LXXXVII (last third slightly NSFW, can't believe I'm going there XD)

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Brett wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not and actually pinched himself once in a while, hoping every time he WOULDN'T wake up, until Eddy asked with a chuckle: "Brett, what are you doing?"

Brett glanced at him, sitting so close he just had to lean over for their lips to meet, if he wanted.
Brett found he wanted, so he did exactly that and kissed a surprised Eddy with crumbs of baozi around his mouth, sweetly and quickly.
Eddy's eyes were so big it made Brett laugh.
"What was that for?"
"I'm allowed to, am I not?", Brett winked.
Eddy blushed subtly, much to Brett's glee. That guy had the nerve to blush after what he'd done to Brett just minutes before?
"I just can't believe this isn't a dream", Brett answered Eddy's previous question, "All of this..." he gestured at the numerous dishes and snacks covering the surface of the blanket, "...this place..." he waved at their surrounding, the grassy hill, which had turned into Brett's favourite spot in Singapore probably long ago, the evening sky, slowly but surely turning darker by the minute, chasing away the last bits of afterglow in the west, "...and you..."

Eddy smirked and leaned back a bit. "What about me?"
"You like me?..." It sounded more like a question than a statement and Eddy must have thought so too, because he frowned and asked: "Brett, was what I did before not enough to show you that I really do love you?"
Brett shook his head vigourously. "No, no! It was the most beautiful and probably the most sappy thing I've ever witnessed..."
Eddy laughed.
"...but I still can't quite believe it. Sorry! It's not on you at all. It's just me feeling insecure maybe?"

Brett didn't know where all those words describing his unsure feelings came from. That was not his style at all! Maybe his best friend confessing his love brought out this side of him?
He shook his head again and picked up a package of delicious dried meat, but before he could bring a piece of this awesome treat to his mouth, Eddy's lips had come in between.

"What was that for?", Brett asked, his tone very similar to Eddy's just a minute ago.
"Help you believe it", Eddy simply stated with a soft grin, "I'm allowed to, am I not?"
Brett snorted and chewed away on the yummy source of protein. This had become his most favourite Christmas Eve ever as soon as he'd heard Eddy's speech, but it kept getting better by the minute.

"But I get it", Eddy said. "It is very unreal for me that you really like me back."
Brett eyed the man sitting in front of him. The man he'd known for one and a half decades. "So long...", he murmured.
"You liked me for such a long time..."
"Of course I did. You're everything!"
Brett dropped his head in disbelieve.
"I'm so sorry I've never noticed."
Brett tried to imagine what he himself had gone through the last few months being stretched to half a lifetime. How cruel it must have been for Eddy. How lonely he must have felt.
"I'm so sorry!", he said quietly once more. Hadn't he just bawled his eyes out twenty minutes ago he would have started wailing again.
Eddy simply shrugged. "Don't be. I never showed. Now you know why."
Brett understood. He nearly hadn't for the same reasons.
"I was so sure you were straight, Eddy."
"So was I. I thought you were straight as a ruler."
"I was for the longest time..."

Eddy looked at Brett, the steamed meat bun in his hand forgotten.
"What changed?", he asked.
"You", Brett answered and the corners of his mouth lifted for probably the hundredth time today.
"I've never been interested in any guys. It's just you I love."
Eddy looked like Brett had just told him he could play "Nel cor piú no mi sento" like Ziyu did.
Brett's smile grew. "It's true."

The taller needed a mere second to throw himself at Brett with bits of food flying left and right. With a loud thump, Brett landed on the grass and an even louder yelp escaped his mouth.
"Brooo!", he exclaimed half laughing.

Eddy propped himself on his forearms, towering over Brett. His eyes were burning with this fire again, as he asked a bit out of breath: "Is it really true?"
"That you haven't been into any guys before."
"Yeah, I thought you also thought I was straight?"
"I did... but... really? Me?"
Brett stilled. Eddy had gained so much confidence recently it was easy to forget how insecure he used to be, how long he'd struggled with a low self esteem, especially during his teenage years. Moments like this, where Brett could see remains of it clear as day in Eddy's eyes and hear it in his tone reminded him, that Eddy still needed reassurance from time to time.

