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"Ray says hi", Brett informed, after Eddy came back with two big bags filled with groceries.
"Oh", Eddy made and put the bags on the kitchen counter, "thanks. Did you call him?"
"He me. Wanted to know how I was doing."
"I see." Eddy opened the fridge and started to fill in fresh produce, "And? How is he doing?"
"Okay, I think... We didn't really talk about him", Brett just realized and furrowed his brows. Maybe he should ask more about Ray's life instead of always babbling on about himself. What a crappy friend he was.
"What did you talk about?"

Brett hesitated for a second, but decided to go for the full story. What harm would it do to tell Eddy Ray's opinion?
"I told him about what happened. He thinks we're doing the right thing. By waiting a bit."
Eddy froze, eggs in hand. Brett almost got worried, when his soft voice finally said: "You told him about us? And he doesn't think it's stupid what we do?"
"Well" Brett took the eggs out of Eddy's hand and placed it into the fridge, along with some vegetables. "He did say it was the most idiotic thing he's ever heard, at first." Eddy huffed.
"But then, he said he understands. He even said it's important."

There was just the rustling from the plastic wraps filling the room for half a minute, before Eddy laid his hand on Brett's shoulder. Brett turned around with question marks in his eyes.
"Brett, just so you know, I'm not doing this to torture you or something."
Brett nodded and said, as if it was the most logical thing in the world: "Yeah, I know."
And then, Eddy leaned closer and whispered into Brett's ear in a way which gave Brett goosebumps all over his body: "But I kinda don't want to wait too long anymore..."
"Now you ARE torturing me....", Brett mumbled, "if you really want me, us, to wait, you shouldn't do stuff like that."
"But it's exciting, isn't it?"

Yup, Ray was right. This guy liked long buildups. Fucking tease.

"Stop it!", Brett snorted and pushed the other away.
"Sorry, sorry!", Eddy laughed and lifted his hands in a defensive manner. "I really want to do this right. I mean it."
Brett gazed at him, his eyes showing a tenderness, which was almost never seen by others. And it gave him immense satisfaction to notice Eddy's breath hitch.
"I know."

After their conversation, the touching and soft looks did decrease. A bit. A tiny bit.

Another two days past, with Brett gaining more strength day by day. His practice sessions were getting a tad longer, the range of motion in which he could move around without being so exhausted he had to sleep for a few hours expanded every day and he felt his appetite and concentration increase quite a bit, so he asked Eddy, if he was allowed to do some work again.

"I don't know, Brett...", Eddy said, his brows creased and the tip of the pen he was writing a Christmas card for his mother with between his lips.
"Come ooon!", Brett begged, "I feel like my brain's decomoposing"
"Nice one", Eddy threw in, "but I'm not sure. We are on a break and you're still pretty weak."
"I'm getting better, haven't you noticed?"
"I did. Thank God you are. But you're not healed yet. And until you aren't, you shouldn't overdo it!"
"Please! I actually think it would do me some good! And I'll make sure to stop when I don't feel like it."
"I feel like your mum, being asked for permission", Eddy sighed.
"And I feel like a kid, asking if I can finally do some homework."
A chuckle escaped Eddy. "I can't forbid you to do stuff. Just Brett", he looked at him with serious eyes, "listen to your body. If you need rest, you rest."
"Aye mum!", Brett nodded and just so flashed to the side to avoid a slap on the back of his head.

And it was exactly that type of conversation which made the the temporary imbalance between them evident. It was also exactly why it was a smart thing to wait until Eddy didn't have to so much as take on the role of a caring mother anymore. Until Eddy could just be the best friend and business partner like before... and then maybe, hopefully more.

Eddy shouldn't have worried though. Brett got as far as open his computer, check through his emails and mark all the non-business related messages, mostly get-well wishes, as read and then he felt like he'd done a day's work, overtime included. He shut his laptop, a bit set back by how little he was yet able to do.

"It's fine, you know", Eddy consoled, when he noticed Brett's gloomy mood, after he had deemed working in this state was a waste of time.
"Yeah, sure", Brett retorted under his breath and earned a pitied look from the other.

As far as Brett's recovery was going, his Gastroenterologist, Dr. Han, was quite pleased. Brett didn't really know why.
"You're values are much better, Mr. Yang", she thused on his appointment a day after his working attempt.
"Really? Doesn't feel like it is", Brett deadpanned.
"Oh, that wouldn't be good..."
"I tried to read mails on the laptop the other day and after like twenty minutes, I was beat", he explained.
"Oh, yes. Well, Mr. Yang, it is quite normal for someone in your state to not be able to work. You should take it easy", Dr. Han explained.
"I know", he murmured and averted his gaze.
"But you haven't felt any improvement whatsover?"
"Hmm, I can practice for a bit and I can walk around more..."
"See? Those are all great improvements! I can understand, that you're frustrated, but we'll take step by step."
Brett nodded reluctantly, still not convinced those baby steps were anything to show for it.
The doctor typed something in her computer. "By this rate", she continued, "I think you can start eating sugar, starch and carbohydrates pretty soon. Maybe even around New Year's."
"Really?" Well, THOSE were actually great news!
"Yes", Dr. Han confirmed, "in small doses of course.  Again, we'll take it step by step and you need time to adjust your diet. But it's also important for you to gain weight now. However, I still advice you to keep your distance from alcohol and caffeine."
"Okay, thanks doc!"
"You're welcome! And Brett" It was the first time Dr. Han called him by his first name. Brett raised his eyebrows. "I'm very sorry for the false diagnosis I gave you. And I also want to apologize for how long it took for us to get you a scan." Her eyes were serious and she even bowed her upper body slightly.
Brett was suddenly very glad he hadn't become a doctor. He shook his head. "No need for apologies, Dr. Han. You did your best. I know. And it worked out in the end, didn't it?"
"Yes. And the medication is doing his work. So I'm positive you'll be good in a couple of weeks."
"Finally!", he sighed and got down from the bed he was sitting on. Dr. Han gave him another medication with a gentler effect than the one he was taking now and sent him off into the hot Singaporean air, wishing him a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

As he took the metro home, Brett didn't know he would be having an earlier, kind of special Christmas celebration this year. One he wouldn't forget till the end of his life.

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now