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"Seriously! I don't remember pizza being this great!"
Brett took another big bite, relishing the crispy outside and soft inside of the baked dough along with the molten cheese, ruccola and spicy salami. Eddy laughed and grabbed himself another piece from the big plate in the middle of their table.
"It is a good pizza place."
"Yeah... but... that crust! This shit's legit!"
"Glad you're enjoying it so much!"
"You try a three month carb free diet and eat this! You'd be the same!"

The place they've chosen for lunch was packed around this time of the day with business people discussing seemingly important things with their business partners, young couples staring at each other while sharing a meal and tons of families with loud kids.

It was perfect for enjoying their first ever Italian dish this year, and for Brett the first in several months, sneaking a loving glance or a touch of hand here and there without having to worry too much about curious eyes.

The pizza was almost finished, when Brett glanced at Eddy through his lashes, a question burning on the tip of his tonge.
Eddy must have noticed Brett stiffen up a bit, for he voiced a careful "What is it?"
Brett swallowed the mouthful of food down and took a deep breath. "I was wondering... when would you like to call our parents?"
Eddy's hand holding a piece stopped halfway to his mouth.
"Oh... I haven't really thought about it much..."
He put the pizza down. "I did say after New Year's right?"
Brett nodded, his throat suddeny very dry.
"Well... we can call today..."
"And be like, 'Happy New Year! And btw., I'm gay and in a relationship with Eddy?"
Eddy snorted, which helped Brett relax a little.
"When would you like to tell them?"

Brett scratched the back of his head. "I dunno... Anytime seems inappropriate."
"That's what I mean! When is there ever a good time to do something like this? And I feel like as much as we try, we can't really keep our hands from each other anyway. Even in public."
"Yeah, who's fault is it?", Brett mumbled under his breath.
Eddy smiled at that. "Yours, for sure! You're too adorable. I can't not touch you."
Brett felt his face heating up and coughed.
"So I reckon", Eddy continued as if nothing had happened, "we do it as soon as possible. Otherwise they WILL find out another way and my mum would kill me for not telling her. That's for sure."
"You do have a point", Brett sighed, sat back, lifted his glasses and rubbed his eyes.
"Hey" Eddy leaned over the table, his gaze worried. "We don't have to call or tell anyone if you don't want to."
"No, no! I know." Brett turned his head and watched some parents trying to keep the explosion of bits of pizza caused by their kids in check, with little success.
"I'm just a wuss I guess."
Eddy smiled warmly. "Don't think I'm not scared af! My mum's gonna have my head, I'm pretty sure!"
"At least you have a sister who's supportive."
"Probably, yes. She doesn't know yet though...", Eddy said, scratching around his plate with a fork, drawing patterns into the flour their lunch had left behind.

"Wanna tell her first?"
Eddy looked at him, the screeching his fork produced stopped. "...Maybe..."
Brett nodded. "It might help, with the nerves and all, you know."

As soon as they finished their lunch, Eddy insisted on paying and they left the restaurant for somewhere more quiet.

"I'm gonna dial now..."
Brett could see in every subtle movment, that Eddy was nervous. Real nervous. Similar to pre-concert nervous. The type of nervous whenever he had some important shit to deal with.
So he grabbed Eddy's shoulders firmly. "Hey! Eddy! Look at me! It's gonna be fine!"
And Brett really meant it. With the last conversation he had with Belle in mind, he just knew she was going to be happy for them.
After all, she did mention something like her wishing she had what they had... and looking out for her little brother no matter how exactly his happiness would look like.

Eddy just nodded once, before he tapped on her contact and put his phone on speaker.

And of course, Belle reacted joyfully like the angel she was. Eddy was hesitant at first, wishing her a happy new year, rambling something about Brett's health status and how they had spent New Year's Eve, before he finally brought up the courage to say the magical few words: "Brett and I... we are a couple."

She cheered, she said she knew they'd reach that point sooner or later after Brett had accidentally called her. She let them know she was one of those big sisters who could read their little brothers like a nicely written sheet music with only one sharp max.

And most importantly for those two, Belle let them feel how happy she was for them. It made Brett's insides soar like a free bird over a cloudy surface.

"Have you told mum?", Belle asked carefully at some point.
Eddy sighed deeply, the relief over his sisters acceptance evident in his features. Brett reached out and grabbed Eddy's free hand.
"Not yet. We figured we tell you first. We thought you might be more... understanding."
"Eddy, lil' bro" Brett was sure if Belle would be here, she'd be hugging her brother hard by now. "It's gonna be all right. Maybe you have to give her some time, but she's our mother. And she might know you better than you think."
"You mean like you? Already picturing me and Brett in wedding suits?"
Brett's heart skipped a beat as a vivid image of his love and him walking down some aisle popped up in his head, Tchaik's violin concerto playing in the background...
Belle's snigger pulled Brett out of his reverie.
"Don't you wanna wear a dress?"
Eddy snorted. Brett guffawed.
"I sadly can't tell you what she thinks. But call her. It's gonna be fine. And if it is really as tragic as some part of you pictures, and I know some part of you does, you can always call me and I'll talk to her."
"Okay... Thanks, sis! You're a marvel."
"I know. No worries."

Brett had been silent during the whole conversation, not wanting to disturb how and what Eddy wanted to tell his big sister. But hearing how supportive Belle was lightened his heart, so he managed a "Thank you so much, Belle!".
"Brett! You are very welcome! Thank YOU for taking care of my brother."
"Hey! I'm the one who took care of Brett for months now!"
"Eddy, we all know you can't survive without Brett."

Brett held his belly for how hard he chortled while the other was busy being sulky.

A/N: Hey guys, I wish you all a very happy New Year! May God bless you and your loved ones! Thank you for reading this far, for every star and comment, it does motivate me every time! Happy New Year!

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now