned onto it to look at the view.

"You know..if you cancel that interview of yours and I cancel my plans with Lando then we can enjoy a quiet day," Daniella suggested half-jokingly.

"But there is still the photoshoot," Max mumbled as Daniella rested her head against his chest. "And the meeting afterwards..which can't be canceled," he lied, but sounded disappointed that he won't be able to spend the entire day with Daniella.

"We never get an off day together," Daniella slightly pouted.

"How about this..you enjoy your day with Lando and I will try to finish up my schedule as fast as possible then we will have a nice quiet evening?" Max suggested.

"That sounds..fun," Daniella looked at Max and slightly smiled before kissing him.


"Are you really going to eat that?" Lando pointed at the ice cream in Daniella's hand and gave a disgusted look.

"Yes.." Daniella said in an obvious tone before having a spoonful of the ice cream.

"It's mint chocolate chip.." Lando made a face, expressing his hate. "And the second one you have had this morning."

"So?" Daniella shrugged. "It's only..." she checked her wristwatch. "...almost noon, and the weather demands it."

"I don't know why I agreed to do this.." Lando mumbled to himself but Daniella barely heard him.

Lando pulled out his phone and texted the Haas driver quickly before his friend notices what he is doing.

Daniella was busy taking photos of her surroundings and some candids of Lando at the most opportune time for him.

"What are you doing?"

"Sending these handsome photos of you to your lovely girlfriend," Daniella replied as she hit send.

"Hey..no no..." Lando protested. "I look like a...she will break up with me after seeing those."

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