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Brett saw Eddy coming back with two cans of beer in his hands, smiling at him.
"There you go", Eddy said, handed him the non-alcoholic one, slumped down next to Brett and opened his beverage with a loud fizzle.
"Thanks!" Brett opened his in turn and took a huge gulp in order to calm his poor nerves. He cursed his condition for not allowing him to have a proper drink! Alcohol would have definitely helped in his case now.

"You reckon we'll hit the three mil soon?", Eddy asked while sipping his drink.
"Probably around new year, looking at the stats", Brett replied, glad for the topic Eddy brought up, "Being active on Tiktok really helps with new subs, I think. We did some pretty funny ones recently."
"Yeah! I always feel like it's such a waste of time, but I guess it helps us reach the younger generation."
"Don't you have fun with it? You always look like you enjoy doing those silly dances and stuff", Brett stated, taking another sip.
"It's fun, but still... a bit braindead, you know what I mean?" Brett chuckled and nodded.
"You should join me more!", Eddy suggested, looking expectantly at Brett. Brett laughed.
"I'm just gonna steal the spotlight and I know you don't want that."
"Nah, bro! My moves are too sexy, no way you gonna beat me."
Brett had to force himself to push the images of the latest Tiktoks Eddy had uploaded away. He cleared his throat.
"Sure! Shall we do a voting thing to see, what the fans think?"
Eddy's eyes lit up and Brett regretted suggesting this dumb idea immediately.
"Yes!!! That would be awesome! Something like a fan service thing! They would love that!"
Brett laughed and wildly shook his head.
"Oh god, no! That would be the death of me! Maybe of some of the fans too, but mainly of me."
"Come ooon! There are so many funny pair dances we could do. I'll teach you!"
"I'm sure you would, but it's enough if one of us shakes his booty. You do plenty of those and we're good."
"Wouldn't you be jealous?"

Brett looked up, showing a shocked expression. Eddy smirked.
"Uhh", Brett stuttered, "uhhh, wh... Why the hell would I? If I'd be, I wouldn't suggest you do it."
"So, you don't care if the whole world sees my awesome moves?"
Brett found he actually did care, but who was he to stop Eddy from dancing provocatively on their shared social media? So he just said: "Too late for that. You uploaded quite a bunch of those already."

Was Brett imagining it, or was Eddy's stupid smirk so radiant it could beat Super Man's laser? He had to look away to prevent his face from turning into a tomato. Good thing he could summon his deadpaness almost whenever he wanted, which saved him at this very moment.

"Well, the ladies sure seem to like it and, as we established before, it raises our sub numbers. You should thank me."
"What became of our classy classical music channel?", Brett sighed and Eddy laughed, almost spilling his beer.

There was something nagging Brett and he wasn't sure, if he really wanted to open that particular bag of worms. But he'd always been the "Just do it"-type, so he just went for it...maybe against his better judgement.

"So...", he began. Eddy looked at him, curious what he had to say with that careful tone his voice carried, "so... You wouldn't mind the whole world seeing ME dance in front of the camera?"
"Hmmm", Eddy made and Brett had to look away.
"Nah! Don't think so."
"Oh...", Brett breathed.
"You suck at dancing, so you could just as well sit there and do nothing. It would have the same effect."

Brett slapped him hard on the one shoulder facing him.
"Oouuch! What was that for?", Eddy half laughed half yelled, holding his injured body part.
"Just you wait! I'm gonna make you suffer!", Brett threatened and started to tickle Eddy for real. Eddy squealed and immediately fell from the bench with Brett's vengeful and fast violinist fingers not far away. The battle was fierce, but since Brett wasn't as ticklish as his best friend, he always had the upper hand and soon gained a advantageous position, straddeling Eddy and conquering the most sensitive parts with his tickle methods. Eddy laughed and heaved and tried to wiggle his way out, but he had no chance with small, but surprisingly heavy Brett sitting on him. Passerbys threw concerned and disapproving glances at them for disturbing the peace, but neither of them cared.

