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"Well.. This is nice," Daniel happily smiled as the waiter brought the dinner and placed it on the table, telling the three drivers to enjoy their food before leaving.

"I still can't believe you blackmailed us into coming here," Daniella glared at the McLaren driver who just gave her a charming smile.

"Yeah mate, we could have had dinner at my house," Max said a bit grumpily, not like the fact that almost everyone in the restaurant is staring at them, and of course trying to subtly take pictures and videos.

"Because the first time I politely asked you two said no," Daniel defended himself. "I really wanted to eat here and didn't want to do it alone, so you two gave me no choice," He said before shoving a spoonful of food in his mouth.

Daniella and Max shared a look and then looked back at Daniel who was busy enjoying his dinner. Both shrugged and started eating their dinner as well.

"So, how did both of your families react when they found out you two are together?" Daniel asked. "Were they as happy and excited as me?" He grinned.

Max can't help but chuckle at the McLaren driver who is acting like a little kid who just found out his divorced parents are getting back together.

"Well... my mom was beyond happy," Max smiled as Daniella held his hand under the table. "Victoria said I finally achieved something."

"She is not wrong there," Daniel commented. "What about your family Dani?" He looked at the Mercedes driver who was picking at her pasta as she smiled listening to Max.

"Umm.. I haven't told them yet," She replied, feeling a pang of slight guilt.

"What?" Daniel gasped. "Why?"

"You have met my dad, right?" She asked Daniel.

The McLaren driver set back and nodded.

"Yep," He replied. "You better keep Max a secret as long as you can. Otherwise, I am sure your dad is going to kidnap him and then scare the hell out of him."

"I am not scared of her father," Max let out a nervous laugh.

"You should be," Daniel and Daniella said at the same time, making Max more nervous but he tried his best to hide it.

"Last year in Silverstone Dani introduced me to her father, and let me tell you I feared for my life when that man shook my hand," Daniel explained.

"He is just a bit protective of me," Daniella tried to defend her father but she knows very well that it was not going to help. "And Max met my dad too in Silverstone. Dad really liked him," She smiled at her boyfriend as she gently squeezed his hand under the table. "But I don't know how he is going to react when I tell him about us."

"My advice is don't tell him," Daniel joked. "None of us wants Max dead."

"Okay, you two are freaking me out," Max commented before drinking his water.

"We are just looking out for you," Daniel put on his fake concerned face but enjoyed Max's reaction.

"And anyway, I have made up my mind," Daniella said. "I will tell dad about us the next time I go home."

"I am going to miss you, Max," Daniel pretended to wipe away a tear.

"He will always be in our hearts," Daniella joked.

"I hate you two," Max looked a bit grumpy but also nervous. He really wants Daniella's family to like him just as his family likes her.


As soon as the dessert arrived Daniella regretted not ordering one for herself. She thought the main course filled her up but the chocolate cake Max and Daniel ordered was mouth-watering.

Daniel immediately noticed her eyeing their dessert and pulled his plate away from him.

"Not a chance Michaels," Daniel warned her before tasting the cake.

Daniella pouted, too proud to ask them to share.

Max smirked at her expression. He knows her too well. He knows she is never going to ask but silently expects him to share a bit.

He ignored her and started eating.

"Seriously?" Daniella asked Max.

"You are going to get even a single bite unless you ask for it," Max challenged her.

Daniella was too proud to say anything and tried to look away from the chocolate cake but failed, making Max grin.

"Just ask," He teased her.

"Fine," She said through her gritted teeth. "Can I have a bite?"

"She didn't say please, did she?" Max asked as he looked at Daniel.

"No, I don't believe she did," Daniel replied as he smirked at the Mercedes driver.

Daniella glared at the McLaren driver who just seemed to enjoy the moment a little too much.

"Can I please have a bite of the cake?" Daniella asked, forcing a smile but admitting defeat.

"You can have half of the cake," Max smiled as he divided the cake and pushed the plate towards her.

Daniella sheepishly smiled as Max looked at her while she enjoyed her dessert.

Daniel can't help but pull out his phone and take a photo.

"Aww! You two are so cute," He commented. "I would have been so jealous if I was single."


A/N: Short drama-free chapter, nothing major happened but I enjoyed writing it.

 How do you think Dani's family is going to react when she tells them about her and Max?

 I am a bit conflicted. Part of me wants to end this story soon and start a new AU, but the other part wants to keep writing this till the end of the season but I feel like I will run out of things to write especially when it's not a race week. 

Also please suggest some small realistic scenarios to write till the next race week because my mind is blank at the moment.

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