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"How long are you going to take?" Max asked as he sat on the edge of the bed and scrolled through his phone while Daniella was struggling to decide what to wear to the Monte Carlo masters. It's not like both were very fond of tennis but they were invited and thought it would be nice to go together, maybe consider it as their first date. 

"Be patient," She said in a sweet voice. "Beauty and fashion takes time."

Max rolled his eyes at her comment. He doesn't understand why she takes so much time to choose an outfit, even if she goes out wearing just her sweatpants it will be considered as a statement. 

"Okay, which one?" Daniella held two dresses, one completely white, and the other one a light shade of blue. 

Max looked up and thought for a few seconds. 

"White one," He pointed at the dress. 

Daniella looked at the dress and then at Max who was wearing a white shirt. 

"Are you choosing this one because you want us to match?"

"Maybe," Max replied. 

"Don't you think the fans and media are going to think that we are wearing matching outfits because we are dating…or at least suspect?" Daniella asked, but it came out more of a ramble. 

"I didn't think that far," Max confessed. "And I don't think anyone else is going to think that, as far as others are concerned we are just friends… very good friends and nothing more. So please stop overthinking and get ready."

"Okay Emilian," Daniella rolled her eyes, thinking that Max is probably right. "Give me half an hour."

"You have ten minutes or I will leave without you."


Daniella and Max took their seats and almost immediately everyone around recognized them but as the match started no one dared to bother them. 

Daniella narrowed her eyes as she noticed someone seating just three rows ahead of them. 

"Does that guy seem familiar to you?" She nudged Max and pointed at the person. 

"No," Max shook his head but took a look again after taking off his sunglasses. "That's just a random person Dani."

Daniella nodded, but still not convinced. Soon her doubts were answered when the person looked to the side to say something to the girl sitting next to me. 

"Shit!" Max realized his mistake. That was not some random person, it was Charles Leclerc, and with him was his girlfriend Charlotte, sister Sophie, and elder brother Lorenzo. 

"What the hell is he doing here?" Daniella slightly panicked. "Is he even interested in tennis?"

"What do we do?" Max asked. "If he sees us it will be only a matter of time before the entire grid finds out."

"Relax," Daniella gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "We will just say that we are hanging out as friends."

"And you think he will believe that?" Max sarcastically asked. 

"It's Charles, his half brain cell will believe anything," Daniella assured him. 

"And what about Sophie?" Max mistakenly raised his voice which attracted the attention of the Hass driver. 

Daniella's eyes slightly went wide when Sophie turned around. She subtly hit Max, making him realize his mistake. 

"Hey guys," Sophie smiled. 

"Hi," Daniella tried her best to seem excited. "I didn't know you were going to be here."

Charles and Charlotte also turned around and his eyes immediately lit up, excited to see his friends. 

"What are you two doing here?" Charles excitedly asked. 

"Umm…she dragged me here," Max pointed at Daniella. "She didn't want to attend alone."

"You could have texted me Dani," Charles said to the Mercedes driver. "We could have picked you up and come here together."

"Yeah.. But it completely slipped my mind," Daniella replied. 

"Good thing is you are here now," Sophie said as she stood up from her seat and came to sit near Daniella. "I am getting tired of being the tired wheel."

Charles pouted but was happy when Lorenzo also got up and went to sit near Max, he finally got to sit alone with his girlfriend. 

Max and Daniella shared a look, both confused about what to do. 

"Oh you guys are wearing matching outfits," Sophie pointed out. "Be careful you guys, people might think you two are on a date."

"I don't think anyone will think that when you are sitting next to us?" Max sarcastically said. 

Daniella shot him a look, warning him to act polite. 

Soon Lorenzo and Max started a conversation and Sophie went on and on about tagging along with Charles and Charlotte and unknowingly almost ruining their date. 

"Excuse me," Daniella said when her phone started ringing. She checked to see that Toto was calling. "I will be back in a minute," She said but mostly to Max. 

"You are very close to Dani, right?" Sophie asked Max as she moved to the seat Daniella was previously sitting. 

"Umm… we are good friends," Max awkwardly replied. 

"Okay then you will be the right guy to answer this," Sophie excitedly shifted a little. "I know a guy who may or may not be a driver… he likes Dani a lot as far as me and Charles are aware and we both think he should ask out Dani…"

Max immediately figured out who the driver was. 

"Look, I don't think it's wise to get involved with another driver," Max cut her off. 

"But why?" Sophie looked disappointed. "I think Carlos and Dani would look cute together."

"Looking cute together doesn't mean that they will be good for each other," Max started to get angry. "And frankly, I think Daniella deserves someone much better."

Sophie pouted and felt nothing but disappointed, but couldn't wait to discuss the recent conversation with her brother. 

Before she could say anything Daniella came back and Sophie moved to her original seat. 

"All okay?" Daniella asked as she noticed the annoyed and angry look on Max. 

"Yeah," Sophie lied. 

"Everything is perfect," Max lied as well but knew very well that Daniella didn't believe him. 

The Mercedes driver took her seat next to Max and without anyone noticing she held Max's hand, trying to calm him down. 

"What did Toto want?" Max asked, trying not to think about what Sophie said. 

"I have to go to Brackley tomorrow," Daniella replied, sounding a bit unhappy as she and Max had plans. "More sim work."

"Great," Max groaned as he looked at her, interlocking their fingers. 


A/N: So Max and Dani's "date" got ruined. 

How long do you think they will be able to keep their relationship a secret? 

Thoughts on what Sophie said to Max? 

RACE 2 - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now