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"Hey Sophie, can I quickly talk to you in private?", Brett asked after editor-san and Shaun had bid their goodbyes and Jordon and Eddy had started a conversation about Jordon's next projects and the music videos Twoset recently filmed based on his compositions.
"Great, let me just relocate." He took his laptop and headed towards his bedroom.
"Guys, we gonna quickly start our own call. See you, Jordon!", Brett informed and opened a new call to which he invited Sophie.

"So, what's up?", Sophie asked after he'd closed the door and ended the group call. He hadn't missed the questioning glance Eddy had thrown him on screen before he'd closed the tab.

Brett wasn't sure if she'd be able to help, but he was so deperate there were a lot of things he'd try he normally wouldn't.
"Uhm, how have you been?" Yeah, sue him for still being reluctant!
But Sophie knew better and said: "Brett, I think we both know that's not why you wanted to talk to me."
"You're right", he mumbled, "uhm... What do you reckon it means, when someone says to someone else, that someone 'is his'?"
"Brett, I didn't understand a word you just said!"
"Oh, Jesus! Let me try again!" Brett brushed through his hair and took a deep breath.
"What does a guy mean, when he says to someone 'He's mine!', referring to a best friend?"
Sophie furrowed her brows. "Aren't you a guy and supposed to know? Why are you asking me?"
"I hoped you'd have experience... you know, maybe some guy said something similar to you?"
"Nope! Brett, I play two instruments professionally! You think I have time to date?"
"You got a point..." Brett took his blanket and wrapped it around himself. He suddenly felt cold .
"But I'm still not sure what you're talking about. Can you give me more context maybe?", Sophie asked, scratching her forehead.

That's the one thing Brett wanted to avoid, giving more context, because it was just so... weird! But again, he was desperate.
"That's just something Eddy said."
"What? The 'He's mine' thing? And he meant you?"
"Yeah! It was just some guy he said it to." No need to tell her about the embarassing incident on the beach, was there?
"Uhm..., well, it just sounds exactly like he'd said it. That you're his."
"But like, as his best friend?"
"Again, depends on the context. I mean, of course that's what you are and also, again, you should have a first hand grasp of what it really means, because you know Eddy better than anyone does."
Brett cursed himself for having asked Eddy about this declaration. If he wouldn't have, he could have just assumed it was solely for driving that stupid ass away. Damn his curiosity!

But this "I told him the the truth" changed things. It made those two words even more powerful, gave them more meaning, more importance.

"Why are you not asking Eddy himself?", Sophie suggested.
"I tried. He just said 'I told him the truth' and then we had to start the game."
"So it just happened before we recorded this?"
"Yeah, kinda. Not the other thing. That was way before."
"I see...", she seemed to think about something before she continued, "Brett, is it weird that I find it weird that you ask me? I mean, you can just ask him again. See what he says. He's not gonna bite, is he?"
"'Course not!" But he might get suspicious and that was something Brett wanted to avoid at all cost.

Sophie looked at him with pity in her eyes.
"Look, what you do is your choice, of course", she said, like she knew Brett wasn't going to take the direct route, but instead would stumble through huge detours until he got to know what he wanted to know, "I can tell you though, if someone would say something like that to me or about me, I'd be more than just a bit flattered. And I'd make sure I got the message right."

Brett for sure got her message: Fucking talk to Eddy himself! Of course, well mannered Sophie would never phrase it like that.

He sighed. "Alright. Thank's a lot, Sophie. For your advice and stuff."
"Not sure, if I was able to help, but you're welcome. Anytime", Sophie said and waved at her laptops camera, "Gotta go practise now. I've got a recital coming up. See you and take care of yourself!"
"Good luck with your recital. Thanks again! Bye", Brett said and ended the call.

Well, time to see if Eddy got any other enigmatic answers!

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now