Episode 4 - It Isn't Right

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I tried texting Cleo, but she didn't respond. I was all ready to tell the group when Jake asked me not to. He was worried that the others would stop looking for Hannah out of fear for themselves. "Please, Li. Trust me," he said.

I sighed. I couldn't really argue against him, since I had just insisted last night that I would keep going with my "song conversations" with the kidnapper even though he was worried that it was too risky. It would be hypocritical now to argue against the risk to others. "I trust you," I responded.

Jake: Thank you. You made the right decision.

Li: I did it because of you. 

Oh, my heck. I just blurted that out of nowhere. Maybe I was actually hungover. That wasn't even flirting it was just...well, whatever. Too late to take it back now. Jake just sent me a smiley and talked about analyzing the video.

Li: Before we do that, I want to tell you something. I was waiting for the kidnapper to call and say something again so I could record him. Once I had his voice, I was able to use my software to change the pitch and try to find out what he really sounds like.

Jake: And have you completed processing it?

I frowned in frustration. 

Li: Yes, but, it's still very distorted. It sounds like not only did he use a pitch changer, but he also did something else to change the quality of his voice. I'm not really sure what he did. This isn't my area of expertise; I don't use distortions in my music.

Jake: I see. So you cannot tell whether the culprit is the same man who accosted you last night.

Li: No, I can't. Sorry.

Jake: It is alright. At least you tried, and perhaps you will get the opportunity to get an additional sample. But I must ask you something. Have you used this software on recordings of my voice?

I knew this was coming, and I had an answer prepared.

Li: Yes BUT only because I was curious about how you sounded. I would never, ever betray you. Do you believe me? I can delete the file, or you can hack my computer and delete it yourself, or I can give you my passwords and you can snoop around. I swear I have nothing to hide and I would never use it to hurt you. You have a nice voice, by the way.

OK, so my prepared answer might have come out a bit garbled. But I think I hit all the bullet points.

Jake: :) I believe you, Li.

Li: Whew! I'm so glad. By the way, just so you're extra careful, anybody can just use that software for free online and find out what you sound like. 

Jake: I am aware of that. Thank you for your concern.

Well, duh. Of course, he knew about it. He'd probably used some of that software to change his voice in the first place.

Jake: Now, let's get back to this video.

He pointed out to me that the kidnapper was just making idle threats. He could have snuck up on Cleo, even hurt her, but he didn't.

Li: Just like he didn't hurt me last night.

Jake: Correct. Although he did not try to kiss Cleo.

Li: 😮 Are you accusing me of ASKING some stranger to grab me in a dark alley and kiss me??

Jake: No! Li, I...

 Li: Yes? 

Jake: It does not matter. Anyway, as I was saying. His threats are only meant to scare you off, not harm anyone. The important thing is that you continue to trust me, and this helps us get closer to finding Hannah because we are not working in opposition.

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