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Like in a trance, Brett put on his shoes, grabbed his phone in case he wouldn't find Eddy through his vague and mysterious message, delivered by the hilarious group of guys chanting it. Brett would have laughed his ass off, if the situation wasn't so loaded. With anticipation. With nervousness.

"Go to the hill."

It wasn't like Singapore was lacking hills in any way, so this was probably the worst way of giving directions in this huge city. It was only a little bit better than "Go to that building.". Nonetheless, Brett had an inkling of course, which hill Eddy meant.

The elevator ride seemed to take forever today. Brett replayed the message at least five times before a loud "ping" rang through the cabin and the doors opened. The air outside was still quite warm and humid, a big contrast to the Christmas lights blinking in the neighbourhood and the decorated trees here and there.
With long strides, Brett made his way to the park with the koi fish pond near their apartment. The park, where Brett had run to when he'd been confused about his feelings. The park, where they had shared a picnic together and where he'd given Eddy the rose necklace. The park, where they'd just been recently to walk under the willow trees with Christmas lighting hung in and between the crowns.

The park, where Eddy had fled to after he'd thought he'd overstepped some line with Brett. Where they'd watched the sunset together after making sure everything was all right between them.

Where they'd sat on a grassy hill. Surrounded by palm trees.

Brett walked past the koi fish pond, past the entrance of the willow tree forest and took the path he knew would lead him to that very hill. And when the high ground came to sight, Brett could see a lone figure standing on top of it and he knew, that his hunch had been right.

There were no people around in this area. He quickened his pace unconsciously, his breathing accelerated and his heart felt like it wanted to jump out of his chest and join the koi fish in the pond for a swim to cool itself down. As he walked through the high grass and climbed to the top, he noticed an instrument in his best friend's hand.

Of course Eddy would have his violin with him.

There was a small breeze ruffling his hair when Brett stopped about two meters away from Eddy. The sun had fully set behind the horizon, different shades of bright red and orange got mixed into the gold in the sky and there were already one or two of the most brilliant stars twinkling in the east.

A perfect, absolutely gorgeous stage for Eddy.

Brett and Eddy looked at each other, none of them saying a word. There was no "Hey!" or "What are we doing here?" needed. Brett knew he'd hear everything in time. So he just nodded at Eddy, who nodded back, positioned his violin, took a deep breath and placed his bow on the strings.

Brett hadn't really had any expectations regarding the piece and he had no idea what Eddy intended to play. But when Eddy drew his bow over the E string, producing a sweet high D and the following notes, Brett breathed in sharply.

It was the second movement of the Korngold violin concerto. The one of which Eddy had once said it hit the idea of romance to him.
It wasn't flashy, fast, rushed. For a non trained ear it wouldn't even have sounded impressive maybe. But the way Eddy glissed and placed the vibrato, the way his high notes sang through the air of Christmas Eve, the way his passion shone through his playing in every bow stroke... It was everything.

Eddy caressed every note in that piece and Brett just stood there as his sole audience, frozen, breathless, trying to take in the meaning in Eddy's playing and save it in his memory for as long as he'd exist as one of the most magical and impactful performances. Never in his life had Brett thought he'd be serenaded to, and yet, here he was, listening to the violin playing of the one he longed for most.

And then, after what seemed like forever and a blink of an eye at the same time, Eddy ended his performance after the first, sweeter half of the second movement.
He stood there, eyes closed, violin and bow in hand and looking like an angel while savouring the last tone still lingering in the air.

Then, after a minute or so, he opened his eyes and gazed at Brett, his lips carrying a light smile.
A single tear rolled down Brett's cheek and fell to the ground, but Brett didn't take notice of that. His whole being was focused on that person opposite of him and he tried to catch every sign, every movement.

And that's when Eddy opened his lips.

A/N: Everyone, FOUR MIL MENDY GOOO!! Wish everyone the most epic listening experience, be it in person or over the internet. And if you guys are actually there: Please tell them we love them (and have a bubble tea for me)!

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