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Max woke up before Daniella and quietly left since he is scheduled to hit the gym with his trainer. He was happy after last night and it showed on his face. The dinner with his mom was a success and Daniella bonded really well with her.

Daniella woke up about an hour after Max left and was not surprised to find the other side of the bed empty, what she was actually surprised was to find a ton of notifications as well as texts from her PR manager.

She had a gut feeling about what was going on and she was right. Lando and Carlos both posted photos and videos of them together at the golf course, but a few contents were just about her and Carlos where he was teaching her golf, no doubt Lando took those. And to make matters worse the official F1 account reposted those and captioned it how Lando is third-wheeling.

"What a nice way to start the day..." She sarcastically said to herself as she let out a deep breath.

She thought the texts from Myra were about those photos but was proven wrong as soon as she opened them.

Myra sent her screenshot and links to some posts. Some fan spotted her having dinner with Max and his mom last night and posted it online, almost convinced that they are dating. But it clashed with the photos of her and Carlos and many people are starting to think that she might be dating both and playing with their hearts.

"Someone kill me..." Daniella mumbled before calling Myra.


Daniella didn't see Max for the rest of the day and also decided it would be best to stay in her room till the opening party that evening but sadly she had a couple of interviews scheduled.

As soon as the interviews were done she came back to her room to rest, lucky for her no one asked her about Carlos or Max during the interviews, thanks to Myra.

Her resting time was interrupted when Sophie Leclerc came knocking at her door, almost making her curse.

"Do you have any cute dresses that I could wear?" Sophie asked as soon as Daniella opened the door.

"Yes, why?" Daniella let her come in.

"Because I don't have one and I am going on a date right after the opening party," Sophie replied.

Daniella smiled as she went over to pull out a couple of dresses from her suitcase.

"Who is the lucky guy?" She asked.

"I can't say," Sophie sheepishly replied. "But you do know him..."

Daniella narrowed her eyes and looked at Sophie, looking for a hint.

Sophie tried not to look at Daniella directly, afraid she might figure it out.

"Lucky for you I value privacy..." Daniella smiled before laying out the two options on the bed.

Sophie felt a sense of relief that the Mercedes driver didn't question her any further. But her main dilemma started as soon as she laid eyes on the dresses, both are gorgeous and suitable for a first date and she is not sure which one to choose.

"I will take the red one..." She picked up the dress. "But the pink one is also so pretty..."

Daniella chuckled. Sophie's behavior reminded her of her younger sister, Collins.

"Pink one is pretty but the red one will suit you better," Daniella commented, trying to help her friend.

"Are you sure?" Sophie looked at her, the conflict was visible on her face.

"Mmhmm," Daniella smiled and nodded.


"Hey," Daniella smiled at Max when she saw her backstage at the Miami Grand Prix opening party. The evening hasn't started yet but most of the drivers are waiting for it to be over quickly.

Her smile faded when she noticed Max was not in a good mood.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Everyone is thinking that you are dating Carlos, so what do you think?" His words came out as cold as it can be as he shot her a glare.

"I already told you he was at the golf course and that Lando invited him..." She whispered. "And in case you haven't noticed, people think I am dating both of you... no it's worse, they think I am playing with both of your hearts."

Max didn't reply and looked away. He was aware of it but was more concerned about what others were thinking about Daniella and Carlos.

"You are seriously pissed off about something that I had no control over?" Daniella was starting to get angry.

"You could have left when Carlos arrived," Max replied.

Daniella was about to argue but thought it was best to keep her mouth shut as the rest of the drivers were there along with some cameras.

"You are being unreasonable as always," She snapped before walking away from her boyfriend.

Soon they were called out for introductions and Daniella didn't bother to look at Max for the rest of the night. She was hoping maybe he will come to apologize but that didn't happen.

Carlos shot Max a smirk as Daniella went out on stage with her team and didn't spare him a glace.


A/N: Daniella and Max are fighting, and people think she is messing with both Max and Carlos. Who do you think is in the wrong here?

Thoughts on Dani and Sophie's friendship?

Any predictions for the race today? 

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