Chapter Forty-Three

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Azaan Questioning The Love Of Hayat.

Hayat's Pov.

It has been a few months since Hannah was born.

Alhamdullilah. Hannah is a very happy baby.

Ma shaa Allah.

Jameela has been staying at Dad's place with Dad. He wanted her close to him. Alhamdullilah there is Lila who can help Jameela.

Lila has been like a nanny to Jameela and me since we were kids.

But something has been happening to Azaan. He hasn't been acting himself lately and it has been bothering me.

I knew that I had to talk to him.

He needs to know that I will always be there for him to listen to him.


I waited until it was the right time to talk to him. I needed to assure myself that nothing is wrong with my Azaan.

I walked into his room knowing that he is doing his homework.

"Asalaam Aleikum, my prince", I greeted him by kissing him on his forehead.

"Waleikum salaam, Mamma", he says smiling. But I knew that the smile he gave me wasn't a happy one.

"Are you done with your work? I wanted to talk to you", I asked him.

He nods and placed his books on the corner of his desk. He then turned to face me.

I took his hands with mine and smiled before starting to talk.

"What's wrong my prince? I know that something is bothering you. Tell me. I might know what to do", I tell him. "You can tell me anything you want and I promise I won't be mad at you", I added.

"Mamma, when the baby comes, will you forget about me?", he asks me with tears forming in his eyes.

I took my hands and placed them on his face wiping off his tears.

"No, my prince. You and the baby will receive equal love from me and baba. Besides, you are going to be a big brother. You will have the responsibility of protecting your sibling. I love you so much, my prince. Without you, my happiness would have been incomplete", I tell him.

He pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but smile.

What I didn't know was the fact that my husband was watching us with a huge smile on his face.

Aayan's Pov.

Looking at the smiles and laughs on my wife and son's face is the most relaxing thing that a husband can have. Especially when you have a wife like Hayat who is willing to love your son as her own.

The way she is assuring Azaan that she will love him the same way as his brother/sister.

Most people will say that a stepmother will never love a child that isn't theirs. But Hayat has proven them wrong over and over again.

I walked into the room smiling knowing that Azaan is in the great hands of Hayat.

His Mamma.

"Can I join in the fun?", I asked my wife and son who were laughing at what they are doing.

"Sure, you can join. But as a judge", Azaan says handing me a pad of paper and a pen.

"We are looking for names for the baby", Hayat adds smiling.

I took the pen and waited for them to tell me which names they choose for the baby.

Hayat and I decided that we won't want to know the gender of the baby. We wanted it to be a surprise.

They started listing boys' names first but they were similar to Azaan's name.

Hayat and I knew that it is important for Azaan to be included in everything that will happen to the baby. We didn't want him to feel left out.

"Azaan, how about we name the baby Iman if it's a girl and Azhar if it's a boy?", I asked them when I saw the names that my wife and son have given me.

The look on Azaan's face was happy and he had a smile on his face.

"I chose Azhar and mamma chose Iman. Alhamdullilah, we did that, right mamma?", he says to her.

She smiled and nodded her head.

In times like these, I am glad that Azaan is happy with being an older brother.


I didn't want him to feel neglected just because there is a baby on the way.

"Okay, that's settle. Could we watch a movie?", Hayat says to me while giving me puppy love eyes. I turned to see Azaan doing the same thing his mother does.

People will say that like a father like a son but in this case, it's like a mother like a son.


Before I could finish what I was saying the two of them started saying what snacks they wanted.

"Azaan, Hayat stop. One person at a time please", I tell them.

Azaan turned to his mother and they both started laughing at me.

"Aayan, we already got the snacks ready. We were just waiting for you to join us", my lovely wife tells me while Azaan was laughing so hard that he almost fell from the chair.

"We are sorry, Baba. We were making fun of you...."

I hugged him knowing that he needed it as much as I did.

"Mamma join us", he says pulling Hayat into our arms.

We are now a family.


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