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"爸,媽,聖誕節快樂! (Dad, mum, merry Christmas!)"

Brett was sitting on the couch on the phone with his parents while Eddy was preparing breakfast. There was some cheesy Christmas music playing in the background and the Christmas tree was glittering in full force like it wanted to beat the scorching sun outside, disappointing all Singaporeans who would have loved to see some impossible snow during the Holidays.

They had gotten up eventually, after another two hours of peaceful slumbering next to each other, savouring each other's warmth. It was only the stickiness in their pants and the fact that they both had to pee like race horses which had gotten them moving.
At least, they were finally able to make that long overdue phone call with their respective parents, their new little secret firmly secured in their happy hearts for now. They would have to deal with the eventual family drama shit at some point, but not today.

"How are they?", Eddy asked after Brett had hung up the phone.
"Good. Huge family dinner planned today of course, with all my aunties and uncles and cousins. Hot pot as usual!"
"Daaamn! I'd do everything to have your mum's hot pot now!" Eddy glanced dreamingly into nothingness while he stirred the congee he was preparing for Brett, spattering some of it within an impressive radius around the pot.
"I get her to invite you over when we're back in Brissy, what you reckon? I mean, if I'm not disowned by then." Brett tried to sound funny and upbeat, but there was an anxious tone he couldn't quite hide.
Eddy smiled sadly. It was like they'd agreed to not open that potential catastrophic can of flesh eating worms to not throw a shadow over their new found happiness (yet), because all Eddy said was: "That would be awesome!"

"So what about my gift?", Eddy asked over their late breakfast. Brett scooped up a mouthful of the quite delicious chicken congee.
"I'll tell you after breakfast."
"Ohhhh, so nothing to unpack? Interesting."
"Nah, unfortnuately not. I didn't want to contribute to the bad gift wrapping, so..."
Eddy laughed loudly.
"Admit it. You stare at the "Stroke to get an A"-pillow when I'm not around."
"Well, luckily you're almost always around", Brett said, "and the real you is much nicer to look at, actually." He gazed at Eddy through his eyelashes and noticed the other blushing with great satisfaction.
"Brett Yang, master of flirtation, who would have guessed?", Eddy sighed and shook his head.
"What? Weren't my advances the reason you fell for me in the first place?", Brett winked, enjoying being the one who made Eddy flustered for once.

But Eddy smirked mischievously, refusing to stay in the role of the bewitched for too long.
"Hmmm, advances..." He got up, came over and bent down to Brett, his face dangerously close.
"Yeah, I fell for you alright. But there was no need for any advances whatsover. It's hard enough for me to not jump you any time I so much as see your perfect face in the first place..." Eddy's whisper stopped for only a second, when his lips grazed Brett's earlobe, sending goosebumps all over Brett's body. "Did you know, that your lips can sometimes turn into the most beautiful pink and that it drives me crazy? Especially when you practice or when you're concentrated and you probably have absolutely no idea that it happens. You look so innocent, so clueless and I just want to hide you away in moments like these. Hide you from the world and keep this sight for myself."
Brett held his breath. His eyes were wide and he almost didn't dare to blink as Eddy described something to which Brett had indeed been oblivious about. The taller was like a predator lulling his prey in before it would get devoured.

Soft, but undeniably possessive was the kiss Eddy placed on the side of Brett's neck, right where his pulse jumped quickly. Brett gulped.
"It's good we're not filming at the moment", Eddy mumbled against Brett's sensitive skin.
"How's that?", Brett managed while he fought against a dizziness slowly overcoming him. How was it possible for someone he knew so well to show a side which made Brett almost anxious but also turned on at the same time?
"Let's just say there would be questions if people were to see your neck..."
Brett turned his head slightly so he could look into Eddy's half lidded eyes.
"Let them wonder then", Brett said quietly, before he closed his eyes and gave in to his urge to taste his best friend's wondeful lips.

The kiss was soft and slow. However, there was a hint of what had happened this morning... and it was carrying an anticipation to what might lay before them in the not so distant future. It made Brett's head spin. It made him wanting more.

Eddy pulled away and watched Brett with a smile on his face.
"Beautiful", he simply stated and sat down again.
"Fucking tease", Brett mumbled.
"Same", Eddy grinned and licked his lips, flooding Brett's brain with a mix of memories of last night, of them panting and grinding against each other and fantasies which he really hoped would turn into reality soon. Eddy's smirk got even bigger.
"Fucking tease!", Brett said again and finished his congee in an impressive speed, leaving Eddy chuckling in glee.

"What?", Brett asked back while putting the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.
"Come ooon, you know what! My gift!"
"Bro! I'm still cleaning up! You're so impatient!"
"As if that was something new! I've waited since yesterday!"
"Foreeeever!", Brett exclaimed dramatically.
"Okay!" Brett closed the dishwasher, washed his hands and led Eddy to their studio.

"You said you're having troubles with the third movement of the Sibelius, right?"
Eddy frowned, obviously confused. Brett couldn't blame him. Bringing up annoying parts of a piece one was practicing wasn't exactly what a musician wished for.
"Yeah? So?"
"Well, you also said you'd wished you have help."
"Bretty, are you offering me violin lessons with Master Yang?", Eddy asked jokingly.
"Nah! I've got a better teacher for you."
That got Eddy's attention for real now. "Oh?"
"I've asked Hilary if she wanted to help you out..."
Eddy interrupted him with wide eyes and a loud "Hilary??? Hahn?"
"How many Hilarys do we know, dumb dumb? Of course Hilary Hahn. And guess what? She agreed to give you free violin lessons. Over video call of course, but I figured it's better than nothing."
"Brett!!!", Eddy cried and threw himself at the smaller, almost knocking him over. "Oh my God! That's genius!!! Thank you!"
Brett patted Eddy's back, very satisfied about Eddy's reaction. "You're very welcome. She has time in like three days for example. Not today, obviously, but if in three days doesn't work for you, she said she's open for suggestions."
"Are you kidding? I could never reschedule with the great Hilary! Thank you, Brett!" Eddy held Brett's shoulders and blinked at him with shiny eyes. "That is a great, great opportunity! And the perfect timing too! Thanks so much!"
"You should thank Hilary. It's her gift technically."
"Haha, true! But still..."
Brett smiled.
"Merry Christmas, Eddy."
Eddy leaned down and kissed him, long, until Brett's knees got all wobbly.
"Merry Christmas, Brett."

This was indeed, a very merry Christmas.

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now