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They brought some Hainanese chicken rice home for a late lunch and afterwards did, what they did best: work and practice. After all, things had to keep moving. They filmed a LingLing 40 hours and a reaction video to some pretty IntEresTing opera stuff and played their violins for two hours. Eddy made very sure, that Brett had a good rest around dinner though and all in all, it was quite a productive day, considering they had that more or less life changing appointment filling up their morning.

Brett wasn't really sure, how he felt about the diagnosis. He quietly ate the stir fry vegetables and rice Eddy had cooked for them and just blankly stared at their black dining table.

"You okay, Brett?", Eddy asked eventually, pulling him out of his thoughts.
"Yeah, just thinking. Thanks for cooking by the way. It's surprisingly good."
"What do you mean, surprisingly?" Eddy furrowed his brows, but there was a small smile playing on his lips.
"You never just stir fry veggies. There's always meat involved in the... well, two or three dishes in your repertoire."
"If you want a change of cuisine or more variety, I'm happy to let you take over the kitchen."
Brett laughed. "I'll cook tomorrow, don't worry."
Eddy's smile widened. "I'll hold you to that! I was actually trying to prepare a healthier meal just for you, bro. So you should be thankful, and less insulting."
"I just did thank you!", Brett exclaimed indignantly and Eddy had to laugh at his facial expression.

"But, you sure you're fine? We got some big news today and haven't really talked about it", Eddy said after he'd finished eating dinner. Brett pushed his rice back and forth in the bowl with his chopsticks. "I... I actually don't know. I mean, they're still not a hundred percent sure and that's kind of good and bad at the same time."
Eddy nodded and cleared his throat. "And, how would you feel, if it would be a clear diagnosis? If we'd know for sure?"
"Crohn's disease you mean?", Brett clarified and received a nod again.
"Well... It'd suck I guess? Not that I know much about it. It doesn't seem to be the worst one could have. Of course, it not being treatable makes it really shitty... I don't know."
"Hmmm", Eddy hummed, apparently not sure what to say to that.

"What about you?", Brett asked in return, which made Eddy look up in surprise. "What about me?"
"Well, you seemed pretty out of it at the doctors. How are you holding up?"
It took Eddy a few seconds to answer and when he did, he spoke slowly, unsure of his words.
"I was pretty shocked to be honest. I've heard about it somewhere before and I know, it can be a quite severe illness. I really don't want you to have to suffer from that for the rest of your life."
"Encouraging words.", Brett deadpanned.
"But I know you're strong, Brett! And I meant it, when I said, that we can get through this together." Eddy's voice suddenly sounded much more certain. It carried the same tone he had back at the beach. "And I'm gonna support you as good as I can! So don't worry. Just focus on getting better and leave the rest to me!"
Brett had to blink hard to not let his emotions get the better of him after Eddy's speech. He mumbled a low "Thanks" and quickly started to clear the table in order to hide how moved he was.

After dinner, they threw on a movie and chilled out on the couch, bag of chips and very healthy green tea in reach (to compensate, Eddy had said). Brett found it nice to unwind and scooted a bit closer to Eddy to have better access to the chips the other hogged.
"You shouldn't eat too much of these", Eddy lectured with a frown.
"And you get to eat all? Unfair!", Brett pouted "I need comfort food too."
"Drink your tea and be quiet. I want to hear how they kill each other off", Eddy pointed at the screen, where John Wick was off to revenge his dog and car by shooting a bunch of people in a very sus swimming pool.
Brett huffed, but took an apple instead and bit into it. Eddy smirked over his victory.

"So, is this how it's going to be? You controlling my diet and schedule?"
"It's for the best, Bretty. Haven't you gotten used to it yet?"
"Don't call me that, when all you do is torture me. And besides", Brett managed to steal a chip out of the bag in Eddy's lap under a loud "Heyy!"
"I thought this having a say over my life would be over after we had that appointment."
"Obviously not! You need to be taken care of and it's more important than ever."
Brett gave up after this, but Eddy eventually put the bag away and also grabbed himself an apple. "To show you my empathy", he said with a wink, which made Brett chuckle.

During the last third of the film, Brett suddenly got really tired. He tried to keep himself awake and watch till the end, but his eyelids were so heavy and his head really just wanted to place itself on the soft couch. After five minutes, he had to give up the fight and just slumped down next to Eddy, unable to control where he landed.

And he might have felt, through the haze of drowsiness, a gentle touch on his forehead, brushing his hair away. He might have heard a calm, soothing voice calling his name several times and then a chuckle. He might have felt a blanket being laid over him and an arm resting around his frame while the movie was still going... But if it was the most comforting dream he ever had, or part of a reality he didn't dare to imagine, he couldn't tell.

And what he wasn't aware of at all, was, that the one responsible for his comfort, was looking more at his peaceful sleeping face with a soft smile, than at Keanu Reeves, slaughtering the rest of the cast.

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon