Chapter Seven.

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A Marriage Proposal For You.

Hayat's Pov.

It has been over a week since my best friend's engagement. I was beyond happy for her. She deserves all the happiness that came to her.

As I was praying, I didn't see that my stepsister Jameela poured hot water over my head.

I knew that it was intentional as this is one of the mother-daughter tactics to make me lose concentration over my prayers.

I jumped because thankfully the water wasn't boiling but it was still hot.

"You deserve that for being lazy. Besides, you don't even deserve happiness or even to smile", Jameela says to me while continuing to pour the water on my head.

I wanted to get angry but I realized what the point was. Anger is like poison in the heart and I didn't want that poison in me. So I kept quiet and continued with my prayers because they were the only ones I could count on.

I knew that I couldn't tell my father about this. There are many reasons why he wouldn't believe me.

One of them is; that Jameela is and will always be innocent in his eyes. Because she is younger than me and easily influenced.

After finishing my fajr praying, I quickly went to the bathroom to pour water on my head. Fortunately for me, the water that Jameela poured on didn't even burn that much.

Ya Allah, give me the strength and courage to endure this. Help them, to open their eyes to see what they are doing is wrong.

I quickly walked downstairs to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast. I looked at my wristwatch and it wasn't even 7 am.

Jameela doesn't even pray nor does she ever wake up early. What could be so urgent that she woke up early?

Before I could answer my question both mother and daughter walked into the kitchen and started talking while eying me.

"I can't believe that someone is coming to propose to me. I just hope he is rich...."

"Habibty, I know that he is rich and handsome too. Besides, who else would he come here for apart from you?", Maryam interrupts her daughter while giving the stinky eye.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes inwardly.

I wondered who was foolish enough to come and ask for your hand in marriage.

Someone who doesn't even know how to cook or even work?

Someone who scores less and less in their examinations?

"Are you done?", Maryam startled me.

"Yes, ma'am. Everything is done", I answered her.

"Good. I don't want you here when they come for Jameela's hand in marriage. You can go anywhere you want but remember to be here when they are gone. Is that clear?", she tells me sharply.

"Yes, ma'am", I answered her hoping she would go away so that I could set the table and get ready to leave even if the time for my job was at 7;30 am.



She then walked away with her daughter in tow. Jameela then turned around and smirked at me. It was as if she was saying she won whatever it was.

I set the table for them and discreetly walked up to my room. I knew that Papa would be angry at me for skipping breakfast again.

It wasn't something that I wanted to do but I couldn't stand the stares of the mother-daughter as they ate without caring about anything.

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