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Turned out, Brett was a natural talent at throat overtones singing. Not that it would particularly help with his career as a violinist. They had a blast with their sensei Hippocrates Cheng and after some practice, they were actually both able to sing several overtones.

After filming, both their throat hurt.
"That was so funny!", Eddy exclaimed while he prepared some ginger lemon tea with honey to sooth their vocal chords.
"Agreed! Hippocrates' singing though?? Out of this world, man! That was freaking amazing!" Brett was sending the raw footage off to one of their editors and started to answer some e-mails.

"You were really good though. How come you're so talented at this and I just suck?"
"Maybe I have a better fitting face for doing that, physiologically you know?"
A steaming cup of tea appeared next to Brett's laptop and Eddy sat down next to him.
"Thanks", Brett mumbled and took a sip while typing away.
"Unfair!", Eddy continued their conversation, "You're a better violinist already! Why are you so talented in everything musical?"
"Says the perfect pitch guy! We both play equally... well or bad! I heard you practice your Sibelius yesterday and it sounded quite decent."
"Aww, thanks!", Eddy said, casually laid an arm around Brett and squeezed his shoulder.

Brett thought, the other would let go as soon as he'd expressed his gratitude for Brett's semi-compliment, but Eddy just let his arm rest there, half on Brett's shoulders and half on the chair Brett was sitting on, while drinking his tea.

This kind of physical contact was not an uncommon occurance and if it wouldn't have been so bloody distracting, Brett'd just continue working. No comment needed. But when formulating a reply for a fellow twoset team member fried half of his brain just because of those few centimeters of skin touching him, he couldn't stay silent. For the sake of productivity, he told himself.

"Bro! Take your arm away! Can't focus."
"Oh, sorry", Eddy muttered absentmindedly and withdrew the body part in question, scrolling on his phone with his other hand. Brett's skin burnt where Eddy's arm was and he wondered, why and since when something like this bothered him...
He couldn't help but glance at Eddy from the side from time to time.

After doing admin stuff, which took way too long, they went on with practice. It was lovely and almost meditative to take out his violin, rosin the bow and tune his instrument. As soon as the first notes of his scale warm up made their way to Brett's ear, it was easy for him to loose himself and forget his confusing thoughts for a while. Next up was some Bach and then Paganiniana, which required his full concentration and he went on with playing those difficult runs of tenths for hours.

He played until his neck was stiff, his arms and fingers went sore and his mind got more peaceful as it had been for days. Eddy was still practicing in his own room, since Brett had taken the studio, and he could hear the cold, yet sweet notes from the first movement of the Sibelius. What a great concerto and how fitting for Eddy to perform it for their 3 mil! Brett made a firm resolution on starting to arrange the orchestral part as soon as possible, so he wouldn't make a fool out of himself live in front of fifty thousand people and let Eddy down in the process... that would actually be the worst.

Brett decided to let the other continue his practice and left the appartment by himself for quickly getting groceries, leaving a note for Eddy on the table. On the way to the supermarket, he passed by a tiny jewelery store and got hooked by a small item displayed by the window. Brett looked at it and deliberated, stepped around nervously, before he finally entered the shop. 

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now