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"Come on, you can tell me," Lando once again asked Daniella where she and Max are going for vacation during the summer break. "It's not like I am going to follow you guys there..I have a girlfriend now."

"I am still not telling you," Daniella said in a singsong tone as she scanned her paddock pass and stepped inside the gate, Lando followed her, the free practice for the Hungarian Grand Prix is only hours away.

Lando continued to annoy Daniella with the same question but she is not budging. Both her and Max have decided not to disclose their plans for the summer break to anyone as they want some privacy and some alone time.

"What is going on?" Daniel joined the duo with a bright smile and put his arm around Daniella's shoulder in a friendly way.

"She is not telling me where she and Max are going for vacation," Lando complained.

Daniella rolled her eyes.

Daniel looked surprised and acted offended. Lando silently gestured him to ask Daniella the same question, hoping that she will tell him or at least be annoyed enough to blurt out the answer to them.

"Umm..Dani..I think I should at least know where you two are going," Daniel said in an obvious tone. "Since I am partially responsible for you two getting back together."

"And partially responsible for our break up in the first place," Daniella pointed out. "So it all equals to..zero responsibility."

"But still..." Lando started again but stopped when Daniella suddenly halted and Daniel did the same.

The Mercedes and the McLaren drivers shared a look before once again looking ahead.

Toto Wolff was talking to Christian Horner in the middle of the paddock, right in front of the Mercedes hospitality. Both seem to be having an important conversation.

Daniella could see Max on the other side of the two team bosses, bearing the same look as her. He gave her a questioning look, asking silently from the other side if she knows what they are talking about. Daniella shook her head.

Toto noticed Daniella and was slightly taken aback but managed to cover it up. He said something to Christian who looked at her as well and then Max on the other said.

Daniella was about to approach them when Toto guided Christian to the Mercedes hospitality, taking everyone by surprise.

"What the hell is going on?" Max asked as he rushed to her as soon as the hospitality door closed behind Toto and Christian.

"Shhh! I want to see if Christian burst out in flames in there," Daniella replied as she watched throw the glass door, Max, Daniel, and Lando did the same.

"He did not..." Lando commented after a few seconds.

"It's a shame.." Daniel added.

"I am going t ask again, what the hell is going on?" Max asked as he looked at his girlfriend.

"Does it look like I know, you idiot?" Daniella replied.

"No, it does not," Lando replied instead of Max, earning a glare from the other three.

"Look..I will go and try to find out," she said to Max. "And we will talk after free practice, okay?"

"Okay," Max smiled at his girlfriend. He was about to kiss her but quickly realized that they were in public, so he backed off.

Daniella slightly blushed but tried to hide it from Daniel and Lando, who were still there and giving each other knowing looks and mischievous smiles.

"Not a word," Max warned Daniel and Lando and pointed a finger at them just as Daniella entered the Mercedes hospitality.

"Yeah, okay. We won't say anything," Lando quickly said.

"But first...we need to know where you two are going for vacation," Daniel added.


"So you are going to tell me what Toto and Christian were talking about?" Daniella asked Myra as she took off her racing suit since the free practice was over. "And don't try to lie...I saw you in Toto's office."

Myra knew lying was not an option since Daniella won't let this discussion go and she never takes well to lies.

"They were talking about you and Max," The PR manager said the truth. "Both are aware that you two are dating and were talking about how to move forward with it."

Daniella looked at Myra and raised both her eyebrows.

"Please tell me they don't want me and Max to make our relationship public," Daniella asked, worried they would want that to attract more publicity and sponsors.

"No.." Myra replied. "Although Christian suggested it at one point."

"Of course he did," Daniella rolled her eyes.

"But I reminded them why you left Red Bull and if they go through with it then you might leave Mercedes as well.." Myra explained. "Toto was against it from the moment Christian suggested it so you have nothing to worry about."

"That's a relief.." Daniella commented as she got dressed in casuals but put on her Mercedes shirt since she will have to go to the media pan.

"And there will be a meeting after the race..." Myra cautiously added. "With you and Max, of course, Toto and Christian are going to be there..and me and Max's PR as well. We just want to talk about how to keep the relationship from affecting the team..and also both your reputations, especially during the summer break."

"Great!" Daniella sarcastically said and let out a deep breath.


Daniella stepped out of the shower and put on a set of comfortable clothes before joining Max in bed. His attention was on his phone but pulled Daniella closer with his arm, giving her the opportunity to lay her head on his cheat.

Max showed Daniella his phone, more specifically the text from Christian Horner, informing him about the meeting after the race.

Daniella already told Max everything as soon as he came over to her hotel room.

"It feels like we did something wrong and now we are being summoned to the principal's office," Daniella commented.

"I was thinking the same thing," Max chuckled as he sent a quick reply before putting his phone away, and now giving his full attention to Daniella. "But I don't think we have anything to worry about."

"Hmm," Daniella hummed in agreement as she listened to his heartbeat while Max gently stroked her arm. "But there is one thing that will make you worry..."

"What is it?"

"Dad called today..." Daniella replied. "He wants us to go home during the summer break...Jenna and Collins also want to meet you, and I think Lauren is also going to be there."

"So meet your entire family.." Max clarified. Daniella can hear his heartbeat slightly getting faster.

"Yeah.." she replied as she looked at him. "I know it can be overwhelming..and if you don't want to then I won't force you to go."

"Umm..no. I will go," Max replied. "But your dad hates me and..."

"He is the one who invited you. If he had hated you then he won't even utter your name, let alone invite you to his house," Daniella explained softly.

"Okay," Max smiled. "We will go after we get back from our vacation," he kissed her as a promise.


A/N: So Toto and Christian are talking...and there will be a meeting to discuss the relationship. How do you think it will go?

 Max is invited to Dani's family home and he is going to meet the entire family which is a huge step in their relationship. Thoughts?

 I still can't decide where they will go on vacation. Someone suggested the Maldives and it seems like a good option....But Daniel and Lando are trying relay hard to know where the happy couple is going.

RACE 2 - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now