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There was nothing but doubts in Daniella's mind as she arrived at the paddock for FP3 and the qualifying session. She is aware that the Mercedes car is slacking behind when compared to Ferrari and Red Bull and it will take everything in her and some more to end the day with a good result. 

She smiled and waved at some cameras as she walked towards the Mercedes hospitality, followed by Myra and Nate. The latter two were discussing the upcoming race, as Daniella was about to join the conversation her eyes fell on Max and to her surprise Kelly, Max's supposed ex. Both seem to be in some not so pleasant conversation judging from their facial expression. 

Max's eyes fell on Daniella and she shot him a confused look. The Red Bull driver just shrugged and looked back. 

"I thought they broke up," Myra asked Daniella. 

"So did I..I mean at least that's what Max told me," Daniella replied. 

Daniella ignored the supposed couple and headed inside the Mercedes hospitality where she found Toto and Lewis, and both were already in a bad mood. 

"No progress since last night," Toto grumpily informed the second Mercedes driver. The entire night a bunch of engineers worked on both the cars and didn't manage to resolve the issues. 

"Well…we will have to perform our best and accept whatever the result is," Daniella replied. 

Lewis agreed with her. 

Toto just sat in her chair with a grumpy look, clearly not liking the odds. 


Daniella managed to finish FP3 with some good results but she knows it doesn't matter, what matters the most is the qualifying and the goal is to be in Q3. 

She took a short break before going out and having a discussion with her engineers as the team worked on the car. 

"I will seriously break a table if Verstappen gets on pole," Toto commented. 

"Make sure to get it on camera," Daniella said to Myra, her PR manager. 

Lewis let out a laugh while Toto glared at her. 

"You are seriously joking right now?" Toto voiced his frustration, it's not directed towards his driver but to the car and the situation they are in. 

"It's my coping mechanism," Daniella replied. 

Toto nodded and looked away. 

Daniella mouthed to Myra that films her boss if he ends up breaking or even hitting a table. 


Daniella came in for one last pit stop as the qualifying session was coming to an end. Charles already set the fastest lap and is on provisional pole. As she went back on the track she was informed that Max went second fastest and she needed to push the car. She is really not liking the fact that she is currently P8 which is behind Sophie Leclerc who was barely on the track during Q3 and had to retire the car due to some issue. 

Daniella gave it her all and just hoped she would secure a better position for the race tomorrow. 

"Good job Dani," Nate said through the radio as she crossed the checkered flag. "P4, which is more than what we hoped."

"Yeah thanks," She huffed. "Great job everyone."

She parked the car behind the top three cars. When she got out of the car she was met with a not so happy Lewis who praised her performance, but she can tell he was not happy with his P5. 

RACE 2 - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now