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"This is a bad idea," Max said to Daniella as they entered the club. "You have to go to Brackley tomorrow morning."

"So?" Daniella shrugged as she held his arm and walked towards the dance floor. "It's not like I am going to drink tonight."

"I can bet my entire year's salary that you will have a hangover tomorrow," Max yelled as the music was too loud. 

After their date got ruined by the Leclerc siblings they decided to go out for just a casual dinner and on their way back Daniella insisted that they go clubbing. Max was not able to say no to her, and he doesn't want to admit but he too was in the mood to get drunk and enjoy the night. 

Few people recognized them but they didn't pay much attention to the prying eyes, it's not unusual for them to go to a club together or hang out. They have been doing that since they were teammates and just friends. 

"Come on," Daniella urged Max to dance with her. "Don't be shy," She challenged him. 

Max soon joined her, both dancing to the beat just like everyone else around them. 

"I think I need a drink," Daniella yelled as she continued dancing. "Can't have you lose the bet now, can we?"

Max chuckled and shook his head. Daniella was in a complete party mood and so was he. 

"Let's go," He held her hand and guided her towards the bar. They had to push through the crowd to actually reach the bartender. 

Max ordered their drinks as his hand moved from Daniella's arm to her waist. 

"Hey guys," An excited voice greeted them. 

Max quickly let go of Daniella and she pushed him away in panic. 

"Hey," Daniella smiled at Nyck de Vries, the reserve driver for Mercedes. She went and hugged him. "Small world huh?"

"It's Monaco," Nyck chuckled. He greeted Max, both exchanging words in Dutch, making Daniella realize that she needs to learn the language if she and Max become exclusive. 

"I came here with my friends but I lost them," Nyck said to Daniella before finishing his entire drink in a second, clearly drunk and enjoying. "It's a good thing I found you guys," He said as he put his arms around Max and Daniella's shoulder. 

Max and Daniella didn't mind his company. They both finished their drink and ordered another round. 

"Come on, let's go dance," Daniella grabbed Max and Nyck and pulled them in the middle of the dance floor. 

"I love it here," Max yelled as the alcohol started taking effect, making Daniella laugh. 


"What time is it?" Daniella groaned as she opened her eyes and slowly stretched. 

"Ten in the morning," Max groaned as he checked the time on his phone, struggling to keep his eyes open. 

Daniella rubbed her eyes as she sat up and leaned against the headboard. She and Max are still dressed in yesterday's outfit and their appearance was a mess. 

"Where am I?" A third voice asked, making Max and Daniella jump in surprise. 

Both looked down at the floor, finding Nyck laying there and just waking up. 

"Where did he come from?" Max asked, looking shocked. 


Max was right. Daniella did suffer from a hangover and only a few cups of coffee and a nap in the plane managed to cure it. She had to rush to the airport after two hours from waking up and had to hear a lot of "I told you so" from Max. Nyck left her house as soon as he was completely awake and was more than eager to go clubbing with her and Max again. 

As soon as Daniella entered the Mercedes factory she felt everyone looking at her and laughing. She greeted a few and ignored the rest. 

"Hey boss," She greeted Toto as she entered the conference room since a meeting will be held in a few minutes to discuss the new upgrades that the team is working on. 

"Did you enjoy last night?" Toto chuckled. 

"What are you talking about?" Daniella looked confused. 

Toto pulled out his phone and handed it to her, it was a video of her dancing with Max and Nyck. All three of them look completely drunk, especially Nyck. Obviously it was a fan video and she was relieved to see that there is no indication of her and Max dating, thanks to Nyck. 

"That's why everyone was laughing at me on the way here," Realization hit her, but to her it was not a big deal. She handed the phone back to Toto. "Where did you get that video? Don't tell me you have a fan page."

"No, I don't have a fan page," Toto replied. "Just found it on Instagram."

Daniella didn't believe him and gave him a look. 

"Fine," Toto gave in. "George sent it to me," He confessed. 

Daniella rolled her eyes as she took her seat. 

"And did he captioned it as me partying with the enemy?" She asked sarcastically. 

"How did you know?" Toto gasped. 

"I didn't," Daniella replied. "I was just being sarcastic."

Toto let out a sigh in relief. 

"Tell him to stop stalking me and concentrate more on scoring points."

Toto nodded, obviously he is not going to say that to George. But he has to admit, George's words did get to him, making him wonder if Daniella's friendship with Max is a good thing or will it cause problems in the future.


A/N: Thoughts on the chapter? 

Do you think Toto is right to be worried about Dani and Max? 

Did you guys see the video of Max and Nyck partying together? Nyck was jumping and dancing while Max was a bit awkward 😂

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