Chapter Eighteen.

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Hayat's Answer.

Will It Be A Positive Answer?

Does an answer matter? Yes, it does. Because when one says no they don't mean yes.

Hayat's Pov.

I know that Papa was trying so hard to calm himself down but even if he did explode it would be for a good reason. I am not saying that they don't deserve it, they do but who are we to be the judge and also the executioner?

You can't judge someone when you aren't clean. I decided the best way is to forgive them because only Allah can judge them.

Taking a few days off from school wasn't my idea. It was Aayan's. He called the principal letting him know that there was a problem that needed to be solved.

A family problem.

Thankfully the principal didn't ask him any questions. But then again he couldn't because Aayan is a benefactor of the school and he is entitled to make changes according to sees fit for the school.

Papa hasn't allowed me to make breakfast ever since he found out about the abuse that Maryam and Jameela have done to me.

I couldn't blame him as I knew that he was trying to do his best to protect and care for me.

"Hayat, are you alright?", papa asks me looking at me with a worried face.

"I am fine, Alhamdullilah. If I am not you are the first one to know", I smiled at him even though it wasn't real.

I didn't want him to worry about me because of them. He is very important to me.

"Okay, come let's go and have lunch. We have guests and I think you would be happy to know who they are", he tells me holding out his hand for me to take.

I took it and walked down the stairs hand in hand to the living room. Before reaching the door, I hear a familiar voice.

It couldn't be, could it?


There he was sitting on his father's lap while talking to his grandparents.

Papa walked in and I followed him.

"Here she is", Papa tells me moving aside for me to pass.

"Asalam Aleikum", I greeted them. They answered me back.

Azaan quickly got up from his father's lap and ran toward me. I then carried him in my arms and he gave me a big kiss on the cheek.

This made his grandparents shocked as if it was something new.

"How come I don't get that kind of welcome, Azaan?", his grandfather teased him.

"I know why? Because he does that to people who are special to him. Maybe one of these days he will do it to you too", his grandmother answered him making Hayat blush.

I took a seat beside Aayan but when I wanted to put Azaan in between us, he didn't want to.

"My prince, whats wrong? Don't you want to sit here beside your Baba?", I ask him.

Azaan shook his head making Aayan pout. When Aayan's mother saw him, she started laughing.

"It seems that Azaan has found his favorite person. And that is you", Aayan whispers to me.

I knew my answer to his proposal. I had already prayed to Allah to guide me and he did Alhamdullilah.

When things don't go your way, it's not that Allah doesn't want you to have them. It is because He knows that if you get them, they might be bad for you or even make you do something you would end up regretting.

I could see Azaan as my son and I have learned to love him as he was.

He is a special boy in my life. Allah knew that we would need each other and that's why He let us meet.

Aayan's Pov.

I could see how happy Azaan was with her. It was almost as if they were meant to be in each other's lives.

I watched how Azaan was trying to tell Hayat a story, she was so engrossed that she didn't even know that both of my parents were staring at her with a look in their eyes.

It was a look of love.

I couldn't help but remember what Zahir told me when I was at the hospital.

You two are meant to be together. She will get you out of whatever is holding you back from prayers. Hayat is the girl for you, brother. She will always be there for you in any way she can.

Well, my dear brother is right. She is the missing puzzle that was needed to complete my family.

"Let's go to the dinning table. The food is ready", Mr. Ahmed tells us.

I wondered where Maryam and Jameela were as I hadn't seen them.

If I did I wouldn't hold myself back because what they did was inhumane.

We all settled down in the dining room but Azaan wanted to sit beside Hayat and me. This made my parents ecstatic because of how Hayat is getting along with Azaan.

Azaan is my parents' pride and joy. They spoiled him as they couldn't spoil me because they were always busy with the company that now is mine.

"Hayat, how is teaching for you? Do you enjoy it?", My father asked her while she was feeding Azaan.

"It good alhamdullilah. Yes, I do enjoy it very much", she answered smiling at him.

My father nodded at her and then looked at my mother.

As we were done eating, Azaan was feeling sleepy so Mr. Ahmed wanted Hayat to take him to his room to sleep for a while.

"No need for that, Sir. Because its getting late we should get going", I tell him. He immediately understood what I was trying to say.

"Okay, Aayan. You are right".

Hayat handed me sleeping Azaan and then my mother came and took him from my arms.

"I will take him to the car", she says carrying him outside to the car leaving me and Hayat standing.

"I wanted to give you my answer...."

Hayat tried to tell me but we were interrupted by our fathers who walked into the living room chatting about business.

"I know", I tell her. I knew what her answer was and she knew mine too.

The only remaining thing was to tell our families including our best friends.

"Dad, Sir. Hayat and I have something to tell you", I cleared my throat. "She has accepted and so have I", I added.

"All I can say is that my son you chose someone who is perfect for you and perfect for Azaan", Dad tells me. He then hugs me.

He turned to Hayat who was fidgeting with the ends of her hijab and held her hands.

"Thank you, my daughter", he kissed her on her forehead while my mother and her father looked on.



Thank you, Zainab, for showing me that Azaan will be able to have a mother in the form of Hayat.

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