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They sat on that little hill with the plain grass until it got pitch dark and their butts hurt. Brett's tears had eventually stopped and at one point, Eddy was just holding a sleepy Brett in his arms, brushing over his hair every now and then.

"Brett, mate."
"Don't fall asleep here. I can't carry you home."
"Please? Or just leave me here. I'm too tired...", Brett yawned.
"Silly! I'm not gonna leave you here. And we're gonna be eaten alive by mosquitos if we stay." Eddy tried to move Brett into a more upright position, got up and hold out his hand.
"Come! I'll bring you home."

Eddy somehow managed to get a very tired Brett back to their apartment. Back home, he made sure Brett brushed his teeth, took his medications, got changed and then finally, he was allowed to go to bed.

"I feel like a three year old", Brett complained and pulled the blanket up to his nose.
"You'll thank me tomorrow", Eddy said and just wanted to leave the room, when Brett haltingly caught his hand.
"Stay here?", he asked quietly.

It was too dark for Brett to tell for sure, but he felt Eddy tense up and immediately regretted his dumb, needy, childish request.
"Nevermind", he quickly said and let go of that warm, big hand, before Eddy had a chance to answer.

"Brett...", Eddy's tone was hesitant, "don't get this the wrong way, but it might not be a good idea. Not tonight."

How the hell else was he supposed to interpret this other than 'Just leave me alone already!? He got the message loud and clear, alright!

"Got it!", Brett simply said in the most deadpan way he could muster and turned around. He heard Eddy let out a deep breath, before he stepped out of the room and closed the door.

No big deal! It was no big deal! Brett tried to convince his stupidly hurt heart and was very thankful, that sleep wasn't too far away.

The next morning, Brett woke up with a hellish headache and he felt so weak, he thought he would never be able to get up ever again. Maybe, the search for Eddy yesterday had sucked out all his energy after all. He groaned loudly and tossed himself around in bed.

But there was no dodging the bullet today! They had one of their bigger projects to film in the afternoon with a group of strangers and it had took them and their team a lot of time and effort to prepare. Postponing would mean rescheduling everything with everyone involved. That was simply too much work no one had time for and would delay everything for at least two months.

So, Brett had no choice than to get out of bed and get his gears going, as best as he could.

"Morning", Eddy greeted, but his eyes widened, when he saw Brett coming out of his room.
"Morning", Brett croaked and slumped down on one of the chairs at the table.
"Brett, mate! You look horrible!", Eddy exclaimed.
"Well, you look fresh too, thank you. Just need a coffee... Ah wait, not allowed..."
"Did you sleep so badly?"
"Nah. Slept wonderfully in fact."
"But..." Eddy sat down next to him.
"But what?" Brett hadn't forgotten what had happened yesterday and he couldn't help but be a tad cold to Eddy. Everything was so confusing and he didn't really know, where he stood with this guy anymore. He felt, that they had blurred and drawn their boundaries several times yesterday and while Brett had made it very clear, that Eddy could be as close to him as he wanted to be, Eddy had been so fucking ambiguous and Brett just wanted to shoot him to the moon for that!

And as if that hadn't been enough, Eddy was just continuing his scheme at making Brett absolutely losing his god damn mind. He laid his hands on Brett's arm and squeezed it, while eyeing him worriedly with such intensity, like he was the only thing that mattered.

"Brett! I can see you're not fine at all!", Eddy said matter-of-factly. "I can see it from a mile away and I reckon we blow this thing off today and you take it easy."
"No!", Brett almost yelled and yanked his arm away. Eddy stared at him with wide eyes. Brett couldn't blame him. It was probably the first time he had yanked anything away from Eddy.
"We're gonna do this! I'm okay to film! Trust me!"
"We put too much work in planning this! If we postpone, it'll take us months to reschedule."
"Brett, you're health is more important than any of this shit! I don't care, if we have to replan everything. I can also do all the work if you want. Just..." He looked down at his hands. "Please don't take it too far."

There it was again! Eddy talking like Brett was the most important thing in the universe for him and it drove Brett crazy! How could he stay mad at him, when he acted so caring, so sweet? So determined to protect Brett from harm Brett might eventually cause himself?

He sighed.
"I'm gonna be fine, Eddy. I promise!"
Eddy glanced at him.
"So, you're really okay to film."
"Yes", he tried to sound as certain as he could.
"But you stay in the background. Do as little as you can."
"I guess I try..."
"So, you okay with me, blind dating six probably pretty and very likely talented musicians?", Eddy asked, his face serious, but his tone suddenly carrying a hint of amusement.

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now