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"I feel like I've been released from prison!", Brett sighed, his heart feeling lighter than it had for what felt like ages.

They had decided to take a walk after weeks of Brett huddling up under his blanket most of the time. After the sun had gone down, the temperature was finally close to agreeable for a stroll and now they were walking side by side to the park close to their building. The one with the koi fish pond and the fateful, grassy hill.
"Yeah, feels awesome to be outside, hey", Eddy agreed, his own face mirroring the carefree state Brett was in. At least for the moment.

Christmas lights were decorating the entrance of the park and the whole willow tree forest was softly lit by thousands of small lamps hanging in between the leaves. Eddy loved everything Christmas themed, Brett knew. So he led them straight into the magical winter wonderland, minus the cold and the snow and, well, the winter.
"This is soooo pretty!", Eddy exclaimed, as soon as they found themselves under the trees, his eyes as shiny as the lights above them.
Brett smiled fondly. "It sure is!"
"You reckon they sell hot chocolate somewhere?", Eddy asked.
"Probably. Maybe the boba place nearby has some!"
"Good idea! Let's get some afterwards!" Eddy sounded like an excited kid asking for ice cream. Brett had to laugh. "I can't, but you'll have some. It's too hot anyways."
"It's for the moods, mate."

They strolled peacefully under the willow trees and passed by a number of almost sicklishly in love couples.
"A boba store selling hot chocolate. Sacrilegious!", Eddy meant after a while and Brett snorted.
"They have that in Taiwan at some places though", he said, remembering it being on the menu.
"I know. But it's so weird! Did you ever have any?"
"Nah. Who gets hot chocolate in Taiwan anyway? Also, I can't imagine it being good."
"Well", Eddy said, "I'm about to find out."

The two of them came to a bench surrounded by cascading branches of some willow trees nearby and the equally flowy lights. Eddy beckoned Brett to sit down and take a break. They hadn't been walking for long, but Brett being out of shape to say the least felt his energy level dropping quickly.
"Damn!", he huffed, as he slumped down, "I really gotta excercise after my recovery!"
"Already signed us up for a gym membership, remember?", Eddy asked and sat down next to Brett, staring up the lights in awe.
"Ah, yeah. Perfect! I forgot you've done that", Brett admitted, picked up a fallen leaf and started to fold it over and over to give his hands something to do.
"You're not getting away that easily!", Eddy warned with a grin, gave Brett's shoulder a small slap, but didn't withdraw his hand. It was one of those innocent touches, little gestures of appreciation and familiarity Brett savoured so much. Something nudged Brett's mind. Something important he wanted to tell Eddy... besides the having feelings part.
So, Brett cleared his throat. "Uhm... Eddy, for what it's worth", he picked up a new leaf to fold, "without you, those past couple of months would have destroyed me. I wouldn't have survived all those stays at the hospital and I'm pretty sure I would have died from starvation or sickness by now, if it wasn't for you. You've done way more than a normal best friend would have and I'm eternally grateful for that! So, thank you!"
He turned his head and looked at Eddy, who was watching him with soft eyes.
"I basically owe you my life. Thank you!"

Was he halluzinating, or were Eddy's eyes moist? Glistening with the thousands of lights reflected in them? Brett frowned. "Bro, wha... Are you crying?"
Eddy inhaled deeply, laid his arm around Brett for real and pulled him to his side, tight.
"Brett, mate... I'm just so glad you're gonna be alright and you thanked me a thousand times already. You even got me jewelery! What I've done, you would have too. So, no need to say thanks anymore, alright? But..." and he stroked Brett's arm up and down. Would it have been rougher, it would have been a perfectly normal bro thing. It was so soft though that it sent goosebumps all over Brett's body. "Thanks. For saying thanks, I guess. It means a lot!"
Like dipping his toe into a cold lake before diving in, Brett carefully placed his head on Eddy's shoulder. Eddy didn't flinch. He even tightened his grip around Brett's smaller frame.

Neither of them said anything for a while. They just enjoyed each other's presence, sometimes watched the people walk pass them, sometimes closed their eyes and listened to the other's breathing, focused their senses on the touches between them.

Would Eddy still give him that? This type of closeness, after Brett would have spilled the beans? Laid out his soul? Or would Brett lose all of this? Brett shuddered upon that thought and pressed himself even closer to Eddy.
"Brett?", Eddy mumbled, probably sensing that something disturbed Brett.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah... Just..." and his face burried itself more into the fabric of Eddy's shirt. Eddy chuckled. "Alright", he simply said and took Brett's hand into his.

And Brett realized right this moment, that he would always love Eddy with all his heart. Even if he'd reject him, quit their friendship, leave their dreams and vision behind, there was not a world or parallel universe, where Brett Yang wouldn't love Eddy Chen.

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant