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"The results should be in in two or three days", Dr. Roberts said after Brett had gotten through the MRI scan and was back in the wheelchair.
"This quick? I thought it would take weeks", Eddy said, his expression carrying a surprised smile. He squeezed Brett's shoulder, who laid his hand on the other's.
"We can always go slower", the radiologist smirked. He was probably more used to having unsatisfied patients than happy ones. "But since we got the scans, Dr. Han and another Gastroenterologist will try to find the cause for your illness as soon as possible. Dr. Han insisted on receiving the images before lunchtime even."

Once again, Brett marveled over Eddy's persistence, since it had been his phone calls with the different medical professionals which had sped up the whole process.
"Good! That's great!", Eddy exclaimed and tightened his grip on Brett's shoulder.
"Brett, I'd like to have someone look at your blood values. You look a bit too pale and thin for my liking."
Yeah, no kidding! Brett thought bitterly, but replied with a nod.

Dr. Roberts made a quick call and told Eddy to bring Brett to the first floor to get a thorough check-up. There, they measured his blood pressure, took a blood sample and told them to quickly wait for the results. But with Brett's blood pressure being extremely low, the possibility of him having to spend some time at the hospital was quite high.

And of course that's what they told them in the end. After waiting for an hour in the waiting area with Brett almost sliding from the wheelchair a couple of times when he dozed off, an internist informed them about Brett's blood values being way too low and his iron values were almost nowhere to be found, so they'd like to keep him for at least two days and put him on IV.

"Can I stay with him?", Eddy asked. The internist looked at him with a frown and tsked once. "We have quite strict rules because of covid. We have visitor hours from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. everyday, but staying full time is going to be difficult."
"I was able to stay last time!" Eddy took Brett's hand in a manner like he wanted to be attached to him fulltime as long as he'd have to stay here.
"Was it an emergency?"
"... Yeah, kind of."
"That's different. This time we're just going to make sure he gets the essential nutrients and that he can rest properly. Don't worry. We'll take good care of him." And with that, the doctor left to get a nurse to prepare a room for Brett.

"Fuck!", Eddy mumbled under his breath.
"Don't worry, I'm gonna be fine. You go home and get some rest."
"I really don't want to leave you alone here."
Brett lightly brushed over Eddy's fingers.
"You can go and practice your Sibelius. Perfect timing, don't you think?", he tried to lighten to mood, but Eddy just dropped his head.
"It's not funny, Brett."

No, it wasn't. Having to be alone at some hospital was the last thing Brett wanted, but what choice did they have? So, when someone came and led them to a double room with already another patient in it, Eddy helped him change into one of those awful, embarrassing hospital gowns under Brett's weak protest, because having the one he had a crush on seeing him in such a nasty thing was definitely on his personal top ten list of "not-to-do's" in front of the love of his life... or anyone really. Eddy made sure, Brett was neatly and comfortably tugged in, observed, how a nurse stuck a huge needle in Brett's hand and attached him to an IV-drip, before he took Brett's unstabbed hand and softly stroked it with his thumb.

"Are you going to be alright?"
"Of course. I'm being fed through a bag attached to my bloodstream. I couldn't be better", Brett answered, even though all he wanted to say, or scream, was begging for Eddy to stay.
Eddy smiled half heartedly. "I'm sorry I can't stay."
"Just make sure you practice! I'll be okay, promise!" He probably wouldn't be at all, but he wanted to make this as easy as possible for Eddy, so a lie here and there seemed the only thing appropriate.
"Sir, you really need to leave now, I'm sorry", the nurse responsible for Brett for the afternoon said.
"Can you leave us alone for a moment? I'll be gone in five", Eddy asked, causing Brett to furrow his brows. What did he want to say that a nurse wasn't supposed to hear? Couldn't be too private... There was still a roommate around after all. She excused herself though, leaving them alone.

Brett wasn't sure, if it was his messed up half aware state, but Eddy seemed to be nervous all of a sudden.
"Uhm... If you need anything, text me. I'll bring it tomorrow", he said after a short moment of silence, only filled with the beeps from the machines and an occasional sniffle caused by the other guy.
"Bro, I'm here for two days. Don't think this will be necessary."
"You sure? Not even your charger?"
Brett hadn't thought of that, but since he was so tired he was very likely going to sleep most of the time, he shook his head. "Just if you remember. I'm gonna set it on battery saver and hope it'll last."
"If you say so", Eddy mumbled.
"Okay... so, see you around, I guess", Brett sighed and waved his limp, unpierced hand.
"If there's anything going on, or if you just want to talk, call me!", Eddy instructed.
"I will. Although... battery, you know."
"I'll bring you your charger."
Brett chuckled despite the situation. "Alright."
Eddy smiled with sad eyes, in which Brett could practically read his reluctance to go. The beeping of the machine to which Brett was attatched slowly picked up the pace.

"I should go", Eddy finally announced and stepped closer. Brett, expecting a bro hug, froze, when Eddy suddenly pulled down his mask and placed a feather light kiss on Brett's forehead.
"Wha...", was all he managed as Eddy took a step back.
"So you won't forget me", the other winked, waved and was gone, before Brett could appropriately or inappropriately react to whatever the fuck just happened.

He slumped into the hard hospital mattress with wide eyes, the beeping of the heart monitor going through the roof. He thanked God, that Eddy wasn't around to notice the quickly repeated A's and that he himself was too exhausted to think about what the hell his best friend had done. He rubbed the spot on his forehead where he'd just felt the soft lips, sighed and settled in for what would become the most tormenting day since Brett Yang had gotten sick ...

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now