"Stop! Stopp! Stoooppp! I'm sorry!! Please have mercy with me!", Eddy begged inbetween tickles and laughter.
"Nah! Forget it! It's way too much fun for me to just stop because of a cheap 'sorry'!"
"I'll do anything! Please!"
"Buy me a Chicha bubbletea!" Brett tickled Eddy's sides.
"Arrgh...Got it!"
"Bring out the garbage tomorrow!"
"Again? That's... Aaarrrgghh, alright! alright!"
"And..." Now or never, Brett thought. "...accept and wear this thing I got you!"
"Okay, okay!... Wait... What?"

Brett had stopped his torturous doings and pulled out a delicate silver necklace with a rose pendent. He held it in front of Eddy's face, still straddling him.
Eddy stared at it, his mouth agape so he looked almost funny.

"What is this?", he finally asked a bit out of breath.
"Don't you have eyes?" Brett swung the gift from left to right and made Eddy follow it with his gaze like he was being hypnotized.
"It's beautiful!"
Brett smiled and finally got off Eddy to sit next to him crossed legs on the grass.
"I knew you'd like it!"
"I do, but... why? You never buy stuff like that. Just dumb stuff, not nice stuff!"
"You want me to start tickling you again?", Brett threatened.
"No, no! But I still don't understand..."
Brett sighed and suddenly felt very shy.
"I just saw it at a jewelery store near our appartment and thought I get it for you. For, you know, taking care of me and all."

Eddy was out of words.

"Was that... a bad idea?", Brett asked, deflated. He was pretty sure by now, that it was exactly that: a bad idea.
"No! Brett, not at all!" Eddy sat up and held out his hand.
"Can I look at it?", he smiled.
Brett handed him his gift, crossed his arms and observed Eddy with a frown.
Eddy took the necklace and held it into the light of the next street lamp. He examined it like it was something very precious. His eyes were shining, while he let his fingers run over the silver chain. Slowly, Brett felt the tension leave his system and he dared to hope, that this wasn't a mistake after all.

"Brett, I love it!", he finally said and put it around his neck.
"Great!", Brett sighed. "So, where's my bubble tea?"
"Bro! Way to ruin the mood!"
"What mood?" He felt his anxiety creeping up on him again.
"This super-important-step-in-our-friendship-mood!"
"You know, I'm not the touchy feely type", Brett complained, "Getting you that necklace was sentimental enough for me. So let me just get out of this weird situation and go back to normal-friendship-mood, I beg you."
"Nah! You're not getting out of this so easily after you've tickled me half to death and then weirdly given me a very beautiful thank you gift!" Eddy scooted closer to Brett, opened his arms and hugged him tight.
"Thank you", Eddy whispered, his breath tickling Brett's neck. Brett shuddered. "It means a ton!"
Brett hugged him back in the most bro-way he could, repetitive shoulder pats and a low "You're welcome" included. A bro giving another bro a silver rose necklace was the most unbro thing Brett could think of and he really wasn't sure why he had done that in the first place, so at least, he had to keep everything else as bro-like as possible... Just not to deceive his for whatever reason affected heart...

Eddy let go of him with a huge smile on his face.
"So! Where's the next bubble tea store?", he asked while getting up and sitting on the bench again. He emptied his beer in an impressive speed and threw the can into the nearby trash. Brett's sort-of-beer had become luke warm, so he just emptied the content by a tree and started to pack up their stuff.

"I think, we have to take exit four of the park and head straight", he said and shouldered their bagpack.
"Let's go then!", Eddy exclaimed, so they headed towards one of the exits, both of their minds and hearts full with gratefullness for each other. 

A.N. Hello guys :-)! Sorry for the late uploads recently. I'm on holiday^^. Hope you're all doing well and thanks for the stars and comments! It means the world.

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