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Daniella was half asleep in her home in Monaco as she lazily dragged her legs to open the front door. It was not even morning yet and the doorbell rang to disturb her sleep. She is not even fully aware of the time or her surroundings, almost like she is sleep walking. 

As soon as she opened the door she had to blink a few times to adjust her vision. Max was outside with his suitcase, looking tired. 

"Seriously?" She asked, mostly to herself because she was not believing her eyes. 

Max smiled which immediately made her realize that she is not dreaming and he is actually there. 

"I thought you were arriving later in the evening," She rubbed her eyes, but still looked sleepy. 

"Yeah but I was getting impatient and really wanted to see you," Max replied. "And I am fully prepared to get any scolding from you for ruining your sleep."

Daniella chuckled as she gestured to Max to come inside. 

"I am just too happy to be angry at you right now," She sweetly replied as she wrapped her arms around him. 

Max felt his exhaustion disappearing as he hugged her back. Been away from her after kissing her and spending the night together, something he has been dreaming about for months was a torture, especially since they haven't talked or established what is it that they both want or how they will move forward, but knowing that their feeling were mutual was a sense of relief. 

Daniella's eyes felt heavy and she almost fell asleep in his arms. 

"Come on, let's get you to bed," Max chuckled as he picked her up in his arms easily and she didn't protest. 

"I have been thinking about you a lot the past few days," Daniella said as she struggled to keep her eyes open. 

"Am I really that good looking?" Max chuckled. 

"Stop trying to sound like Daniel," Daniella sleeply replied. "But yeah, I think you are better looking than Daniel."

Max smiled, her words giving his ego a boost as he put her in bed. 

"Go to sleep," He kissed her forehead. "We will talk in the morning."


Daniella woke up late and the event a few hours ago felt like a dream but was soon proved that it was actually the reality when she felt an arm around her. She looked to her side to see Max sleeping, his mouth was slightly open and was snoring gently. 

She gently ran her fingers through his hair, making him let out a soft moan and shift closer to her. She is not sure whether to feel excited or nervous as they will have a long awaited talk soon, scared that they might not be on the same page in terms of how to move forward from here. 

She checked the time and realized it's past noon, and she is hungry. She placed a quick soft kiss on Max's cheek, and immediately blushed as soon as she realized what she just did. Without wasting any more time she carefully removed Max's arm from around her waist and got up. 

"Ow!" Daniella flinched as her barefoot hit something hard on her way out. She looked down to find Max's suitcase opened on the floor, blocking her path to the door. 

"Good morning Dani," She sarcastically said to herself before closing the suitcase. She was about to leave it in a safe corner in her bedroom but smirked when an idea popped in her head. 

She silently dragged the suitcase away, making sure Max didn't wake up and hid it in her gaming room to teach him a lesson. 


Daniella smiled as Max walked in the kitchen. He looks a bit grumpy but as soon as he saw her the look was replaced by happiness. 

"Is it too soon to kiss you again?" Max walked closer, taking in the smell of the freshly made pancakes. 

"No," Daniella brightly smiled as she placed a plate on the counter and put her arms behind his neck and slightly stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. 

Max pulled her closer, the kiss got more sweet by the second. 

"Hungry?" Daniella asked as they let go of each other. 

"Yes," Max replied before giving her lips a quick kiss. 

"I know it's almost time for lunch but I was in the mood for pancakes so…" Daniella said she served his plate. 

"Looks delicious," Max took a seat and soon Daniella sat in front of him. 

"By the way, have you seen my suitcase?" Max asked as he looked around for a second. "I swear it was in your room but when I woke up it wasn't there."

"I didn't see it when I woke up," Daniella lied as she ate. "Maybe you left it in the living room."


"I think we should take it slow," Daniella said as she sat in the opposite direction of Maxon the couch. The conversation of their future started as soon as they finished eating and gained some energy. 

"How slow are you talking about?" Max asked leaning against the couch but eyes fixated on Daniella. 

"I mean like…not rushing into things, not labeling us right away," Daniella explained. "We both like each other very much but our priority is always going to be racing. I think it will be best if we give us a few weeks, months if needed to see how well we adjust with balancing our hectic schedule and the relationship and then take the next step. Because I don't want to ruin something so amazing by rushing into it."

Max nodded, understanding what Daniella was trying to say and completely agreeing with her. Her concerns are valid and just like her he doesn't want to rush, just wants to enjoy their new found relationship without any obstacles or pressure. 

He wants to say that his feelings for her are much more than just liking her but didn't want to pressure her with it. 

"And…no dating other people," Max hesitantly said, not wanting to sound possessive. 

"Why would I date someone else when I am already with you?" Daniella chuckled. "But the same goes for you though."

Max smiled in relieved. 

"I am sorry, I just don't want there to me any miscommunication or misunderstanding," Max said. 

"No need to apologize," Daniella chuckled. "It's good to let each other knows what we want and what boundaries should be set."

Max agreed. 

"And we can't tell anyone or even let them suspect about us," He added. 

"I think that one goes without saying," Daniella commented. "We won't here the end of it if even one person finds out."

"That means you can tell Lewis or Lando, or even Charles, or Mick and Esteban…man you have a lot of friends."

"And you can't tell Daniel."


A/N: Got a little bit of motivation

Thoughts on Dani and Max, and how they decided to handle their new relationship? 

If Carlos decides to fight for Dani what do you think he should do? 

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