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"Welcome home!", Eddy announced, as they stepped into their apartment. Brett took a deep breath and realized just now how much he'd missed this place, even though he'd only been gone for two and a half days.

But this was home. This was safe.

"Thank you for picking me up in such an... exaggerated manner", he said and went to his room to put his stuff away. He was just throwing the penguin plush on his bed, making it bounce once, twice and finally off the mattress again, when Eddy answered: "No worries. Did you like it?"
"Are you kidding?", Brett turned around to face him and smiled, "I expect this every time you organize a ride for us from now on."
"Then I'm gonna need a pay raise", Eddy chuckled, but his features quickly turned soft again, "It's very good, that you're back home again, Brett!"

And Brett could see all the worry and loneliness Eddy had to endure during the last couple of days clear as day on his face and in his stance, even if Eddy was trying to hide it. And it hurt Brett that he'd been the cause for this.
He looked down. "I'm sorry I made you worry."
Eddy shook his head. Of course he did and of course he said: "You are the last person, who should worry about others. It's alright. What matters is, that you're home and that you're gonna be fine!"
Brett whispered, almost inaudible: "It's all thanks to you." And he felt those words were the most true he'd ever spoken before. If it hadn't been for Eddy, they'd probably still be waiting for that scan, would still have no idea, what was going on and would still think, Brett would have to suffer lifelong from a fucked up disease.

They stood there in Brett's room in silence. Brett knew, he should really take shower and change his clothes, but the ride home had worn him out and all he wanted to do, was to slump down on his bed and have about the fifth nap of the day.
So, he did exactly that and let himself fall into his own, so much more comfortable bed.

"Ahh, this is heaven!"
"Are you okay?", Eddy asked immediately, his concern even more evident in his voice now.
"Yeah, just very beat!" Again, he glanced at Eddy, who sat down on his bed and looked as tired as Brett felt.
Brett hesitated with the words that wanted to just tumble out of his uncareful mouth. It could backfire, but it could also help Eddy be more at ease and get some rest himself, so in the end, he just went for it.
"Eddy, if you don't wanna, just tell me, but do you want to take a little nap.... here?"
The second he'd asked this, he knew it had been a great idea for once to not listen to reason. Eddy's face lit up like back at the hospital, when he was allowed to take Brett home and he simply nodded. He lay down next to Brett and didn't even bother to keep some kind of polite distance. No, he immediately pressed himself to Brett's side and even laid an arm around him, pulling him closer.

Brett's eyes widened in shock. "Eddy?", he stuttered, not sure if he should just be happy or freak out.
Eddy nuzzled Brett's unwashed hair. "Let me hold you for a second...", he whispered, his voice thick. Brett gulped, feeling a bit overwhelmed himself.
However, he suddenly understood where all this was coming from.
Eddy must have been relieved about them finally having a clear diagnosis and knowing, Brett wasn't going to die any time soon, at least not from some sickness.

A normal reaction, and very platonic, Brett told himself, as he tried to relax a bit.
"I haven't showered for forever", Brett mumbled.
"You smell perfect...", Eddy murmured and pressed his lips into Brett's hair

Yeah... all very platonic.

Eventually, Brett allowed himself to wrap his arms around Eddy's torso and snuggled into his chest, so they lay there in a close embrace, front to front, on Brett's bed.

Brett Yang, you fucking lucky bastard! Brett thought to himself and took in as much of Eddy's scent as possible before he slowly drifted off, despite his heart hammering against his ribcage and him desperately hoping Eddy wouldn't notice.

When he woke up, Eddy was still next to him, breathing quietly and hugging him like he was some sort of body pillow. Not that Brett was complaining.
Was this how it would feel like? If Brett would have the guts and tell his best friend about his feelings and Eddy would miraculously, somehow return them? If they'd decide against all odds to try to be together, a bit different than they were now? Would he, Brett, wake up in Eddy's arms every morning or after every nap they'd took together and feel as happy, complete and absolutely at peace, but with a tiny bit of giddiness thrown into the mix as he was right now?
He stared at Eddy's face, so close that he could count his eyelashes behind the glasses Eddy hadn't taken off.

If Brett would be really super honest with himself and the world, he kind of had to admit that there was a tiny chance of Eddy Chen liking him back. There was the increase of touches over the last few months, the hugs, the (awesome) massage sessions, the looks he gave Brett, those acts of cooking him great, healthy dishes and you know, the freakin' limo he'd organized. And the kisses! There had been actual kisses! Innocent ones, which one could interpret as friendly gestures (which Brett did, self-evidently), but which could also carry a different meaning.

And there had been Eddy's firm declaration of "You're mine", whatever that was supposed to mean...

So yes, there had been some peculiar incidences and they made Brett's theory of "Eddy Chen is straight and will never want to know ever, that his best friend is in love with him, unfortunately" a tiny bit less set in stone.

And yet, if Brett was right after all and Eddy was just a bit more touchy, but otherwise still very much and only into women, it had the potential to destroy them. And Brett was just not sure at all, if he really was so stupidly in love that he would want to risk everything they had.

But then again... wouldn't what they would gain be worth the risk? Having this everyday... that would be the dream of becoming a soloist, recording a Twoset album and having an anime produced based on them all combined come true. It would be Brett Yang's personal heaven, to put it mildly.

Maybe... maybe after he'd be good again, he could think about telling Eddy...

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now