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Brett was nervous.

Any second now and Eddy would walk in to pick him up. And he was almost as nervous as he'd been before their very first live show as Twoset Violin.

And that was simply shit he didn't need right now.

But ever since he'd decided he was going to, and he hated that word already, getting jitters whenever he thought of it, confess to Eddy, he wanted to leave the country, fly to the other side of the world and hide in a cave so deep it was closer to the core of planet earth than to it's surface.

Of course, Brett couldn't do that! Eddy was still his best friend, Brett was still bed ridden and he had no choice but to face him, obviously. So he really needed to get his shit together and try to act as naturally around Eddy as possible. There was no need in worrying the other further with any strange behaviour. The night before had been bad enough.

So, when three p.m. rolled around, Brett steeled himself, took a couple of deep breaths and plastered a smile on his face from which he hoped didn't look too fake, as the door to his room opened.

As soon as he saw Eddy though, all the fears and agonies left Brett's system and what came instead were what had helped Brett survive the night without going crazy in the first place: peace, calm and warmth.

What an idiot he had been for worrying so much!

"Hey", Brett greeted, his phony grin replaced by a genuine smile.
"Hey yourself", Eddy waved and walked to Brett's bedside with long strides. He was wearing a plain black shirt, but a bit tighter than what Brett was used to seeing him in and the silver rose necklace was dangling from his long neck, making him look like some elegant anime character come to life.

Brett gulped, as Eddy came closer and took him into his arms. His scent enveloped Brett and he inhaled it like a prisoner taking in fresh air after years of being locked inside.

Eddy was gorgeous, stunning and bright like the sun. But Eddy was also home and security.

Eddy was everything.

And he deserved to know everything.

"You okay?", Eddy mumbled into Brett's hair, tightening his hug.
Brett closed his eyes and burried himself even deeper into Eddy's chest.
"Yeah, am now..."
"I missed you."
There were tears yet again, but no way Brett was going to let them have their way again. So he just said: "You're a sap."
Eddy's chest vibrated as he chuckled. "I know."

He let go of Brett and looked him up and down with soft eyes.
"You look better."
"Really? Still wearing that stupid gown though."
"Yeah, more colour in your cheeks." Eddy pinched the left side of Brett's face.
"Hey! I'm not a chipmunk!", Brett protested and brushed Eddy's hand away.
Eddy laughed. "Bro, that's exactly what you are! You look like the glasses one in that chipmunk movie!"
Brett hid his face in his hands and shook his head. "Oh God! Nooo... You're not gonna let me live this down, right?"
"Nope!", Eddy confirmed with a huge grin.
"Idiot", Brett mumbled and elicited another laugh from the other.

"So, you're ready to go?"
"Yup! Let me get changed quickly and grab my stuff."
Eddy started to pack up Brett's belongings, while Brett went to get rid of the hospital gown. When they finally stepped out of the hospital, Brett snorted.

There was a black limousine waiting at the main entrance, a driver standing next to the passenger door and expectantly looking at none other than Eddy.
"Bro, what the fuck?", Brett exclaimed, gesturing at the car.
"Didn't you ask for it last time?", Eddy simply said and walked to the car while the driver opened the door.
"That was a joke, moron...", Brett mumbled, but couldn't hold back a stupid smile forming on his face, as he trod behind the tall frame of his best friend.

So, Brett enjoyed another ridiculously luxurious ride with the love of his life. There were certainly more terrible things to do.
Eddy even brought cold green tea (for champagne was still very much forbidden for Brett), poured two glasses for each of them and handed Brett one, just as they passed a bridge.
"No worries", Eddy smiled. Brett took a sip from the tea to hide how much seeing the corners of his best friend's beautiful mouth lift up affected him.
"Next time, you can get a normal uber. Otherwise Twoset will be broke before we can resume filming."
"It's actually not that expensive! You'd be surprised!"
"Really?", Brett made incredulously, looking at the leathery and shiny interior.
Eddy nodded, took a sip himself and cleared his throat. "Uhm... Brett... about this morning..."

Brett frowned, while he tried to recollect what Eddy meant.
"The phone call...", Eddy reminded him.
"Oh yeah..." The one with Eddy being out of it because Brett had called Ray first. Brett remembered alright. "What about it?"
"I'm sorry for overreacting... I was... when I heard you'd called Ray first, I was..."

Brett unconsciously leaned closer towards Eddy as he waited for the next words to be spoken. Would the inkling he had turn out to hold a grain of truth after all?

Was it possible?

"I was...", Eddy struggled for words and played with the empty glass in his hands. A drop of greentea spoiled the carpet on the limo's floor.
"Argh, fuck it! I was jealous, okay?"

And there it was! Brett's hunch had proven itself right. Still, he raised his brows in mild surprise. "Jealous? Why?"
"Because you called him first and not me!"
"That's ridiculous! I wanted to spare you from my whining."
"I know", Eddy almost yelled. "It's stupid! But still..."
He burried his face in his hands. "Forget it! Of course you can call whoever you want. I'm just overreacting", he mumbled.

Brett didn't really think when he scooted closer to Eddy and laid his hand on Eddy's back.
"Eddy, believe me, when I say, that all I wanted was to talk to you", he said quietly.
"So, why did you call Ray then?"
"It was in the middle of the night, I didn't want to wake you up." That was only the easy part of the truth. The other had to wait for another time to come to light.
"And don't forget, that I had to call you eventually and that YOU were the one, who was finally able to get me to sleep."
"... That's true..."
"See? Apparently, I can't fall asleep without you anymore."
Eddy chuckled and finally sat up. "Guess I have to move to your bedroom then."
Brett's cheeks got hot, but he tried to deadpan over it and said: "Might be a bit small for both of us. And we'd have a spare room. What would we do with that?"
"Turn into a practice room! Easy." Eddy smiled. "I can't wait for you to finally get better."
Brett smiled back. "I'm gonna! Soon."

And then, Eddy laid an arm around Brett and pulled him close, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Brett's eyes widened in shock.
"Eddy... That's kinda..."
"What, you don't wanna?"
"No, it's not that." It was all he wanted. However, he wasn't sure if his heart was able to handle it.
"Relax then. I'm not gonna bite."
Brett nodded slightly and let his body lean against Eddy's, savouring in the warmth and comfort the other was emitting.

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now