The One

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I went to open the door and Laura traipsed in, catching dirty glares from everyone who recognized her. She stared at Jake. "Absolutely uncanny," she murmured making a beeline for him. When she got within arm's length he stepped back and put the table between them, his arms crossed over his torso.

"Why are you here, Special Agent Schrader?" he asked with cold formality.

"I'm here to interrogate the prisoner. Where is he?"

My grandfather held his hands out. "There are no prisoners here, ma'am," he replied calmly.

"Bullshit," she spat. "I know you're holding Tyler Jameson here, and I have a bone to pick with him."

"Oh, Tyler," Lola echoed. "We know him well, and he's not being held here against his will." She went to the basement door. "Tyler," she called, "You have a visitor."

The rest of us stayed silent until we heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. "Oh," he said, wandering in. "Everybody's here. Sorry, I was napping. Had a bit of a headache." he smirked, then turned to Laura. "Well, if it isn't Laura the Lush," he commented. His eyes flicked to me, and I glared at him since Laura's back was to me.

Richy placed me in front of him so he could wrap his arms around my waist. "What's going on here?" he whispered in my ear.

I turned in his arms, kissed his lips, and then put my face against his neck. "I have no idea, but I suspect this is Lolo threatening him within an inch of his life. I have no idea how this is going to work, though."

He chuckled. "I guess we'll find out." His stubble brushed against my cheek, and I giggled.

"That tickles. In a good way," I told him, caressing his neck.

He grinned at me. "You are too tempting, you know that? I'd really love to--"

"Why shouldn't I arrest you right now?" Laura screeched.

"For what, refusing to sleep with you? There are no laws about that." Tyler grumbled back at her.

"You had no problem with it before," Laura countered.

"Oh, brother," Lilly muttered, looking away in disgust.

"Yeah, you got me drunk enough when I was sad about my fiance, but that isn't a problem anymore. I'm fully sober now, so I won't make that mistake again."

Laura chortled and pointed at me. "That fiance? The one who's been sucking face with Richy for our whole conversation?"

"You are both acting like children," Jake stated, making a cutting motion between them with his hand. "Is it possible for you to speak rationally? Otherwise, this conversation is pointless and we have better things to do."

"Butt out, Jakey-poo," Laura taunted. "I know there's still an arrest warrant for you, too. And all of you are harboring fugitives." She swung her arm around the room, pointing at each of us.

"OK," I said. "Let's dial this all back a bit. Laura, did you really come here only to arrest Tyler? You were all set to help us yesterday. Are you going to let the opportunity of your career go by because of..." I gestured at Tyler "...him?"

"Hey!" Tyler exclaimed. "I--"

"Shut your face, Tyler," Jessy said, storming over to him. "We ALL have every right to be mad at you, and there's nothing you can say about it." She was face-to...chest with Tyler, but he was smart enough to look intimidated. He made a zipping motion across his mouth, and Jessy nodded with one last glare and moved back next to me.

"Thanks, girl," I said to her. She bumped shoulders with me.

"Laura, what's it going to be?" I asked her. "Do you want to arrest this guy and be done with it? Because he's already been let out once, it's pretty much a waste of time to try to keep him in custody. Or, you can consider him bait to take down the biggest baddies around. Your choice."

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