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"You sure you okay to film?"
"And you're feeling okay?"
"Eddy, we did a video when I was way worse off! Don't worry."
"You're right! Sorry! I'm gonna turn on the camera then."

It felt very familiar and yet very new for Brett, to be in front of the camera again. When had they last filmed a regular video? With both of them sitting there, talking to their beloved audience?

It felt like a lifetime ago.

There had been times, when Brett hadn't even been sure if he'd ever make it back. And he was pretty convinced that the same went for Eddy, for how afraid and worried he'd been. To be able to work again, be Twoset again with his love... Brett would be forever thankful for that.

Eddy got up, set up the camera properly and pressed the red record-button. Brett took a deep breath and next thing he knew, he waved at the lense, declared their return and cringed at Eddy's first Bach-joke of the year.

After another set of bad puns, they took their time to thank everyone for their support and went with what they planned: Telling people about how Brett had been the couple of months.
Like with almost every Twoset video, they hadn't really thought through every detail what they were going to say, so Brett had to dig around his brain a bit.
"I think it was around like October, when I first kinda felt a bit off." He looked at Eddy for confirmation.
"Yeah it was...", Eddy continued.
"I think it was October, yeah", Brett said, when Eddy took a bit of time.
"... 8 pm, I forgot what day it was, but it was right after dinner."

Wow. How come Brett barely recalled what month it had been and Eddy even remembered the exact time?

But yeah, it had been 8 pm, right after dinner when it happened. When Brett had felt so sick they'd had to go to the hospital, when Eddy had to take care of him... when he'd started to feel this fuzziness whenever he saw or heard or felt Eddy...

They had really come far, hadn't they?

There was no time for being stunned though. Brett took over instantly, tried to tell the world as closely to the truth as possible what had been going on without revealing his actual condition, and without exposing that something else had happened. Something even more life changing. Something so wonderful all this sickness thing just lost it's terror.

Eddy provided more details here and there, some things from his point of view and once again, Brett was astonished by how well, calm and caring Eddy had acted despite being scared to death as well. It only made Brett's heart swell of the love he felt for his best friend.

The best friend in the world indeed. And now, even more.

It went well, their first recording session after the longest break they'd ever taken since they'd started Twoset. And when Brett and Eddy watched it back, they both knew it was exactly the right amount of information, the right balance of lightheartedness and seriousness fitting their channel.

"It's good!", Eddy declared, leaning back in his chair with a content expression.
Brett nodded. "It is."
"I'll send it to the editor then?"

God, did it feel good to finally have some content for their editor to work on again! Brett felt a rush of energy travel through his whole being, as Eddy typed a quick message and sent the footage off. As necessary and as, in the end, nice their break had been, he couldn't wait to properly resume work again!

"Brett?", Eddy said while he closed his laptop.
"It's real nice to be in front of the camera again. With you."
Brett smiled softly. Eddy hadn't said many words, but he didn't need to. Brett could practically feel the unspoken ones layered inbetween. The fear from when Brett had been at his worst, that it would take a very long time to recover, if ever. The relief of him feeling better again. The joy of them, of Twoset returning. And the absolute happiness of what their hearts felt for each other.
"I think so too. Thank you, Eddy..." Brett had thanked him many times, but it was one of those moments where it had to be said again.
It wasn't like it would ever be enough considering what Eddy had done for him.
"Without you, I don't think I'd be here now. You actually managed to turn those last months into a somewhat precious memory for me. Thank you."
Eddy shook his head lightly with a happy, moved snigger. "You know you thanked me like a million times, right?"
"Mhm, still not enough, I reckon."
"You can kiss me", Eddy suggested with a smug smirk, "maybe that makes it up."
Brett grinned, his heartbeat quickened.
"I can try...".

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now