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Daniella smiled as she replayed the short video she took through the window while the plane was taking off. She added a couple of emojis and a caption before uploading it to the Instagram story.

She looked up and saw Lewis, who was sitting right in front of her, suspiciously looking at her.

"What?" Daniella asked, her eyebrows slightly raised.

"Something is different about you," Lewis observed as he sat back, his eyes fixated on her.

"Wha..what do you mean?" Daniella asked as she fixed her hair slightly, wondering what he was talking about.

"I got it," Lewis replied. "You are wearing a turtleneck," He pointed out.

"So?" Daniella nervously smiled, trying to act normal, making sure her neck is completely covered. She had to buy the clothing material at the airport after a couple of people noticed the marks on her neck.

"You hate turtlenecks," Lewis replied. "You once told me that wearing a turtleneck makes you look like George Russell, and I know you hate George. So why are you wearing it?"

Before joining the team Daniella had no idea how nosey Lewis is but figured it out as soon as she signed the contract and to the present day she is dealing with it.

"I did say it but then I realized that I look much better in a turtleneck than George does," Daniella replied, half lying. The reason she is wearing it is because of Max, but that's not something she can tell anyone. "And this one is cute so I couldn't resist wearing it," She gave a sweet smile.

Lewis chuckled.

"Have you talked to him?" Lewis asked


Lewis nodded.

"No," Daniella's smile disappeared and she let out a deep breath as she sat back comfortably. "Last we talked was in Bahrain. He hates me and I don't want to make things worse."

"He did talk about you though," Lewis said, immediately catching Daniella's full attention.

"When? What did he say?" She asked.

"A few days ago when he and I went surfing," Lewis replied. He asked Daniella first but she had other plans so he took George.


"I think he is still mad at you."

"I know," Daniella replied. "If I was in his place I would be mad at me too. Sometimes I wonder if leaving Red Bull was worth it," She said honestly.

"Don't let Toto hear that," Lewis chuckled.

Daniella shot him a small smile.

"But once I retire George is going to take my seat, most likely," Lewis pointed out. "You two will be teammates so I suggest you two try to mend your friendship."


After a long day of meetings, events, and interviews in Malaysia, Daniella finally headed back to the hotel. She was tired and wanted to just rest but Lewis and some other team members invited her for dinner and there was no getting out of it.

She was in the middle of getting ready when Max face timed her, making her immediately smile.

"Hey," She answered the call and greeted him before balancing her phone on the table and against the wall so she could talk and get dressed at the same time.

"Hi," Max smiled. Judging by his appearance Daniella can tell he just came out of the shower, looking fresh and hair still a bit wet. "Not sure if it was right to facetime you, I didn't want to seem too pushy," He let out an awkward laugh.

"And I didn't call or text you because I didn't want to seem too clingy," Daniella replied with a smile.

Max chuckled, feeling his heart flutter.

"I don't think I would mind you being clingy," Max replied.

Daniella gave him a look, not believing his words as she applied some makeup to cover up the now faded marks on her neck.

"Are you going to keep looking at me like that or are you going to say something?" Daniella asked.

"I can't help it," Max smiled. "I mean, I don't have to steal glances anymore."

Daniella blushed at his words.

"Well, we can look at each other all we want when I go back to Monaco," Daniella smiled.

"And when are you coming back?" Max excitedly asked.

"Plane is tomorrow evening so...but I will only be there for one day, after that, I have a photoshoot in London."

"Wait no," Max shook his head. "I am going to Zandvoort the day after tomorrow to film a commercial."

Silence fell as realization hit them. They won't see each other for a few more days while both are getting restless to talk about what happened between them and how to move forward.

"Umm... okay, then we will have to wait a few more days," Daniella said, sounding disappointed.

"I don't want to wait a few more days," Max groaned as he ran his hand over his face, clearly getting impatient. "Okay, just tell me one thing, do you have feelings for me?" He asked.

The question took Daniella by surprise. She thought both agreed to talk about all this once they met in person.

"I umm... I definitely have feelings for you," Daniella truthfully replied. "Just... I am not sure when it started."

Max smiled, her answer wiped away his impatient look.

"What... What about you?" She nervously asked. Even though she already knew the answer she wanted to hear him say it.

"I will give you a hint," Max smirked. "Guess who sent that big bouquet of flowers on Valentine's day."

It took Daniella a couple of seconds and then her eyes went wide.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She sounded surprised yet a bright smile was on her face.

"I guess I was scared, but now you know," Max replied.


A/N: Another unsatisfying chapter :( 

Dani and Max have to wait a few more days till they will see each other. What will happen till then? 

And Dani finally knows that Max sent her those flowers :)

 I want to write a George Russell fanfic after seeing the photos of him surfing but I have no ideas for it and have two more unfinished book

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