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"You really don't need to do this!"
"Yeah I really do need to! I told you I was gonna treat you when you're allowed to eat stuff again."
"You know, back then, I kinda thought you were talking about a date kind of dinner."

Eddy winked, looking all smug and glamorous in his black blazer and trousers. Brett simpered, probably very visibly.
"Bro, no way I'm gonna remember in detail what I said, but I'm pretty sure I was talking about a date kind of thing."
"You were like 'I'm gonna take you out for a big dinner' or something."
"Yup! And that's exactly what I'm gonna do! Come on!"

He grabbed Brett's hand with one of his, took keys, phone and wallet with the other and dragged Brett out of their flat.
In the elevator, his eyes were busy looking Brett up and down.
"What?", Brett laughed nervously. Did he look okay? He was a bit underdressed next to Eddy with his dark blue sweatshirt and dark jeans. Needless to say, he had been putting some thought into what he should wear when Eddy had announced dramatically that they were going out for dinner, but after fifteen minutes of nerve-rackingly rummaging through his wardrobe while beads of sweat formed on his back, Brett had settled with whatever he had gotten into his fingers next.
Still, the smile Eddy gave him was radiant.
"You look stunning."
Brett's eyes widened, as Eddy leaned down and grazed Brett's lips with his, causing the hair on the back of Brett's neck to rise and his breath to get caught in his throat.
"I'm not stunning...", Brett mumbled and cast down his eyes. He heard Eddy chuckle as the other stroked Brett's cheek gently and lifted his head, so Brett would look Eddy in the eye.
"Brett, you're the most beautiful, most alluring being in the whole universe for me... and I'm sure for countless female AND male fans across the world."
Brett huffed. Eddy sure knew how to lift Brett's mood. "Female and male? You sure?"
"Well, you got one male's attention that's for sure. And based on all those guys hitting on you lately, I'm not the only one."
"Oh my God, don't remind me..."
The elevator arrived with a ping and they walked through the entrance.
"Sorry... but I totally get it. You're too cute for your own good."
Brett just shook his head to that comment, chuckling.

The car Eddy had ordered reminded Brett very much of the times he'd been released from the hospital.
"Eddy! What the fuck?", he yelled as Eddy opened the door to yet another limousine. White this time. A great way to draw the whole city's attention.

At least the windows were tinted...

"Special evening, special form of transportation", Eddy simply stated and sat down next to Brett on the velvety bench.
"Bro...", Brett shook his head yet again and sniggered incredulously, "at this rate, we gonna be broke before we resume working."
"Don't worry. We have more money than you think."
"Not anymore we don't."
Eddy threw his head back and laughed.
"Bretty, let me spoil you a bit, okay? I promise this is not something we're gonna do everyday. But you deserve this! After everything that happened..."
"Eddy, how am I supposed to trump that ever?"
"You don't have to! I'm not doing this so you give me even better treatment. I'm doing this because I love you."
"But... I love you too."
Eddy's chuckle was light. He drew Brett closer to him while the outside world passed by them. He hadn't told the driver any destination, so Brett guessed that had been arranged beforehand.

What a sap.

"Yes, and that's plenty! No need to show me in any way." He pressed a kiss on Brett's forehead and snuggled into his hair. Brett took a deep breath in surrender and settled into the comfy seats with a soft smile. He had to do right by Eddy and at least enjoy the ride.

The drive through the city during rush hour took them about thirty minutes. Brett had no idea where Eddy was taking him and when they stopped in front of a huge building, he was still oblivious.
"Eddy, where are we?"
"You'll see", Eddy smiled, took his hand (so much for keeping it a secret from the outside world) and led him towards the building.

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now