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"I'm home!", Brett called, as he stepped through the entrance of their apartment.
"Ohhh, good good!!!" Eddy stormed out from the studio, wearing the red Twoset Apparel Christmas jumper and grabbed Brett's arm. "You gotta come with me!"
Brett furrowed his brows. "What is it?"
"Just... I prepared a small surprise! I'll go ahead into the studio and when I call you, you gotta come!"
"Why? Are you pranking me?" Brett got more suspicious by the minute.
"No! Just do as I say!", Eddy ordered and ran back into the studio.

Odd. Eddy normally sucked at surprises and Brett usually saw them coming from a mile away. Not this time, apparently.

"Yo, Brett!", Eddy yelled.
Brett went into the studio, his curiosity rising with every step. "Yea? What's going on?"
He came through the door and saw a pile of colourful wrapping paper messily scattered on the table.

What in sweet Jesus' name was that?

Eddy gestured towards the pile. "'Sup? Merry Christmas", he declared.
Brett took a closer look and noticed, that some of the paper had an actual shape.
"What, really?"
"Yeah", Eddy chuckled, "I got you some gifts..."
"Dude", Brett didn't shake his head, but it was a near thing. He came closer and saw the camera filming.
"...to help you get better."
There were not only one or two gifts, it was a whole bunch! However, Brett was not sure yet, which were actualy gifts and which were just crumpled up left over paper from Eddy's failed attempts. Nonetheless, this was hilarious! And putting all this into a Twoset video was just a great idea. He was sure, they were doing their fans a big service with this.
"Aw, thank you!" Brett meant both for the video idea and the presents. And he hoped Eddy could see, how much that gesture meant to him.

They both laughed about what could only be described as a warzone for wrapping paper, fighting to stay in place around the gifts. The first gift Brett picked up seemed to be something delicate, because Eddy adviced him to save it for last, so he went for a small, scrumpled up piece of paper, from which he wasn't even sure if it contained anything.
"Is this legit?", he asked, pulling at the sticky tape.
"Yeah. Yeah, It's a gift."

Brett opened it and revealed a small, plastic, bubble tea shaped case.
"Oh... That's sick!" He took it out and turned it around in his hands.
"AirPod cases."
"The AirPod case!"
"And it's bubble tea." It was the cutest AirPod case Brett had seen yet, and actually one he was going to put his AirPod's in.
He looked around the table. "So, you got this? You got all these?"
"Yeah, I got all these."
"Dude, thanks a lot." Brett couldn't really believe it. Yes, Eddy was the gift giving type. But like five or six presents at once? That was pretty special, even for him.

Eddy's next comment made him snigger. Of course there would be prank gifts amongst them. And the next package he opened, a book shaped one, was a slap in his face, reminding him in a non-subtle way, that Eddy had perfect pitch and he didn't.
As if he needed a reminder.
"I'm actually curious if it'll work. But... I don't know", Eddy chuckled.
Yeah, Eddy was probably going to be the only one in this household being able to brag with this special talent.

The next present was a yellow envelope, packed in poorly arranged wrapping paper.
"What is this?", Brett asked. He drew out a plate thing, showing the Spotifi cover of his lofi track. "Oh, that's sick!" He hadn't even known that this existed! And the fact that Eddy had gotten him something so personalized was very thoughtful. If the camera wouldn't have been rolling, he'd probably would have hugged Eddy hard by now, burrying his face into the other's jumper. Instead, he just held the plate close to the lense for the twosetters to see in the future.

The next two presents were two typical prank gifts. The potty piano was one thing, but that random pillow Eddy got him made... Brett had no words, as Eddy behind him rolled around in pearls of laughter. And when Eddy told him to stroke the picture and proceeded to sing an A=440 perfectly in tune, Brett just walked off the frame for how dumb it was.

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now