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Daniella and Lewis were more than thankful for their team. They all worked very late the previous night and fixed both their cars before the second free practice and the sprint race.

Daniella was starting 4th and Lewis was starting 9th, both hoping to gain some positions which will definitely help the next day for the actual race.

Max's eyes followed Daniella as she was in a hurry, making her way from her motor home and to the Mercedes garage, wearing her racing suit and a serious look on her face as her PR manager followed her but struggling to keep up with her.

He couldn't help but smile a little. She was always a bit serious right before a race, even when she was in Red Bull and was his teammate.

"You better stop staring," Daniel warned his friend. "Toto looks like he is going to bury you alive."

Max tore his eyes from his ex-girlfriend as she also faded from his sight and he looked at her boss. Toto was talking to George but his eyes were glaring daggers at Max.

"I am not scared of him," Max scoffed as he rolled his eyes, expressing his annoyance. "Everyone is portraying me as the bad guy who is trying to hurt Dani but when in reality it's the opposite...It's Carlos they should be worried about."

Daniel gave his friend a sympathetic look as he patted his back. He badly wanted to help the Red Bull driver but in the past, it has always backfired and made things worse so he thought it was best to step aside and let things play out.


"Why can't you just tell me what happened?" George asked Toto, sounding frustrated and impatient. Finally, his curiosity got the best of him, and went to ask Toto why Daniella left Red Bull and took his seat away, because the Daniella he knew from a very young age would have told him the reason.

Toto tore his glare away from Max before looking back at George. He can clearly see the desperation and tiredness on George's face, maybe from hating and being angry at Daniella. He is aware both drivers were very good friends before but now they barely exchange a word.

"As I told you before, it's not my place to tell you what happened," Toto replied, his look a bit soften.

"Is it because of the NDA?" George snapped a little.

Toto was surprised by his question. Not many people know about the NDA that Daniella signed before Red Bull, and Toto is pretty sure George is not one of them.

"How do you know about that?"

"That doesn't matter," George replied, a stern look falling on his face. "Just say yes or no."

"Yes.." Toto reluctantly replied as clenched his jaw, feeling like he just betrayed Daniella.


The sprint race was pretty uneventful for the most part for Daniella, with no one to challenge her for her 4th position and after the crash in Q3 the car lost a little pace so even though both the Ferraris were in her sight she was not able to fight them. Whereas the same was not the case for Lewis. The seven-time world champion was struggling behind both the Haas, surprised that they were his competition.

Carlos started challenging Charles for second place, preventing him to go after Max. The Red Bull driver just increased the gap since Charles was too busy defending his place from his teammate.

"You might have a chance, Dani," Nate said to Daniella as he saw the pace of the Ferraris slightly deteriorate due to racing each other. "You can push the car now."


Daniella was happy with the information and tried to close the gap as much as she could while the other Red Bull was climbing up the grid and entered the top ten.

RACE 2 - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now