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"Eddy? You up early."
"Did you know you smell like heaven?"
Brett snorted, quietly so he wouldn't disturb the peaceful morning.
"I probably have morning breath."
"Don't care."
"Hmmmm", Brett hummed deeply as he received the first deep kiss of many this morning.

And yeah, it was early. So it only took a few seconds for his dick to stirr and take up space in his shorts.
"Fuck", he breathed and couldn't help but start grinding against his boyfriend, relishing the storm of electricity sent out througout his whole body, caused by Eddy's glorious hardness against his.
"Oh Brett..."
Up and down, up and down. Their lips were moving hot, their tongues clashing against each other, exploring each other. As much as Brett wanted to draw this out, he felt an orgasm building fast already, the last from the night before a seemingly distant, sweet memory, not having any effect in slowing him down.

"Wanna get rid of...", Eddy panted, but Brett interrupted him with already yanking Eddy's boxers off.
He felt Eddy smile against his mouth and soon mirroring his fast hands. "Go ahead love. I'll join you."

Oh, feeling Eddy like this, hot skin on hotter skin, their bare erections rubbing on each other, creating a build up so overwhelming it only took Brett and Eddy seconds for the waves to overtake them wholly.

Coming with Eddy was beyond wonderful! Coming with his love was like listening to a symphony played by a heavenly orchestra, all the climaxes flawlessly drawn out, all the accelerandos and rallentandos perfectly set and in sync. Mixed in were their little outcries of pleasure, their names moaned in adoration, their warmth spilling onto their bellies and the bedsheets.

"Oh my God...", was Eddy's comment when they came down from their high, his voice hoarse.
"Sorry", Brett meant as soon as his breathing slowed down a little. "I can't hold back with you like this... fuck, you're just too God damn tempting."
"I love when you can't hold back. It's the sexiest thing ever!"
Brett eyed him from the side where he'd crashed down. "Really?"
"For reals, man! You don't know how amazing you look when you come."
Brett snorted. "Stop this! It's fucking embarassing."
"Brett", Eddy said softly and turned to his side so he'd face his love, "don't you like to look at me when I... well...?"
"Of course! Biggest turn on ever!"
It was true. Seeing Eddy undone was what usually tipped Brett over the edge, if he wasn't already gone by then, his head dizzy and his body trembling by what Eddy did to him.
"See? Same goes for me!"

Brett blinked rapidly while it clicked in his head. "Oh, I see..."
"Although, I also like it when we take our time", Eddy whispered in Brett's ear, sending a new wave of goosebumps all over his neck.
"I like that too..." Brett closed his eyes when Eddy started to kiss his collarbone and mouthed: "When you trace your skilled fingers down my chest..."
"Like this?" Brett mirrored Eddy's words with his right hand.
"Hmmm.... yes!"
"What else?", Brett mumbled, never stopping the movement.
"When you-" Eddy's breath hitched and his eyes rolled back into his skull, when Brett let his hand wander down and started stroking his dick, Eddy's warmth there making everything smooth and breathtakingly arousing.
"Yes?", Brett teased while his own manhood woke up again, matching Eddy's size relatively quickly.
"Oh God, Brett you fucking tease..."
"You like this?"
"Please don't stop!"

Brett didn't. And it wasn't long until Eddy's hand mimicked Brett's around Brett's erection, letting Brett lay back his head in pleasure and moan.
It was kind of different like this. The evidence of their previous love making seemed to intensify the feeling and soon, Brett had to hold back to not come again like he was sixteen or something.

"Brett" Eddy's voice was almost inaudible, "I love you so fucking much, I hope you know that..."
"You show me every day, love", Brett answered, before he picked up the pace and tightened his grip. Eddy groaned loudly and that's when Brett felt him pulse deliciously in his hand.

Brett thought he knew how it was. Normally, he'd need a minute after his climax to resume any other activity. That's why, Brett gasped in surprise when he felt Eddy grabbing Brett hard and brushing his thumb over Brett's sensitive tip while the white liquid was still pouring out of him.
One, two strokes was all Eddy needed to provide for Brett to cry out Eddy's name way too loudly for the earlyish hour as he came. Hard.

It was in the sweet afterglow of their morning sex, both of them sated, happily laying in each other's arms and showered, when that one question came to Brett's mind and tumbled out of his mouth unfiltered, unchecked.

"Eddy, since we're pretty good at...", he gestured down towards their crotches, eliciting a half moan from his boyfriend, "...would you like to try... you know..."
Yeah, sue him! His brain had been fucked out this morning, but the awkwardness he felt regarding this subject apparently hadn't.
Eddy propped himself up and looked at Brett with big, glittery eyes. "Wha... are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"
"Well... what do you think I'm suggesting?"
Eddy lowered his head again, so he could whisper the following into Brett's red, hot ears: "Penetrative sex?"
Brett huffed loudly and he was perfectly aware of how pathetic it must have looked, but he still had to hide his face in the nearest pillow.
"Gaaahhh!" His scream got muffled by the cushion. "How can you just say something like this?"
"Bretty, I hazily thought about stuff like that since I've been aware of my adoration for you. Remember?"
"Ah, yeah. Right."
"But back to the important things!" Eddy's voice dropped a few decibels. "Are you sure you want to try this?"
"I mean... Yeah. It's fucking awkward and all and it's so messed up that we have to discuss this first like, with actual words. But I do want to... you know..."
Eddy's grin was devilish as he urged Brett for an answer with only his stare.
"... have sex sex", was all Brett managed.
Eddy laughed loudly. "Ahhhh, Bretty. You're just the most adorable guy in the universe."
"Thanks, I guess", he deadpanned and swung the pillow he'd just used as refuge towards his boyfriend.
"Aww, no, no. Don't be sulky. But I want to make sure you're not just suggesting this because you think I want this. Okay?"
"Why?", Brett frowned, "I'm the one who brought this up. Don't we have to make sure you're not agreeing to something you're uncomfortable with?"
"I think we both know you're the one who's more uncomfortable with this", Eddy winked.
"You're probably right...", Brett mumbled.
"So... you really want this?"
"How many times do you want to make me say it? Yes, I'd like us to have penetrative sex! Happy?"
Eddy pulled Brett into a tight embrace and hid his nose in Brett's hair.


It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now