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"Hey, how's it going? Welcome back to another episode of TwoSet Violin! Today we are finally joining the trend three years late, featuring Sophie Oui Oui, Jordon He, the genius composer and producer Shaun."
Brett heard Eddy's upbeat voice ringing through his airpods and was immensely grateful he didn't have to do the intro, because his head was reeling with what Eddy had said just five minutes ago.

"I told him the truth!"

What the actual fuck? What was that supposed to mean? He cursed himself for choosing an enigma as his best friend and, on top of that, hopelessly falling in love with said mystery person. And adding to his frustration was the fact that the time for a proper interrogation had not been given. After Eddy had said what he'd said he had thrown a glance at the clock and ushered Brett to continue setting up because the call and their filming was about to start.

And now, Brett was sitting here, supposed to play a popular online game with their dear friends and be funny while doing so, all the while desperately trying to make sense of what had just happened.

Slowly, his brain was getting tired of all the sense making it was supposed to do. Fuck his complicated (love) life!

Eddy introduced editor-san and asked Brett, if he wanted to add anything. Brett tried his best to push every distracting thought away for his future self to deal with and answered as hyped as he could: "Nah! I'm gonna win!"

Luckily, it wasn't a video which demanded Brett's full attention. He could just let his character run around and by the time he started to understand that there were tasks he had to do, Eddy had already been killed by editor-san.

During the second round, the game actually really started to be fun. Eddy was quickly killed off again and Brett found himself gloating over it. After all the confusing things Eddy had said and done to him, at least there was some justice in the (virtual) world.
That's what Brett thought, until he was voted and thrown out himself. The discussions were still hilarious though and he was quickly finding back into Twoset mode.

The rest of the game was pure joy! Hearing all the people Brett loved and seeing them murdering each other in the most sneaky ways was the funniest thing he'd experienced in a long time and he felt his energy level rising a bit. Not even the fact that he got killed off or voted out all the time and had to spend most of the game as a ghost fazed him. It was only after the third kill that he quickly had to vent and take a break. In the final round, he just floated around and left everyone waiting until Eddy got killed because he wasn't aware that he had to finish his tasks as well.
Well, he indirectly caused Eddy's murder, so that was a half win, he guessed.

"Good game guys!", Jordon thused after Brett's outro.
"Yeah, yeah! Only for you! I kept being killed or voted out! You guys all bullied me!", Eddy complained and Brett could clearly imagine the cute pouting face he was probably making.
"I never got imposter either", Brett said, "Guys! Thanks a lot for participating! It was a lot of fun to play with all of you!"
"Same! Thank you for inviting me!", Sophie said, "And Brett, how have you been?" She sounded genuinely caring and Brett suddenly found himself telling the gang more details than he had intended to.
"Yeah, and now I've finally got an appointment in a few days for a scan, which hopefully leads to a clearer diagnosis", Brett concluded.
"Oh man!", Jordon sighed, "I'm so sorry you have to go through this! I already hated it, whenever I got the abdominal influenza and that's just a few days! Imagine several months!"
"Yeah, sucks big time!", Brett confirmed.
"Maybe it's a curse from your lofi", Shaun joked, causing everyone to laugh.
"Who knows?", their editor said.
"Guys, it's not funny", Eddy remarked, but Brett could hear the amusement in his voice.

"Are you taking good care of him, Eddy?", Shaun asked.
"You should see me! I'm like a super nurse!"
Jordon guffawed. "That should be the next marvel character!"
"Eddy's actually legit doing a great job. He even learnt how to cook!", Brett praised and took a gulp from his water bottle.
"Can't picture it for the life of mine", editor-san stated and was very likely shaking her head.
"And you say that after you killed me, you cold blooded monster!", Eddy said and Brett chuckled. He knew how much Eddy hated losing.
"Give me a pay raise and I stop the bullying."
"... I'll think about it."
Everyone laughed.

It was 8 pm, right after dinner...Where stories live. Discover now