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Daniella couldn't believe her luck. Her luggage got lost at the airport and she has nothing with her except for her small backpack and very few essential items. She could have sworn that the receptionist almost laughed when she was asked if she needed someone to take her luggage to her room when she checked it and she grumpily replied that she lost her luggage.

So here she is now, dragging Sophie to go shopping with her in Barcelona since she needs clothes and other necessities till she gets a hold of her lost belongings. Even though the younger Leclerc had other plans in mind she happily set them aside and followed Daniella.

"Where are you two going?" Mick asked as soon as he spotted his teammate and the Mercedes driver.

"Shopping," Daniella replied.

"Now?" Mick was a bit confused. "But you just got here? Dani, please tell me you are not becoming a shopaholic like this one over here," He pointed at Sophie.

"Hey!" Sophie sounded offended but Mick is right though, not that she is going to admit it.

Mick just gave her a challenging look and she didn't say anything further.

"I am not turning into a shopaholic," Daniella rolled her eyes. "The airport messed up my luggage and lost it so I need new clothes. And honestly Mick, I can't believe you would think I am turning into a shopaholic, I get enough free stuff from the brands to not go to the mall every week."

"So every month then?" He questioned.

"How else would I fill up my huge closet?" Daniella said in an obvious tone, joking, and making Sophie let out a laugh.

"How about I join you two?" Mick suggested. "I don't have anything planned for now."

Sophie's face lit up which Daniella noticed.

"Sure, why not," Daniella smiled. "And maybe we can go get some dinner later."

"Sounds like an excellent plan," Sophie excitedly smiled and clapped her hands.


Daniella stepped out of the fitting room to show Sophie the dress. Personally, she loves it but wants an outside opinion.

"I love it," Sophie smiled as soon as she saw Daniella in the yellow dress. It was long and reached just above her ankles. "You look so zen in it."

"Zen?" Mick looked confused and clueless. He surely regrets joining Daniella and Sophie as he is not sitting, guarding all the shopping bags.

Mick let out a grumpy sigh as Sophie ignored him. She was too busy admiring Daniella and the dress.

"Do you think I should get it?" Daniella asked as she looked at the mirror. She was falling in love with the dress every second, the frills, the low back cut and the colors were all perfect for her.

"If you don't then I will," Sophie replied.

"If you don't then we wasted the last twenty minutes for nothing," Mick commented, sounding annoyed.

"We are almost done, Mick," Daniella informed him. "So stop pouting."


Carlos followed Charles as they walked out of the jewelry store. They were about to go for dinner but Charles wanted to buy something for his girlfriend and Carlos being a good friend helped him out.

Carlos was busy replying to a text when Charles stopped walking, making him bump into his teammate.

"Why does that girl look like my sister?" Charles asked as he pointed at the person in question.

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