And Brett was more than happy to provide.

He raised his hand and gently cupped Eddy's face, his heartbeat accelerating upon touching the other's skin. Yet, he tried to keep his voice steady when he repeated Eddy's words from before.

"You're everything."

Eddy's sharp intake of breath, his eyes widening upon hearing again, that Brett did indeed love him... Yes, he was everything. This was everything.

Brett lifted his head a bit and, once again, brought his lips to Eddy's dark red ones. Eddy breathed in deeply and closed his eyes as their mouths melted into each other until Brett lost all sense of direction and only knew one point of gravity, which seemed to pull him in endlessly.

Eddy had given up on keeping a distance between their bodies the second their lips had found each other and was now full on lying on Brett, intensifying every touch, every kiss. He was everywhere, enveloping and engulfing Brett wholly.

Had Brett ever felt this free and safe at the same time?

Now, a leg made it's way between Brett's and like on instinct, Brett opened them to let Eddy's knee touch the inside of his thighs, causing Brett to whimper and squirm beneath him.

"Eddy...", he mouthed in between hot kisses.
"Hmmm?" Eddy's tongue drew over Brett's softly. Brett couldn't help but bend his back, pressing their lower bellies together and producing a delicious, dangerous friction.
"Mhhmm... Eddy", he desperately tried again.
"We..." Eddy's teeth nibbling Brett's lower lip made it impossible for him to form any kind of normal word for solid five seconds.
"We... we're outside...", he finally managed breathily.
"And?" Another press of sweet lips against Brett's. He could get drunk on those he swore.
"And... if you don't stop now, this'll end in a way not intended for the public to witness very quickly...."
He nearly didn't dare, but to make a point (and just to get a tiny taste of what could be... sue him! Brett Yang was a horny mess!) he pushed his by now self-evidently rock hard dick against Eddy's upper leg.

Eddy's face pulled away instantly, his pupils all black and big and his cheeks red as apples.
"Woah", was all he voiced after a short while.
"Yeah...", Brett made, his breathing and pulse going a quick allegro.
"You must know there's nothing else I'd rather do at the moment than to take this further, right?", Eddy whispered and Brett suddenly felt another hardness brushing against his lower belly. He swallowed hard, absolutely not knowing what to do with any of that.
Eddy seemed to know though. His lips were moving fast next to Brett's ear as he mumbled: "And I'm gonna, if you let me... later..."

That almost inaudible "later" held so much weight it took Brett's remaining breath away. He nodded ever so slightly. Eddy placed a long, warm kiss on Brett's violin hickey, causing Brett to whimper once more, before he sat up and pulled Brett into a sitting position as if nothing had happened.

Eddy looked kind of sheepishly, when he said: "There is one thing we need to talk about, before we... well..."
Brett blinked, trying to get his head in a clearer state. What was there possibly left to talk about?
Eddy held Brett's hand and gazed at him as if he'd see the universe in Brett's eyes.
"Are you... are we... damn! I should have thought this through!"
Brett eyed him questioningly.
"Are we like... together now?", Eddy finally stuttered. 

Funny, how Eddy was able to deliver a monologue without any struggle, but had troubles asking a simple, short question.
But Brett kind of got it. This could put a label on their relationship. This was deciding their near and far future and stuff like if they eventually had to tell their parents and come out or not.
They could love each other and all and still decide it was too risky to really be together, official, (more or less) public and everything.

Were those worries valid? Did they need more time to think even after the additional knowing-not-knowing in between period they'd gotten after Eddy's half confession in Brett's room?

Brett hadn't noticed he was pondering longer than intended and expected, until he heard Eddy's weak voice.

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now