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"So... what do you reckon we tell the world?", Eddy asked almost sheepishly on their way home through the park.
"About us you mean?", Brett said, squeezing Eddy's hand. It was an important topic and something they hadn't talked about yet. They didn't hide it very well when they were outside either, like now for example. Anyone seeing them could basically make them. Was it smart? Probably not. A fan taking a wrong picture and posting it somewhere in the realms of social media and they'd be screwed. But somehow, they couldn't bring themselves to care. Their online personalities were taking a break after all and they just entered their little bubble of happiness and bliss and didn't intend on leaving it too soon.

"Yeah. We're not exactly discrete", Eddy stated.
Brett laughed. "No we're not."
"I mean, I don't mind...", Eddy said a bit more quiet with a small smile, "but we'd have to tell our parents first if we want to be out. I don't want my mum scroll through anything and going 'What the damn hell!!!'"
Brett snorted. "You're mum would totally react like that."
"Probably, right?"
"Hmmm...", Brett made and slowed down his steps.
"Have you thought about what you want?" Eddy led them to a bench under a tree to sit down since this was probably going to be a longer discussion. Brett looked around to see if anyone could overhear them but figured, that train had left the station long ago. They had been holding hands walking around just now.

Yeah, they needed to make a decision quick.

"Not really", Brett said truthfully, "I mean, we're still kinda getting used to it ourselves, aren't we?"
"Yeah..." Eddy pressed a soft kiss on Brett's forehead.
"What would you like?", Brett asked.
Eddy glanced up the way he always did when he had to think hard.
"I don't know... I mean, we can think in categories. Like in groups."
Brett nodded, seeing where Eddy was going with this.
"I think the most important ones are our friends and family and I don't know how you feel about this, but I would like to tell them at some point."
"Of course!", Brett exclaimed, "We have to!"
Eddy smiled. Wait, hadn't he been sure if Brett wanted to tell anyone ever?
But before Brett could ask, Eddy continued. "Okay, so the next question is, when are we going to tell them?"
That was a very good question. The bigger part of Brett, the more cowardly part he supposed, wanted to delay that phone call as long as possible. But that would also mean...
"I guess if we don't tell them, we need to be more careful until we do."
Brett nodded again. "Yeah, makes sense."
"God, I'm grateful we live together!"
Brett sniggered. "When would you like to tell them?"
"Whom? Our families?"
"Yes", Brett confirmed.

It was silent for a while, both of them glancing at their knees.
"After New Year", Eddy finally said, his voice determined. Brett bopped his head in agreement.
"Would you be okay with that?" Eddy turned to him.
"Think so. No need in hiding it for too long. But like this, we'd still have a grace period. And friends right after?"
"I'd say so. I'm actually looking forward to that one."
"Yeah, me too. Don't think they'll be super surprised to be honest. And Ray knows already."
"Ah, yeah", Eddy chuckled.
"Not the full story yet though."
"Which part?"
"He doesn't know we're officially together."
"We should call him", Eddy mused.
"Yeah, he helped me out a lot."

Brett inhaled deeply. "And what about the world? Youtube?"
"Hmmm...", Eddy hummed, "I mean, we always kept our private lives private. I guess that worked well till now?"
"I agree. We can just carry on as before. Telling would bring a whole new dynamic into everything and I don't think it'll help our channel, to be honest."
"Yeah. It might complicate things and also", Eddy took Brett's hand and grinned, "It's none of their business."
Brett smiled back. "Yup! None of their business!" His smile turned a bit tortured though, as he said: "But it'll also mean, that we can't be out in public. Even if our parents know."
Eddy's face fell ever so slightly. "That is true..."
"The downside of being sort of famous, huh."

"You know what", Eddy said hoarsely after another minute where none of them was speaking, "I will still hold your hand from time to time, still sneak a kiss or two on your beautiful lips, I don't care. We don't have to be super obvious, but I don't wanna hide like it's a state secret either. I've hidden long enough..."
Brett looked at Eddy with wide eyes. It was risky. If they would be made by someone and the information would spread, what then?
On the other hand, was all of this worth over making Eddy miserable? They hadn't really cared for the last few days and if they were careful and not full on snog at an airport or in a packed concert hall, chances could still be slim that someone would actually notice anything.

Brett swallowed hard before saying: "Alright. I'm in."
"Yeah. I don't wanna hide like we're criminals on the run either. That's stupid." Eddy snorted upon Brett's simple, but yet effective wording.
"Okay, so... Family and friends after New Year's, the rest shall stay oblivious?", Eddy winked.
"Yes!", Brett exclaimed and actually felt a weight lifting from his shoulders he didn't know had been there. But that was the thing with something as serious as they had. It changed stuff and they had to talk about it. And it was good. Real good.

"Hey Ray!", both of them blurted into Brett's phone on speaker.
"Heyy you guys! Merry Christmas! Nice picture on your insta page by the way. Is that your humongous tree in the back?"
Eddy snorted. "No!? Like, look at the place! I wished we lived like this!"
"Not everyone can be a famous soloist, huh", Ray mused, a hint of mischief in his tone.
"At least our tree gots personality!", Brett quipped.
"Uhhh, now I really wanna see a picture of your work of art."
"We'll send you some later."
"So, why are you calling?"

Brett and Eddy looked at each other. That was it! The first time they were announcing their relationship to someone else.
"We have news", Eddy started.
It was silent on the other end for a second. "I'm listening?"
"Uhm... remember what I told you last time?", Brett asked, his heart jumping nervously. And giddily.
"Uhm... well, we stopped waiting."
"Wai... wait, what?"
"Brett is my bae now."
Brett huffed loudly, but that was drowned out by Ray's outcry of surprise, or was it shock? Joy? Brett couldn't really tell.

"Brooo, cool down!", Eddy laughed in glee and threw an arm around Brett.
"Happens every fucking time I call him", Brett mumbled, grinning broadly though, while his comment sent Eddy straight into a laughing slash coughing fit.
"Oh my God! Thank the heavens!!! That took forever!!! My heart... At this rate, I'm gonna die when I'm fourty I swear."
"No more nail biting for you, bro!", Eddy declared.
"Unless it's for myself. But wooooow, congrats lovebirds! Tell me everything!"

They told Ray a shortened, pg version of Christmas Eve, taking turns and sometimes even finishing each other's sentences. Brett could see them becoming one of those annoying couples whose confession stories were rehearsed to perfection. And he found he didn't mind.

"Oh wow! Way to go Eddy! Super romantic!!! Not that I'm surprised though. And you Brett, playing Tchaik second? Come on!", Ray cheered.
"What can I say? I just really wanted to win Brett's heart", Eddy explained.
"You did long ago!", Brett said and threw a soft glance at his love.
"Aaawwww! You're making an old man jealous of your new found love!", Ray sighed overly dramatic.
"Learn from your senpais for preparing for your own love quest!", Eddy said. Brett guffawed.
"Tsk tsk tsk! Little padawan gets confused just because he has a strong man by his side now", Ray scolded and Brett could practically hear him shake his head.
"Strong? I could get blown off by a light breeze at the moment", Brett remarked.
"Still think you're way stronger than our Eddy-chan here."
Their laughter filled the room. Ray asked Brett about his well-being and after they got an update on Ray's newest projects they ended the call, their hearts light and their minds very, very joyful.

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now