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Daniella lazily woke up and opened her eyes, she looked around and a soft smile appeared on her face as she remembered the previous night. She looked to her side and Max was not there, no doubt he was probably working out on the balcony or maybe memorizing the lines for the commercial that he is scheduled to film today.

She stretched her arms, planning to stay in bed for a few more minutes but that didn't happen as she was hit by the smell of burning and she immediately sat up. She quickly got out of bed, found one of Max's shirts, and put it on before heading out of the room, feeling concerned that there was a fire.

She could hear Max cursing and followed his voice, which led her to the kitchen.

"What is going on?" Daniella asked in horror. There was smoke everywhere.

"I think the eggs were bad," Max replied as he tried to wave away the smoke with his hands.

Daniella ran to his side and pushed him away from the stove. She quickly turned off the gas. The eggs on the frying pan were burned.

"The eggs were not bad," Daniella said to Max as she picked up the frying pan and went to dump the brunt eggs in the dustbin. "You are an idiot who doesn't know how to cook.

"Okay, I admit I am not a good cook... in fact, I am not a cook at all but the eggs were also bad," Max argued as he followed Daniella. "So it's not completely my fault."

She went and opened the windows and looked up, wondering why the fire alarm didn't work.

"When I cracked the shells some pieces fell on the pan," Max explained. "I think that's why it got burned.

"What?" Daniella gave him a look of disbelief.

"Yes, I mean I have never dealt with bad eggs before but..."

"It's not the eggs," Daniella argued. "It's you not knowing how to cook or when to turn off the gas. "And why is your fire alarm not working?"

"I don't know," Max shrugged as he looked up. "Maybe the battery went down. I never cook so I never needed it."

"Then why are you cooking today?"

"Because I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed," Max replied, giving her a slightly guilty look as his plan failed and Daniella had to come to the rescue.

Daniella's face immediately softened.

"Last night I was very rough with you so I thought maybe..."

She stepped closer and placed a soft gentle kiss on his lips.

"First of all, I like it rough," Daniella said as a red tint flashed across her face. "And second of all, please never try to burn down your apartment again. I would have been very much happy if you ordered something from a restaurant instead of ruining your frying pan and almost suffocating us with the smoke."

Max smiled and kissed her again.

"Don't tell anyone what I did today," He nervously joked.

"Your mom will definitely hear about it," Daniella grinned, making Max slightly pout. "Now, let's make some breakfast without burning anything."

"I should have woken you up and asked you to cook in the first place."

Daniella let out a laugh as she sat up another frying pan.

"Can you take out the eggs from the fridge?" She looked at Max and asked.

"I... there are no eggs left," He replied. "I burned all of them."


"This is stupid," Max huffed in annoyance as he put down the script for the commercial which he is set to film in a few hours and went back to finish his breakfast.

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