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"What are you doing?" Daniella laughed at Alex Albon who was dying Jost Capito's hair red with a spray right outside the Williams hospitality. There have been a lot of talks that Nicolas Latifi is being replaced by Alex Albon but no one confirmed it, but Daniella thinks what she witnessed definitely confirms the rumors.

"Ever since I dyed my hair red Williams have scored points so we think dying Jost's hair will increase our chances to score more points," Alex explained to the Mercedes driver as a couple of cameras filmed them.

"You two honestly believed in this superstition?" Daniella asked Alex and Jost as she stepped closer to get a better look. Jost was covering his face with a transparent plastic shield so the hair spray didn't hit his face while Alex was busy spraying.

"We have nothing to lose," Jost replied. "And Williams scored points both the times Alex dyed his hair so why not give it another shot," He laughed.

"Maybe you will get another win if you dye your hair red too," Alex joked.

"Nice try Alex, but I am not superstitious," Daniella laughed.

"But what if it works?" Jost teased her.

Daniella thought for a few seconds and gave a defeated look to the camera.

"Oh what the hell," She gave in. "God knows Merc needs all the luck and help we can get."

"Are you serious?" Alex was shocked. He couldn't believe Daniella actually agreed to dye her hair.

"Yeah, but just a few strands though," She replied. "I don't want my hair to get damaged."

Alex moved away from his boss and approached Daniella, excited to dye his friends hair. Daniella sorted out her hair and separated two strands of hair for him to spray on.

"This is what driving a shit car does to people," Jost said with a straight face while looking at the camera.

"I can't believe you are actually letting me do this," Alex giggled as he sprayed the dye. "But I think red actually suits you."

"Work your magic Albono."


Daniella was happy with free practice and the upgrades that Mercedes brought seemed to be working well, the car felt much better to drive and there was an increase in pace. She ended both FP1 and FP2 in the top three, which made her briefly believe that the dyed hair trick is working.

"When did you get this?" Lando asked, lightly pulling the red strands of her hair while she was in the middle of an interview.

"Right before free practice," Daniella laughed. "Alex thinks dying my hair would bring a good result."

"It seems like he is starting a cult," Lando joked. Daniella noticed that he was looking a bit puffy and his eyes were also slightly red.

"You okay there Norris?" She sounded a bit concerned. "You look a little..."

"Hay fever," Lando replied, expressing his annoyance. He doesn't like being sick, especially on race weekend.

"That sucks," Daniella comforted him. "But on the bright side your girlfriend is arriving tomorrow so I am sure she will take good care of you."

Lando's face turned red as Daniella winked at the camera, making the interviewer laugh.

"Yeah I am never interrupting your interviews again," Lando shyly said and blushed even more before walking away.

"It's always a treat when you two are together," The interviewer laughed.


Daniella was on her way back to the garage as the debrief will start shortly. A smile appeared on her face when she felt an arm around her shoulder, immediately knowing who it was.

"Careful Max," She teased him. "People might think there is something going on between us."

"Let them," Max shrugged and smiled proudly. "My contract is almost sorted out and we no longer have to worry about some stupid publicity stunt."

Daniella grinned and her face brightened up. She took the Red Bull can from Max's grip and was about to have a sip when both of them froze. Both their bosses were having a chat only a few meters away from them.

Max immediately let go of Daniella before their team principals could look at them and Daniella took a step away from Max and handed him back the energy can. They shared a look of concern before being spotted by Christian Horner and Toto Wolff.

There was a hint of concern on Toto's face but he was doing well covering it with his smugness and Christian looked like his team won another championship. They shook hands as their conversation ended.

"Daniella," Christian gave her a nod followed by a smug look before walking away.

"What was that all about?" The Mercedes driver asked her boss.

"I will tell you as soon as he leaves," Toto glared at Max, making her even more confused.

Max knew it was time for him to walk away and anyway Daniella is going to tell him what it was about if it involves him.

"I will see you later," He smiled at Daniella and glared at Toto before walking away.

"Let's go to my office," Toto calmly said to Daniella.


Daniella can tell that Toto is bothered by what Christian said to him. Toto asked Daniella to take a seat as he closed the glass door so no one could hear the conversation.

"Why do you look worried?" Daniella asked as she watched her boss take his seat.

"Christian said something to me.." Toto started explaining. "He thinks you and Max are dating or at least something going on between you two which is more than just friendship."

Daniella didn't know how to react or what to say but she could feel her heartbeat racing.

"What makes him think that?" Daniella chuckled, trying to hide her nervousness.

"I don't know," Toto shrugged. "But he pointed out how you two act which honestly seems like you two are more than friends. Now... you are free to date whoever you want but...dating another driver, especially someone like Max is..."

"Is what?" Daniella raised her eyebrows.

"It's not in the best interest to date another driver, especially someone from the rival team, especially someone like Max who everyone knows that he will do anything and everything to win," Toto explained.

Daniella sat there silently, not knowing what to say.

"Now, I don't believe what Christian said was true," Toto calmly said. "Everyone knows he lies and creates unnecessary drama. But I want to hear the truth from you once."

Daniella sat straight, her throat getting drier by the second.

"Are you and Max Verstappen dating or involved in any romantic way?"

"No," Daniella replied quickly and shook her head. "We are not dating and we are nothing more than friends," She shot a fake smile.

"Oh thank god," Toto let out a sigh in relief. "I would have had a heart attack if you had said yes."


A/N: Daniella allowed Alex to dye her hair red😂😂 do you think it will help with her luck?

How do you think Toto (and Lewis) would react when he finds out Daniella lied and is actually romantically involved with Max?

I am planning to replace Latifi with Albono because why not🤷‍♀️

How do you think qualifying and the race will go for Daniella? 

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