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There were tons of fans on both sides of the road that leads to the paddock, cheering at the drivers and taking photos, hoping that the drivers will give autographs and take photos with them. 

The cheers got louder as Daniella got out of her car. For the driver the atmosphere made her feel like it was the first race weekend of the season. She took off her sunglasses and smiled. 

She greeted the excited fans and started signing autographs and taking photos with them. 

Daniella laughed when a fan offered a poster to her to sign. It was a poster of her and Max from last year, both dressed in their Red Bull suits. 

"You two were the best teammates," The fan yelled for Daniella to hear as the cheers were too loud. 

"We were," Daniella agreed. She held the end of the poster to sign it and noticed the familiar signature that was already on it. 

"Max already signed it, and he even drew a smiley face on your side," The fan excitedly pointed out. 

"He is the sweetest, isn't he?" Daniella smiled as she signed the poster, making the fan jump in excitement. Daniella drew a heart with a smile within it at the end of the signature to match with Max's. 

Everyone nearby squealed as if they got some sort of gift or confirmation. 


Daniella sat in the Mercedes hospitality, sipping her iced coffee as Myra filled her in about her media duties for the day. 

"Avoid any questions related to your dating life or anything remotely related to that," Myra warned her. 

"What is there to avoid?" Daniella mumbled as she took a sip of the cold beverage. "My dating life is non-existent, I can't seem to like anyone who shows interest in me. It's like I don't want to be with anyone but can't seem to understand why…"

Myra crooked her eyebrows as she looked at Daniella, thinking about what she just said. Daniella gave her an unamused look. 

"Do you feel lonely?" Myra asked. 

"No," Daniella quickly replied, shaking her head. "Not lonely, but I think…I feel like it would be nice to share this hectic life with someone. But I am not one for a long distance relationship so that's out of question," She shrugged as she shot Myra a small smile. 

"I shouldn't say this as your PR manager, but as your friend I think you will feel better if you get laid," Myra suggested. 

Daniella nodded and sipped her iced coffee as she thought. 

"It has been a while since I got laid," Daniella muttered. 


"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Lewis yelled but it was already too late. Daniella stole his scooter while he was talking to Valtteri. Lewis couldn't do anything else other than watch her ride away. 

Valtteri laughed at the entire situation but mostly at Lewis. 

"I can't believe I am saying this but I am so happy she replaces me and is your teammate," Valtteri laughed. 

"You are only saying that because Alfa is at the same level as Mercedes right now," Lewis glared. "But what am I going to do with Dani? Even Roscoe is starting to like her more than he likes me…"

"Yeah it sucks to be Lewis Hamilton and be Daniella's teammate," Valtteri sarcastically said. 

"Exactly, at least someone understands it," Lewis said, unaware of the sarcastic comment. 


Max was filming a fun little challenge video with his teammate when he noticed Daniella riding away Lewis' scooter while the owner only protested and yelled. Max can't help but laugh as his eyes followed Daniella. 

"Someone is getting distracted here," Sergio teased Max but he only shrugged and shook his head while still watching Daniella. 

"No.. I am not distracted.." His voice only trailed. 

Sergio gave the camera a knowing look. 

"Missing your old teammate?" The producer asked Max. 

"Umm yeah," Max let out a shy laugh as he looked away from Daniella. "Sorry about that…"

"I don't think anyone is going to complain," Sergio teased, making everyone around Max laugh. 

"Don't…don't go there," Max pointed an accusing finger at his teammate before giving the single to resume with the filming, but the camera never stopped rolling. 


A/N: Okay I really don't want to sound rude but I am probably going to anyway. But please stop messaging me and telling me to update the stories fast, telling me what to write. It's so annoying and exhausting when I get messages (demands) to make the OC do this or that or end up with someone (if you want a story that fulfills all your wants and imagination then write one yourself). One of them even called me a LH hater because I haven't updated Him and I. Like wtf. All it does is discourage me from writing any further. And I can't write or update any of the stories faster. I update as soon as I write and finish a chapter, when I am not updating it means I am busy with my life (because I have a job and school, writing fan fiction is not my full time hobby) or I have no ideas for the story or going through a writer's block. And I am free to write whatever I want and delete any book that I don't like or don't know what to do with. 

When I want certain opinions/thoughts of the readers I put questions at the end of every chapter and I use their answers to move forward with the story. And everyone is free to share their opinions and ideas in the comments (i really appreciate it) but please don't go messaging me and demanding to write in a certain way. And yes I know that there are grammatical mistakes but english is not my first language so just deal with it. 

I want to see I really appreciate the feedbacks and comments and the wonderful little ideas and I am very grateful for the positive comments and encouragements but from now on I will not check my inbox and won't reply to any of the messages but I will be happy to do so in the comments like I have always been doing. 

Sorry for the rant but I have been holding it for quite some time now and I don't care if I lose some readers over it. I really enjoy writing but because of some people I have started to enjoy it less and less every day.

RACE 2 - Max VerstappenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora