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Daniella checked into the hotel in Bahrain and then dragged her suitcase through the hotel lobby, on her way to the elevator when her phone started ringing. She thought about not answering the call and then check once she reach her room, if it's an important call she will call back, but her phone kept ringing so she just decided to check who it was. 

Confusion flashed across her face when she saw it was Max calling her. She knows Max reached Bahrain an hour or so ago for the pre-season testing but has no idea why he is calling her. 

"What do you want?" Daniella answered the call, sounding tired. 

"Wow! You sound so cheerful," Max said sarcastically. Even though they were only talking on the phone Max can clearly imagine the eye roll Daniella just did as a response to his sarcasm. 

"I am tired Max," Daniella replied. "

"Yeah I can clearly see that," Max commented. 

Daniella looked around, trying to find him in the crowded hotel lobby. 

"Wait, we are staying in the same hotel?" She sounded confused since Mercedes and Red Bull always book different hotels. 

"Yeah," Max replied. "I can see you struggling with your luggage," He chuckled. 

"Where are you?" Daniella tried hard to find him. "And why are you not coming over and helping me?"

Max chuckled at her frustration. 

"Turn around."

Daniella immediately turned to the opposite direction but didn't see him. 

"The other way Dani," Max said as a smile plastered on his face. 

"Still can't see you," Daniella groaned. 

"You should get your eyes fixed," Max commented. "Turn to your left."

Daniella did as he said but still couldn't see him. She sighed in frustration. 

"Sorry, I meant my left," Max chuckled. 

Daniella finally caught on to what was happening and she closed her eyes for a couple of seconds due to frustration. 

"You are not here, are you?" She calmly asked, yet her voice carried a hint of anger and amusement. 

"No," Max laughed. "But the thought of you turning your head around like a lunatic in the middle of the lobby is very amusing to me."

"I hate you Max Emilian," Daniella said in a sweet yet deadly tone. 

"We both know that's not true," Max laughed. "See you later at the track, Daniella" He said before ending the call. 

Daniella sighed as she looked at her phone. A small smile appeared on her face which ended as a chuckle before she put her phone back into her pocket. She grabbed her suitcase and turned around to head over to the elevator but noticed the Mercedes social media admin was filming her, no doubt filmed the entire scene of her turning her head around like a mad person. 

"Seriously?" Daniella tiredly asked the admin. 

"It's good content," The admin smirked. 

Daniella groaned and headed for the elevator, knowing full well that she will become a meme in an hour or so, all because of Max. 


A/N: short chapter but I enjoy writing about Dani and Max.

Also I was thinking about introducing a new female OC, Dani needs a girl friend on the grid. Maybe make her the new Haas driver and be teammate with Mick.

And Kevin Magnussen is back, I really didn't see that coming. Hope is smash a few more doors this year. Its so funny a month ago he was making fun of the Haas car and now he is driving for Haas again😅

And season 4 of DTS will be out in a few hours. Can't wait to see what fake rivalry they brew up this time. Also can't wait to see the Monza ep

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