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Daniella arrived at the paddock, dreading the media duties but excited for the Monaco Grand Prix. Last year she didn't get to finish the race after a collision with the Mercedes of Valtteri Bottas so this year she is hoping it will go well and she will score some good points.

"There is my favorite Merc driver," Daniel Ricciardo excitedly smiled and hugged her.

"Hey Danny," Daniella smiled. "You look extra happy today. Did McLaren find some magic settings in your car that will get you to Q3?"

"Haha no," He said sarcastically and pointed an accusing finger at her. "You can be very cruel sometimes."

Daniella shrugged innocently.

"I am happy that Max found himself a girlfriend," Daniel whispered so only Daniella could hear him.

"What?" The Mercedes driver looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh! You haven't seen it," Daniel pulled out his phone and went to Max's Instagram page and opened his recent story, and showed it to Daniella.

Her eyes slightly went wide. It was a photo of her and Max, taken only a couple of days ago. They were in bed and her head was resting on his chest, lucky her hair covered her face so no one could recognize but Max's face was showing, including his arm wrapped around her.

She zoomed in on her face, feeling a little relieved that her face is not recognizable, at least not to her and Daniel.

Daniella immediately understood why Max posted the photo. It was to send a warning and a message to a certain Ferrari driver. But what didn't sit right with her is that he didn't talk to her about it, which affected her current mood.

"You know, I am going to be honest," Daniel pulled away his phone. "I thought he had feelings for you and I tried to set you two up many times... but obviously failed. But I am happy he found someone else...and hopefully not the type of person who is just with him for the fame."

"Hmm, I don't know, she might be a gold digger," Daniella joked, the sarcasm was heavy in her voice as they started walking.

"Oh, I see," Daniel smiled in a teasing manner. "You are jealous."

"Jealous?" Daniella let out a laugh in disbelief. "Why would I be jealous?"

"Because you want to be with Max," Daniel teased.

Daniella playfully rolled her eyes.

"I mean Max is someone who will definitely not dedicate a goal to you in front of everyone like Carlos did...but you two would be like star-crossed lovers," Daniel said, imagining the entire scenario with a dreamy smile. "Him, a Red Bull driver, you, a former Red Bull driver and now in Mercedes. Both teams are rivals but the drivers are secretly dating."

"It sounds like you have joined the DTS producers," Daniella laughed.

"Making jokes to hide your jealousy, I get it," Daniel teased. "But seriously though, just say that word and I will convince Max to break up with the girl and then you can have him."

"Just let him be with whoever he wants," Daniella replied.

Daniel noticed Carlos was nearby and was about to approach Daniella so he quickly put his arm around her and turned her in another direction, not allowing her to see the Ferrari driver.

"What are you doing?" Daniella looked confused.

"Nothing," Daniel shrugged. "Oh look, there is Mick. Let's go say hi to him."


The press conference for Daniella was mostly fun and laughs and she successfully dodged any questions related to Carlos, for which she has to thank her PR manager for preparing her. But the next conference was not the same.

Max and Carlos were in the same group and the Ferrari driver received nothing but glares and harsh comments from the Red Bull driver, especially when the football match was brought up by a reporter and Daniella's name came up.

"Well, she clearly seems uncomfortable by your action," Max commented.

"Daniella is someone I respect and like a lot. I don't see any harm in what I did, I merely showed her the respect she deserves" Carlos argued, with a polite smile on his face. "And I don't think it is your place to judge."

Max scoffed and rolled his eyes as the atmosphere got awkward.


"Why the hell did you post that photo?" Daniella whispered, scolding Max. She looked around to see no one was paying attention to them.

"You know why," Max bluntly replied. He clenched his jaw, looking angry and annoyed after the press conference.

"Max, I told you I was going to talk to Carlos," Daniella tried to calm down. "You didn't have to post anything..and I highly doubt he is going to lurk in your insta stories."

"Sometimes you can be so naive," Max said to her as he let out a deep frustrated breath.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means exactly what I said," He replied. "You are naive. It's all a challenge for him..."

"Daniella," Max was interrupted by Toto who didn't seem too pleased. "Did you forget about the meeting?"

Daniella looked at her boss and shook her head.

"No," She replied. "I was just heading back."

"And what is going over here?" Toto interrogated, earning a glare from Max but he just shot a glare back.

"Nothing, just a small disagreement," Daniella defeatedly replied.

"Good," Toto commented, almost sounding happy, thinking that the two drivers are not getting along. "Let's go."

Daniella looked at Max, his expression hadn't changed.

"We will talk later," She softly said.

Max nodded as Toto glared at him before walking away. Daniella gave her boyfriend a small smile and followed her boss.

Max sighed as he turned around, making his way to the Red Bull garage but once again anger crept up as his eyes locked with Carlos.

The Ferrari driver gave him a challenging look with a smirk before looking at Daniella who stopped to talk to Charles. He looked back at Max who was fuming in anger. He observed the interactions between Max and Daniella just a couple of minutes ago and can clearly tell it was some sort of argument, no doubt it was because of him.

Max stormed off, determined to not lose Daniella whereas Carlos has plans of his own to gain her affection.


A/N: Is the story getting too dramatic??? 

Thoughts on Max posting the photo? 

Max vs Carlos is just getting started. 

Daniel thinking Max is dating someone else seems funny to me.

 What do you think will happen next?

I watched the qualifying and it was so stressful. And for a second I thought it was Charles who crashed but it was Carlos.

It may be the alcohol but I have a feeling that Lando will win the Monaco GP.

If he wins I will make Dani leave Max and go to Carlos and if he doesn't win Max will leave Dani.

RACE 2 - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now