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Brett looked up to the shining stars sprinkled throughout the sky as he continued.

"I thought about what Ray said. I really did. And I realized I've never in my life felt what I feel for you, as I said before. Never as strong, as intense. No one has ever made me that confused and crazy and I never wanted to be with anyone more than I want to be with you."
Eddy's sharp intake of breath was clearly audible.
"So I knew this was serious stuff. As serious as it gets. And that it wasn't just because you were all nice and caring."
Brett gazed at him. "I really do love you, Eddy."
Eddy's eyes were moist again. Brett quickly averted his gaze for avoiding tearing up himself. He wanted Eddy to have the whole picture and starting to cry wouldn't help.

"I felt a bit calmer afterwards, but I was still very much convinced there was just no way that you would return my feelings. I was miserable." He looked at Eddy again. "And I can't imagine how it must have been for you...", he whispered, his hand finding Eddy's and intertwining their fingers.
"But then, there were those things, those little signs and stuff... when you said you meant it when you said 'You're mine'."
Eddy smiled secretively. "Told you the truth from the beginning."
"You did huh... I was just too dumb to see it. Or that moment when you sneezed and kissed my cheek afterwards."
The other burst out laughing. "Aaahhh, yeah. That. I wanted to kiss you so badly! I actually might have if it hadn't been for my stupid sneeze."
"Damn those allergies!", Brett emphasized, "That would have saved me tons of pondering and heartache."
"Sorry", Eddy grinned. "I actually like how it turned out though. All proper."
"Yeah, that headbutt in my room... very proper!"
"That was a very passionate kiss, didn't I deliver the message?"
"You kiss terribly."

"Oh yeah?" The glint in Eddy's eyes started to burn again, when he lifted his head and brushed his lips against Brett's, like a breeze, almost unnoticable, but the tip of his tongue glazing Brett's bottom lip in a way it made him want to jump Eddy right then and there, disregarding the very public place they were still at.
"And?", Eddy asked teasingly.
Only a master could start tingles and shivers all over one's body with an almost non-existent touch. Brett shook his head and tried to regulate his heartbeat again.
"Fucking tease", he mumbled and Eddy smiled broadly, clearly satisfied with the result of his work.
"Just wait... until I have you all for myself."
Brett shivered again, even more intense this time and gulped.

"And then?", Eddy sighed and laid his head back in Brett's lap again as if nothing had happened.

Fucking tease.

"Well, I gained hope, I lost hope. You know, the usual when one is in love with his presumably straight friend. The worst was when I thought you'd left me when I was at the hospital."
Eddy grimaced. "I'm so sorry."
But Brett shook his head. "This isn't about bringing stuff up for you to apologize. It's all good. We talked about this already. But it made me realize even more how utterly lost I was for you. And the next time I had to stay at the hospital, I realized that you deserve to know how I feel and that I had to tell you at some point. I felt it wasn't fair on you to leave you in the dark. I freaked out though and that's why I called Ray first that night. I didn't know how or when I should do it and how you would react. I figured I needed to be better first and that's what Ray said too. Otherwise you might feel forced to be with me because I was in a vulnerable place."

Eddy nodded slowly, taking in everything Brett was laying out in front of him. Brett took in a large portion of oxygen for the final lap.
"Well, and then there was that almost kiss again. Where you didn't kiss me first, and then you kind of did. That was probably the happiest moment in my life.... well except for this one. I wanted to wait though, like Ray had suggested and like we had agreed to, but it was soo, so difficult as you probably know. Well, and here we are."

"Wow", Eddy made, "what a journey."
"Yeah, right?"
Eddy looked up at him. "Worth it?"
The corner of Brett's mouth lifted slightly. "So worth it! Even me getting sick..."
"NOO!" Eddy suddenly yelled and sat up in a shock. Brett stared at him, his mouth half open in surprise.
"Brett... nothing in this whole world can excuse you getting sick. Seeing you like this...", Eddy's voice died down to a mere whisper, "it nearly killed me. I just... not even this. You should never be..."
Brett interrupted him by grabbing his shoulder and saying firmly: "I'm not saying it was okay or a walk in the park. And I can't even fathom how hard it was on you. But having you beside me made everything more bearable and if that's what it took to finally realize what I have by my side all along, I'm glad and thankful. And it ended your misery too, didn't it?"
"Your health is always the first priority."
"I know! You made that very clear all the time and I'm grateful for that. I'm not saying I should have gotten sick, don't get me wrong. But I wouldn't give what we have now for the world. It was too painful for me not having it."
Eddy kissed him. Gently with a hint of bittersweetness.
"Well", he whispered, "you have me now. You had me from the beginning probably, when I was thirteen. I followed you since then and I will continue to do so."
Brett was still on a high from their last kiss, when he said: "Let's walk this path together. Like we always have."

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now