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It appeared, Brett always slept wonderfully after being intimate with Eddy. So when he woke up in Eddy's arms the next morning, he felt relaxed, sated and very, very happy.

How had he been able to live without knowing and feeling on every level that his best friend loved him? He stared at Eddy's peaceful features and felt a wave of gratefulness and warmth wash over him. His thoughts wandered back at what happened last night after their date and he felt his ears getting hot and himself blushing hard.

What was it with Eddy making him flustered like he was suddenly sixteen and clueless again? Had he been like this with his previous more or less romantic encounters before? Brett was pretty sure he hadn't, but then again, it had never been this serious. It had never been someone he cared about so much, someone he'd give up everything for.

That someone started to stir, grunted adorably and opened his eyes a little.
"Good morning, my love."
"Good morning, Bretty." Eddy stretched his arms and yawned before he pulled Brett close to him, providing Brett with even more of his warmth.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Mhm. Always, when I'm next to you", Eddy mumbled, his voice nice and low, the vibrations it sent like a soothing balm to Brett's soul. Not that he really needed it at the moment...
"Real, real good."

They just savoured each other's presence for a few minutes, enjoying their little bubble of calmness and love before they were going to start the day for real.
"Bretty... Can I say something?" Eddy's voice carried a special tone. One of which Brett knew whatever Eddy was going to say next would be of great meaning. To Brett maybe, but certainly to Eddy himself.
"Sure, shoot." His eyes were open now, awake, observing every tiny change of his love's facial expression.
"Yesterday... what we did..." Brett's blushing was back in full force, but he stayed silent. "It was... I don't know if you know how much it means to me."
"Uhm...", Brett made, unsure of what to respond to that.
"I've been in love with you for so long and you know... the things we did before after we got together, that was all amazing too. And very very special. But to feel you like this, so close, so intimate... I'm not sure if you want to hear this or if I should even say it outloud, but I dreamt of this, fantasized about it so many times. Nothing super specific, but still..." He took a deep breath, before he continued. "And to have that dream come true... of you being like this with me..." Eddy's eyes were moist. "It was everything, Brett."

"Oh, Eddy..." Brett felt a rush of emotions travel through his being. Wow... Of course Brett had kind of assumed Eddy had thought about things like this before they had been together. Brett had too, but it was something else to actually hear it. It took guts to say it outloud.
"I'm very, very happy with what happened yesterday and really, everyday before that since I'm with you, like, for real. And I'm so sorry you had to wait for such a long time until you finally got... well... me." The last small syllable was almost inaudible.
Eddy shook his head vigorously.
"I'm not saying all this for you to apologize. It's just... I want you to know that everything we do means so much to me."
Brett nodded once and brushed Eddy's fringe to the side, uncovering those feline, dark eyes. "I know that. You show me with everything you do. And I'm incredibly grateful for that. I don't think I've ever felt as loved as when I am with you."

It was true. The way Eddy looked at him, touched him, spoke to and about him, loved him... Brett felt as if he was THE one thing Eddy had wanted his whole life and finally got... he guessed in a way, he really was exactly that to Eddy.

Eddy cupped Brett's cheek gently. "I do love you."
"I love you too."
The smile Eddy put on was radiant. "I know. You show me too, every day, even before we were together."
"Well...", Brett grinned sheepishly, "what you showed me yesterday was beyond mindblowing..."
"Oh yeah?", Eddy breathed, the flames in his eyes dancing slowly, dangerously, "I can show you more, if you want."

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now